Location: Guilford Co, North Carolina, USA
Surname/tag: Montgomery
Attached here is the Last Will and Testament of William Montgomery (1752-1811). It was written on 9 Jun 1806 and probated on 11 Feb 1811 in Guilford Co, North Carolina, USA.
It consists of four images, the first is the image of the folder in which the will is kept. The second and the third images are the actual will, while the fourth image appears to be an index card for the will.
For a summary and a transcription of the will, see below.
Digital Image of the first page of William Montgomery's will. |
Digital image of the second page of William Montgomery's will. |
Person (in order of mention) | Relation | Legacy |
Rebekah Montgomery | Wife | ⅓ of Personal Estate; 1 horse and 1 cow; profit from plantation while unmarried. (Executrix). |
Robert Montgomery | Eldest Son | Land he now lives on; wagon (shared with 4 other brothers). (Executor). |
William Montgomery | Son | Tract of land (described); ⅓ of value to be paid to Irwin. |
Irwin Montgomery | Son | ⅓ of value of land willed to William. |
Samuel Montgomery | Son | 50 acres of land (described); wagon (shared with 4 other brothers). |
Mary Montgomery | Daughter | One feather bed and furniture; $1. |
Rebekah Montgomery | Daughter | One feather bed and furniture; £10 ; side saddle. |
James Montgomery | Younger Son | ⅓ of remaining land; wagon (shared with 4 other brothers). |
Georg Montgomery | Younger Son | ⅓ of remaining land; wagon (shared with 4 other brothers). |
Levi Montgomery | Younger Son | ⅓ of remaining land; wagon (shared with 4 other brothers) |
Ruth Hodson | Daughter | One ninth part of remaining Estate (divided among all siblings except Mary). |
In the name of God Amen I William Mongomary in the County of Guilford and State of North Carolina being weak in body but of Sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be almighty God for the Same do make and publish this may Last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to Say) First I give and bequeath unto my belovid Wif Rebekah Mongomary one third of all my Personal Estate for ever and also that She has the Support of one hors beast and one Cow to be Cep [kept] by the profits of my plantation whare I now Live Clear of any Expense to hur while She remains my Widdo ; I do also Give and bequeath to my Eldest Son Robert Mongomary that peace or parsel of Land whare he now Lives that is to Say all that Lyes on the North Side of the Creek of my track where I now Live be the Same more or Less I also Give and bequeath to my Son William Mongomary a peace or parsel of Land that is to Say Begining at Williams is Corner black jack Running from Said Corner North to Gardners Line Encluding all on the East Side of Said Line be the Same more or less with his paying my Son Irwin Mongomary one third of what Said peace of Land may be vallewid to or what it will Sell for I do also give and bequeath too my Son Samuel Mongomary fifty acres of Land Layd of as follows that is to Say begining at the Said Williams is Corner black jack Running west to Caldwells Line thence being Confined to follow my original Lines untel it Shall be anuf to make out the Complyment of fifty acres of Land on the South Side of my Land ; I do also give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Mongomary one fether bed and furneture and one Dollar I so give and bequeath to my Daughter Rebekah Mongomary one fether bed and furneture and ten pounds and one Side Saddle ; I also give and bequeath unto my three younger Sons James Mongomary and Georg Mongomary and Levi Mongomary all the remainder part of my track of Land where I now live to be Equelly Devided among them I do also give my Waggon to my Son Robert Mongomary Samuel - Mongomary James Mongomary Georg Mongomary and Levi Mongomary my will also is that my beloved Wif have hur mentainance out of the profites of my Plantation During hur Wide hood I do also Give and bequeath all the Remainder part of my Estate to be Equally Devided as follows that is to say Robert Mongomary William Mongomary Ruth Hodson Samuel Mongomary Rebekah Mongomary Irwin Mongomary James Mongomary Georg Mongomary and Levi Mongomary
I also appint my belovid Wife Rebekah Mongomary and my Son Robert Mongomary to be my Executrix and Executor of this my Last will and testament hereby Revoking all former wills by me made in witness wherof I have herento Set my hand and Seal the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Six in the month of June the Ninth Day
- William Mongomary { Seal }
Signed Sealed and Delivered by
The above Named William Mongomary
to be his last will and testament in
the presents of us who have here unto
set our hands as witnesses in the presents
of the testator
- Jonathan Parker
- William Parsons
- James Leonard
(Transcribed by Leland McCleary, 7 Apr 2023)
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