Surnames/tags: Love Burgoyne Uvedale
The Will of William Love, Merchant of London.
- "PROB 11/395 - Name of Register: Ent Quire Numbers: 47 - 90", The National Archives [database online]. Will of William Love, Merchant of London. Reference: PROB 11/395/229, Description: Will of William Love, Merchant of London, Date: 17 May 1689, Held by: The National Archives Kew, Legal status: Public Record(s), Closure status: Open Document, Open Description. ( Accessed 14 April 2021.
- "Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC) Wills, 1384-1858". 2021 [database online]. The Will of William Love. Date of Probate: 17th May 1689, Date of Will: 4th February 1684, Reference: PROB11/395.2. ( 14 April 2021.
Date of Probate: 17th May 1689
Date of Will: 4th February 1684
I WILLIAM LOVE OF LONDON Merchant considering the uncertainty of my time of abode in this world- to prevent all disputes and differences which might otherwise arise after my decease about my Estate doe make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament (herby revoking all former Wills by me made) that is to say Whereas by Articles of Agreement made before the Marriage of my sonne John Love with his now wife I covenanted what sum of money should be paid to him at his Marriage (which hath beene since paid and satisfied) and also what further part of my Estate my said sonne might clayme after my death if he should see cause soe to doe I doe hereby confirme the said Articles and doe desire my Executors hereafter named to see them duly performed And Whereine my Estate in fforeigne parts and at home will be lyable to many hazards and uncertainties before it bee all converted into money Therefore my further Will and meaninge is that if my sonne John Love aforesaid shall survive me and shall after my death desire that what hath already been paid to him in pursuance of the said Articles shall be cast into Hodgpot with the rest of my Estate and then divided as by the said Articles is directed that in such case my Executors doe exactly performe the said Articles after my ffunerall charges and debts are discharged and such Legacies paid as I have bequeathed by this my Will But if my said sonn shall not desire that my Estate be cast into Hodgpot as aforesaid then my Will and meaning is that the rest and residue // residue of my Estate shall be divided into Three equall parts one Third part whereof I give and Bequeath to my said sonne John Love and the other Two Third parts thereof I give and bequeath to my most deare and faithfull wife Elizabeth Love declareing it hereby to be my Will that the distribution of my said Estate into Thirds as aforesaid shall be left to my said sonne John Love and that what proportion he shall declare by writing under his hand and seale before sufficient Witnefses doth belong to my said Wife and what part to himselfe shall be conclufive to my Wife because I knowe my sonne to be a just and honest man But if my said sonne John Love shall not live soe longe as to get in my estate and to make the distribution in manner aforesaid Then in such case it is my minde and Will that neither the Executors nor administrators of my sonne John Love shall lay clayme to any other or further part of my Estate than what hath already beene satisfied and paid him but that all the remainder of my Estate shall become due and payable to my said wife Elizabeth Love and I accordingly hereby give and bequeath it to her that soe her weakely Constitution of Body considered she may not be involved in the Trouble of accounting with my sonns Executors nor Administrators and being very confident of her love to my sonns Children if any of them shall survive her To my deare daughter Sarah Love I give one hundred pounds to buy a Jewell To my Grand=sonne John Love twenty pounds to buy a Ring To my Brothers Sir William Ayscough John Burgoyne Robert Burgoyne and their wives To my Sister Chadwick To my Cozens Thomas King and his wife Nicholas John Edward and Joseph Wildbore I give Mourneing (MournRing?? - no value otherwise stated - an original copy of the Will if ever available may provide better information than the transcript) I appoynt ffifty pounds to be distributed amongst such poore persons as to my Executors shall seeme good To my deare friend Mr Thomas Dunne I give fforty Pounds desireing him to be adviseing and Assisting to my Executors in the Execution of this my Will To my old servant George Skelton? I give ffive pounds And whereas I have seene cause to remove from my late setled abode in London and knowe not where I may dwell at the time of my decease It is my desire that my Executors doe in an evening bury me privately in what Church find most convenient And lastly I doe make and appoynt my said sonn John Love and my said Wife Elizabeth Love to be Executors of this my last Will desireing them to see the same faithfully Executed and performed according to my mind herein expressed In Witnesse where of I hereto sett my hand and seale this fourth of ffebruary in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand six Hundred and Eighty ffoure Wm Love. This was signed sealed and published to be the last Will of William Love aforesaid in the presence of HO? Honourable? Edward Sanders Samuel Badiley ffrancis Carlos James Browne.
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