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William Kerr and Isabella Hueston family timelines

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Date: 1872 to 1930
Location: Toronto, York, Ontario, Canadamap
Surnames/tags: Kerr Hueston Duncan
Profile manager: Blair Duncan private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 104 times.

This is a combined timeline of the two families and where they were living in Toronto.
All of the information is from the online Toronto City Directories. Errors in spelling remain as they were.

1872 HUESTON 17 Oxford
  Richard Hueston(28), tinsmith,
  Richard Whuston(28), laborer River St Eastside
1872 KERR no record

1873 HUESTON no record
1873 KERR no record

1874 HUESTON 19 Oxford
  Richard Huston(30), tinsmith, 19 Oxford
  Richard Huston(30), tinsmith, 104 Edward
1874 KERR 55 Sumach
  William Kerr(21), moulder

1875 HUESTON no record
1875 KERR 55 Sumach
  William Kerr(22), moulder

Marriage Record
marriage on Christmas Eve of William Kerr(22) and Isabella Hueston(22) daughter of Thomas (Houston) Hueston (1816-1891) and Ann Jane (Lawson) Hueston (1818-1891)
witnesses were Mary Kingsberry and George Hueston of Toronto, age of William(24) and Isabella(25), both 2 years older than records show them to be.
likely relationship to wife of Richard, Ann Jane (Kingsbury) Hueston

1876 HUESTON 98 & 104 Edward
  Richard Hueston(32), tinsmith, 104 Edward
  George Hueston(16), tinsmith, 104 Edward
  Richard Hueston(32), tinsmith, 98 Edward
  Albert House, Mrs R. Hueston proprs (94 Albert St at Elizabeth)
1876 KERR 139 Sydenham
  William Kerr(23), moulder
  birth of first son William Thomas Kerr in Toronto.

1877 HUESTON 98 1/2 Edward
  Richard Hueston(33), tinsmith
  George Hueston(17), tinsmith
1877 KERR no record

1878 HUESTON 98 1/2 Edward
  George Hueston(18), tinsmith
1878 KERR
  birth of second son George Houston Kerr, in Michigan, USA

1879 HUESTON 98 1/2 Edward
  Richard Hewston(35), tinsmith
1879 KERR
  birth of first daughter Anne Jane Lawson Kerr

1880 HUESTON 98 1/2 Edward
  Richard Hewston(36), foreman
1880 KERR
  birth of third son Charles Kerr in Toronto, living at 41 Little Richmond

Census 1881, Toronto, 98 1/2 Edward
Richard Hueston37tinsmith
Ann Hueston38
Thomas Hueston14tinsmith
Mary Hueston13
Isabella Hueston11
Emily Hueston8
Richard Hueston5
William John Hueston2

1881 KERR
Census 1881, Toronto, 41 Little Richmond St
Census 1881, Toronto, 41 Little Richmond St
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace Religion Origin Profession
William KerrMale29ScotlandPresbIrishmoulder
Isabella KerrFemale30IrelandPresbIrish
William KerrMale5OntarioPresbIrish
Charles KerrMale3USAPresb
George KerrMale5/12OntarioPresb
George HoustonMale21IrelandPresbIrishtinsmith

1881 HUESTON 98 1/2 Edward
  Richard Hueston(37), tinsmisth
  Thomas Hueston(15), tinsmisth
1881 KERR 41 Little Richmond
  William Kerr(28), moulder

1882 HUESTON 98 1/2 Edward
  Richard Hueston(38), tinsmisth
  Thomas Hueston(16), tinsmisth
1882 KERR 41 Little Richmond
  William Kerr(29), moulder

1883 HUESTON 98 1/2 Edward
  Richard Hueston(39), tinsmisth CT Whatmough,
1883 KERR 39 Little Richmond
  William Kerr(30), moulder John Harte & Co
    John Harte & Co, stove mnfrs 14-26 Esplanade e and 179 Yonge
  birth of 4th son Richard Kerr

1884 HUESTON 98 1/2 & 124 Edward
  Richard Hueston(40), foreman C T Whatmough, h 98 1/2 Edward.
  Thomas Hueston(18), tinsmith Hubbard Bros, h 124 Edward.
1884 KERR 13 Temperance
  William Kerr, moulder JR Armstrong Co, boards 13 Temperance
    JR Armstrong Com, manfr of stoves, ranges &c, 161 Yonge st

