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William Jones Stewart Sr Family Bible Records

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William Jones Stewart Sr. Family Bible Records

William Jones Stewart Sr. (1820-1889)

Page 1

Wm Jones Stewart Sen An upright man

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1784-10-27 Hannah Stewarts mother born

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John Stewart grandfather of W Stewart was born Sep 28 1763 died May 21st 1753

Page 4 Marriages

Parents Richard Stewart and Mary Fry his wife were married May 21st A.D. 1818 Children

Eliza Lettis Stewart and Henry H. Werner her husband were married June 27th A.D. 1843

Sarah Ann Stewart and Joseph G. Keesbury her husband were married Oct 21 A.D. 1847

William Jose Stewart and Hannah Henry his wife were married May 4th 1847

Page 5 Births

Parents Richard Stewart was born August 19th A.D. 1793

Mary Fry was born April 27th A.D. 1800


The first child was still born March 1st A.D. 1819

William Jones Stewart was born Sept 12th A.D. 1820

Eliza Lettis Stewart was born March 18th A.D. 1823

John Andrew Stewart was born April 18th A.D. 1828

Alfred Clark Stewart was Oct 1st A.D. 1830 and a son stillborn at the same time.

Mathew Patterson Stewart was born February 25th A.D. 1833

Thomas Stewart was born January 2nd 1836

Isaac Fry Stewart was born April 31st A.D. 1838

Sarah Ann Stewart Nov 4th 1835 – you see the mistake made here, sarah before you in line

Page 6 Deaths

Mary Stewart consort of Richard Stewart and mother of W. Stewart departed this life on the 12 Day of December A.D. 1840 at Clarks Ferry, Perry Cy Pa

Richard Stewart consort of Mary Stewart and father of W. Stewart departed this life on the 13th day of June AD. 1854 at Petersburg Perry Cy Pa

Sarah Henry consort of Peter Henry and mother of Hannah Stewart departed this life on the 7th day of Jany A.D. 1866 at Lisburn Penna

Helen Hulings Duncan departed this life Dec 31 1891 William Logan Fisher Stewart Departed this life May 23rd A.D. 1850

George Washington Stewart departed this life on the 30th day of June 1884, at his home in Duncannon, Perry Co, Penna

S.B. Fahnestock departed this life on the 14th Oct 1887 at Duncannon, Pa. Age 39 yrs.

Wm J Stewart Sr departed this life Nov 8, 1889 at his home in Duncannon, Pa

Wm J Stewart Jr departed this life Sept. 18, 1897 at Duncannon, Pa

Hannah Henry , wife of Wm J Stewart Sr departed this life March 21, 1908 at Duncannon, Pa

Page 7 Remarks

Alonzo Byron, William Jones and George Washington Stewart were all Baptised on Sunday evening Sept 7th 1856 by Rev H Hanson in the Fathers residence Petersburg Maty Jane, Richard Henry, Ida May and Clara Loreno were all Baptsed Apr 7, 1869 by Rev Wm Thompson at Duncannon, Pa

Page 8

Richard Stewart and Mary his wife were married May 21st AD 1818

Page 9

The first child was still born March 1st AD 1819

William Jones Stewart was born Sept 19th AD 1820

Eliza Lettis Stewart was born March 18th AD 1823

Sarah Ann Stewart was born Nov 4th AD 1825

John Andrew Stewart was born April 18th AD 1828

Alfred Clark Stewart was born October AD 1830 & son still born at the same time a twin

The Births of the Parents

Richard Stewart was born August the 19 AD 1793

Mary Stewart was born the 27 of April AD 1800

Mathew Patterson Stewart was born February 25 1833

Thomas Stewart was born Jany 2 1836

Isaac Fry Stewart was born April the 21st 1838

In addition to the bound pages there were loose pages with some of the same information.

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