1885 HUESTON 98 1/2 Edward
  Richard Hueston(41), foreman CT Whatmough
1885 KERR 33 Queen E
  William Kerr(32), moulder J R Armstrong Co, boards 33 Queen E
  birth of 2nd daughter Mary Jane Kerr in Hastings Ontario

1886 HUESTON 284 Adelaide west
  Richard Hueston(42), tinsmith
  Thomas Hueston(20), labourer
1886 KERR 272 Adelaide W
  William Kerr(33), moulder E & C Gurney Co, boards 272 Adelaide W

1887 HUESTON 284 Adelaide west
  Richard Hueston(43), foreman IA Whatmough
  Thomas Hueston(21), labourer GT Ry
1887 KERR 28-1/4 Tecumseth
  William Kerr(34), moulder E & C Gurney Co
  birth of 3rd daughter Isabelle Kerr in Toronto

1888 HUESTON 284 Adelaide west
  Richard Hueston(44), foreman I A Whatmough
  birth of Richard Perry Hueston 1st son of Thomas Hueston
1888 KERR 18 Tecumseth
  William Kerr(35), moulder E & C Gurney Co

1889 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Richard Hueston(45), foreman I A Whatmough
  Thomas Hueston(23), fireman G T R., Litte York
1889 KERR 18 Tecumseth
  William Kerr(36), moulder E & C Gurney Co

1890 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Richard Hueston(46), foreman J A Whatmough
    Thomas Hueston(24), collarmaker AG Peuchen & Co, b 111 Ontario
1890 KERR 32 Tecumseth
  William Kerr(37), moulder E & C Gurney Co
    The E&C Gurney Co, 91 Yonge, 494, 498 King St W

Census 1891, Toronto, 71 Sullivan
Name Age Born

Census 1891, Toronto, 258 Parliament
Household Members Age Born parentBorn religion occupation
Thomas Hueston24OntIrelandCErail fireman
Annie Hueston25IrelandIrelandCE
Richard Hueston2OntOntCE

1891 1891 KERR
Census 1891, Toronto, Tecumseth
Household Members Age Relationship
William Kerr40Head
Isabella Kerr39Wife
William Kerr15Son
George Kerr13Son, (born in US)
Charles Kerr11Son
Minnie Kerr6Daughter
Isabella Kerr4Daughter

1891 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Isabella Hueston(38), tailoress
  Richard Hueston(47), foreman John F Ross
    Thomas Hueston(25), labourer St L Foundary Co, boards 258 Parliament
  birth of Wesley John Griffin Hueston 2nd son of Thomas Hueston
1891 KERR 32 Tecumseth
  William Kerr(38), moulder Doty Engine Co
    John Doty Engine Co Ltd, 2 Bathurst corner Front

1892 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Richard Hueston(48), tinner JF Ross, 71 Sullivan
    Thomas Hueston(26), fireman GTR, h 24 Luttrell Ave
    Thomas Hueston(26), brakeman GTR, b Eastbourne Hotel
1892 KERR 32 Tecumseth
  William Kerr(39), moulder Doty Engine Co

1893 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Miss Emma Hueston, clerk
  Richard Hueston(49), tinner Fletcher Manufacturing Co
    Thomas Hueston(27), fireman GTR home 185 Palmerston Ave
  birth of Hazel Evelyn May Hueston, 1st daughter of Thomas Hueston
1893 KERR 32 Tecumseth
  William Kerr(40), moulder

1894 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Richard Hueston(50), tinner Fletcher Manufacturing Co
  William J Hueston, student John Langton
    Thomas Hueston(28), fireman GTR home 157 Euclid Ave
1894 KERR 31 Niagara
  William Kerr(41), moulder Bertram Eng Wks Co
    Bertram Engine Works, 1 Bathurst corner Niagara

1895 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Richard Hueston(51), machinist Am Rattan Co
  William H Hueston, watchmaker WH Scott
    Thomas Hueston(29), fireman GTR home 131 Spadina Ave
1895 KERR 31 Niagara
  William Kerr(42), moulder

1896 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Miss Emma Hueston
  Richard Hueston(52), tinner Fletcher Manufacturing Co
  Richard Hueston Jr, trav JW Carter
  William J watchmaker WH Scott
    Thomas Hueston(30), fireman GTR boards 154 Farley Av
    (Farley became Richmond St, 154 was a block E of Bathurst)
    birth of Muriel Hueston 2nd daughter of Thomas Hueston
1896 KERR 31 Niagara
  William Kerr(43), moulder Reid & Brown
    Reid & Brown (Hugh Reid, George Brown), iron fndrs, w s West Market, 1 s of Esplandae emp
  George H Kerr(18), filemaker, Toronto File Co

1897 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Richard Hueston(53), tinner Fletcher Manufacturing Co
  Richard Hueston Jr, steamfitter
    Thomas Hueston(31), fireman home 154 Farley Av
1897 KERR 31 Niagara
  William Kerr(44), moulder Reid & Brown
  George H Kerr(19), filemaker, Toronto File Co
  Charles Kerr(17), clerk Copp, Clark Co

1898 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Richard Hueston(54), tinner JF Ross Co
  Richard Hueston Jr, fireman Tor Cold Storage
  Thomas Hueston(32), fireman GTR
  birth of Thomas George Hueston 3rd son of Thomas Hueston
1898 KERR 31 Niagara
  William Kerr(45), moulder Reid & Brown
  George H Kerr(20), filemaker
  Charles Kerr(18), feeder Hough & Harris Co

1899 HUESTON (section of page is missing)
  Thomas Hueston(33), 320 Bathurst
1899 KERR 31 Niagara
  William Kerr(46), moulder Reid & Brown
  Charles Kerr(19), lab

1900 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Richard Hueston(56), tinsmith
  Richard Hueston Jr, machinist
    Thomas Hueston(34), fireman GTR home 320 Bathurst
    birth of Sydney Bruce Kimberley Hueston, 4th son of Thomas Hueston
1900 KERR 31 Niagara
  William Kerr(47), mldr Toronto Furnace & Crematory Co

1901 census has the Kerr family now moved in with the Hueston home at 71 Sullivan
Note, all the Kerrs have the wrong birthdate, Isabels has the wrong year.

Census 1901, Toronto, 71 Sullivan
Name Birthdate Age Born Date Immig racial or tribe origin
Richard HuestonOct 6, 184654Ireland1866Irish
Ann J HuestonJan 4, 184160Ireland1866Irish
William KerrJuly 10, 185149Scotland1866Scoth
Isabella KerrMarch 17, 185150Ireland1870Irish
Charles KerrFeb 26, 188219Scotch
Mary J KerrJan 3, 188615Scotch
Isabella KerrAug 24, 188812Scotch

1901 HUESTON/KERR 71 Sullivan
  Richard Hueston(57), tinner Fletcher Mfg Co
  Richard Hueston Jr, steamfitter JF Pease Furnace Co
  William Kerr(48), mldr Toronto Furnace & Crematory Co

1902 HUESTON/KERR 71 Sullivan
  Richard Hueston(58), tinner Fletcher Mfg Co
  William Kerr(49), moulder Reid & Brown

1903 HUESTON/KERR 71 Sullivan
  Richard Hueston(59), tinsmith
  William Kerr(50), moulder

  death of Richard Hueston(59)
  birth of Alexander W. Hueston 5th son of Thomas Hueston

1904 HUESTON/KERR 71 Sullivan
  Ann J Hueston (wid Richard)
  William Kerr(51), moulder
  Miss Minnie Kerr, clk

1905 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Ann J Hueston (wid Richard)
  Thomas Hueston(39), eng GTR
  Miss Minnie Kerr, clk
1905 KERR 41 Grange Ave
  William Kerr(52), moulder
  Miss Isabella Kerr, clerk T Eaton Co

1906 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Ann J Hueston (wid Richard)
  Thomas Hueston(40), eng GTR
1906 KERR 47 Augusta Ave
  William Kerr(53-54), moulder
  Miss Isabella Kerr, clk
  Miss Minnie Kerr with Robert Simpson Co

1907 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Ann J Hueston (wid Richard)
  Thomas Hueston(41), eng GTR
1907 KERR 47 Augusta Ave
  William Kerr(53-54), moulder
  Miss Isabella Kerr, clk
  Miss Minnie Kerr with Robert Simpson Co

1908 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Ann J Hueston (wid Richard)
  Miss Hazel Hueston, emp T Eaton Co,
  Thomas Hueston(42), eng GTR
1908 KERR 47 Augusta Ave
  William Kerr(55-56), mldr Toronto Furnace & Crematory Co
  Miss Isabella Kerr, clk Tor Ry Co
  Miss Minnie Kerr with Robert Simpson Co

1909 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Ann J Hueston (wid Richard)
  Miss Hazel Hueston,
  Thomas Hueston(43), eng GTR
  Richard P Hueston, elect
1909 KERR 47 Augusta Ave
  William Kerr(55-56), mldr Toronto Furnace & Crematory Co
  Miss Isabella Kerr, clk Tor Ry Co
  Miss Minnie Kerr with Robert Simpson Co

  marriage of Philip Duncan and Isabella Kerr in Toronto

1910 HUESTON 71 Sullivan
  Miss Hazel Hueston, opr RD Fairbain Co
  Richard P Hueston, elect
  Thomas Hueston(44), eng GTR
    Ann J Hueston (wid Richard) 10 Denison sq
1910 KERR 47 Augusta Ave
  William Kerr(57), moulder
  Miss Isabella Kerr, clk
  Miss Minnie Kerr with Robert Simpson Co
  Charles Kerr(30), (Kerr & Kerwin)
    Kerr & Kerwin (Charles Kerr, Louis A Kerwln), confrs, 78 Robinson

  Ann J Hueston (wid Richard) 10 Denison sq
  Miss Hazel Hueston, emp T Eaton Co, l 36 Galley Av
  Thomas Hueston(45), eng GTR, h 36 Galley
  Richard P Hueston, elect Consolidated Electric Co, l 36 Galley Av
1911 KERR 300 Sorauren Ave
  William Kerr(58), mldr Toronto Furnace & Crematory Co
  Charles Kerr(31), with Robert Simpson Co

1912 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(46), eng GTR
  Miss Hazel Hueston, emp T Eaton Co
  Richard P Hueston, elect
    Ann J Hueston (wid Richard) 10 Denison sq
1912 KERR 300 Sorauren Ave
  William Kerr(59), moulder Toronto Furnace & Crematory Co
  Philip Duncan(27) emp Henry Disston & Sons
  Miss Minnie Kerr with Robert Simpson Co
  Charles Kerr(32), (Kerr Brothers)
  George H Kerr(34), (Kerr Brothers)
    Kerr Brothers (George H and Charles) file manufacturers 136 Pearl

1913 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(47), eng GTR
  Miss Hazel Hueston, clerk T Eaton Co
  Richard P Hueston, works Jones & Moore Electric
1913 KERR 300 Sorauren Ave
  George H Kerr(35)
  Miss Minnie Kerr with Robert Simpson Co
  William Kerr(60), moulder Toronto Furnace & Crematory Co

1914 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(48), eng GTR
  Hazel Hueston
  Muriel Hueston
  Richard Hueston
1914 KERR 300 Sorauren Ave
  Miss Minnie Kerr with Robert Simpson Co
  William Kerr(61), moulder Toronto Furnace & Crematory Co
  Philip Duncan(29) emp Henry Disston & Sons
  death of Isabella (Hueston) Kerr(60) March 25, 1914

1915 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(49), eng GTR
  Hazel Hueston
  Muriel Hueston, clerk T Eaton Co
  Richard Hueston
1915 KERR 300 Sorauren Ave
  Charles Kerr(35)
  William Kerr(62), moulder Toronto Furnace & Crematory Co

1916 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(50), eng GTR
  Hazel Hueston
  Muriel K Hueston, clerk T Eaton Co
  Richard Hueston
1916 KERR 364 Landsdowne
  Philip Duncan(31) machinist Henry Disston & Sons

1917 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(51), eng GTR
  Hazel Hueston, clerk T Eaton Co
  Muriel K Hueston, clerk
  Richard Hueston, (on active service)
1917 KERR 364 Landsdowne
  Charles Kerr(37) (Kerr Brothers)
  William Kerr(64)
  Philip Duncan(32) machinist
    George H Kerr(39) (Kerr Brothers) 605a College
    Kerr Brothers (George H and Charles) file manufacturers, 63 Nelson

1918 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(52), eng GTR
  Hazel Hueston, clerk T Eaton Co
  Muriel Hueston, nurse Toronto General Hospital
  Richard Hueston, (on active service)
1918 KERR 364 Landsdowne
  Charles Kerr(38) (Kerr Brothers)
  William Kerr(65)
  Philip Duncan(33) machinist
    George H Kerr(40) (Kerr Brothers) 9 Fisher
    Kerr Brothers (George H and Charles) file manufacturers, 63 Nelson

  marriage of James Alfred Sheppard and Mary Jane Kerr in Toronto

1919 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(53), eng GTR
  Hazel Hueston, salesclerk T Eaton Co
  Muriel Hueston, nurse Toronto General Hospital
  Richard Hueston, (on active service)
  death of Thomas George Hueston(21), during WW I in France.

1919 KERR 364 Landsdowne
  Charles Kerr(39) (Kerr Brothers)
  William Kerr(66)
  Philip Duncan(34) machinist
    Kerr Brothers (George H and Charles) file manufacturers, 63 Nelson
    George H Kerr(41) (Kerr Brothers) 9 Fisher

1920 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(54), eng GTR
  Muriel Hueston, nurse Toronto General Hospital
  Richard T Hueston, with Toronto Hydro
1920 KERR 364 Landsdowne
  Philip Duncan(35) machinist
    Kerr Brothers (George H and Charles) file manufacturers, 63 Nelson
    Charles Kerr(40) (Kerr Brothers) 9 Fisher
    George H Kerr(42) (Kerr Brothers) 9 Fisher

1921 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(55), eng GTR
  Alex Hueston, clerk CGE
  Mildred Hueston, nurse Toronto General Hospital
  Richard T Hueston, emp Toronto Hydro
  Sydney Hueston, agent Globe Idemnity Co
1921 KERR 81 MacKay Ave
  Philip Duncan(36) machinist
  George H Kerr(43) 9 Fisher
  Kerr Brothers Files and Tool Co Ltd,
    Walter E Bunney sec, files manufacturers, 39 Richmond E

1922 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(56), eng
  Alex Hueston, clerk CGE
  Muriel K Hueston, nurse Toronto General Hospital
  Richard T Hueston, emp Toronto Hydro
  Sydney B Hueston, emp AE Wilson & Co
1922 KERR 81 MacKay Ave
  Philip Duncan(37), machinist
  William Kerr(69), moulder
    George H Kerr(44) file manufacturer 9 Fisher Ave

1923 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(57), eng
  Alex Hueston, clerk CGE
  Muriel K Hueston, nurse Toronto General Hospital
  Sydney B Hueston, emp AE Wilson & Co
    Richard P Hueston, emp Hydro, h 85 Bowood Av (e of Yonge n of Lawrence)
1923 KERR 101 Ryding Ave
  Philip Duncan(38), labourer Swifts
    George H Kerr(45) file manufacturer 9 Fisher Ave

1924 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(58), eng
  Alex Hueston, trainman CNR
    Mrs Muriel K Hueston, nurse Toronto General Hospital, h 55A Mackay Av
    Richard P Hueston, emp Hydro, h 85 Bowood Av
1924 KERR 101 Ryding Ave
  Philip Duncan(39), labourer Harris Abattoir
    George H Kerr(46), file manufacturer 9 Fisher Ave

1925 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(59)
  Alex Hueston, brakeman CNR
    Marian Hueston, nurse, rooms 1531 Queen W
    Richard P Hueston, emp Hydro, h 85 Bowood Av
1925 KERR 101 Ryding Ave
  Philip Duncan(40), labourer Swifts
    George H Kerr(47), file manufacturer 9 Fisher Ave

1926 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(60)
  Alex Hueston, brakeman CNR
    Richard P Hueston, 85 Bowood Av
    Richard P Hueston, with Tor Hydro, h 8 Firstbrook Av (Kingston Rd and Woodbine,
    the move to the beaches)
1926 KERR 706 duffern
  George H Kerr(48), file manufacturer
  George H Kerr(48), agt CPR

1927 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(61), engr CNR
  Alex Hueston
    S B dir AE Wilson & Co, h 56 Oakmount Rd (Keele & Bloor High Park Junction)
    Richard P Hueston, with Tor Hydro, h 8 Firstbrook Av
1927 KERR

1928 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(62), engr CNR
    Alex Hueston, emp CNR, h 9 Radford Av (Keele & Bloor High Park Junction)
    S B dir AE Wilson & Co, h 56 Oakmount Rd
    Richard P Hueston, with Tor Hydro, h 8 Firstbrook Av
1928 KERR

1929 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(63), engr CNR
    Alex Hueston, h 271 Indian Rd (Keele & Bloor High Park Junction)
    Sydney B dir AE Wilson & Co, h 56 Oakmount Rd
    Richard P Hueston, with Tor Hydro, h 8 Firstbrook Av
1929 KERR

1930 HUESTON 36 Galley Ave
  Thomas Hueston(64), engr CNR
    Alex Hueston, brakeman CPR h 271 Indian Rd
    Sydney B (Plaxton Hueston & Co), h 56 Oakmount Rd
    Richard P Hueston, with Tor Hydro, h 8 Firstbrook Av
1930 KERR 138 Cedric Ave
  Philip Duncan(45), flour and feed
  William Kerr(77)
 death of William Kerr(77)

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