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William Osborne, gentleman of North Fambridge, Essex 1591

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(No profile yet) William Osborne's Will was written on 13 January 1590/1 and proved 2 March 1590/1 at the Comissary of Bishop of London.[1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • Illegible words or parts of words are marked [...]
  • The image quality was good, and the handwriting legibility reasonable. Probate very difficult to read.

Persons mentioned:

  • William Osborne of North Fambridge, testator
  • Anne wife
  • John Osborne son
  • Thomas Osborne son
  • Peter Osborne son
  • James Osborne son, executor
  • Thomas Osborne brother, overseer
  • William Walker brother in law, overseer
  • Thomas Clarke son in law
  • Roberte Grigges son in law
  • Elizabethe Osborne daughter, under 21
  • Johan Osborne daughter, under 21
  • Anne Clarke daughter
    • James, William and Anne her children
  • Marie Grigges daughter
    • Anne her daughter
  • Richard Walker brother in law
    • Richard and Anne his children
  • Thomas Walker brother in law
    • Thomas William and Martha his children
  • Uncle Brooke of London & Aunt his wife
  • Dorithie daughter, under 21
  • H. Salusburye, John Nashe witnesses

[Page 1]
In the name of God, Amen: the thirtenthe daye of Januarie in the thre
and thirtethe yeare of the Raigne of o[ur] soveraigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god
of Englande France and Irelande, queene defendor of the faythe &c. I william
Osborne of Northe Fambridge in the Countie of Essex gentl[eman] beinge sicke in bodye
but of good and p[er]fecte memorye the Lorde be thanked, doe ordeyne and make
this my Will and Testamente to be my laste will and testamente revokinge
and anichilatinge all other willes and testamentes heretofore by me made wrytten
spoken or declared, in maner and forme followinge. That is to wete. Firste
I commende my sowle into the hande of god almightie my Maker trustinge onelie
by and throughe the deathe and passion of Jhesus Christe his same sonne my above
savio[ur] to have remission of all my synnes, and my bodye I doe com[m]itte to the earthe
to be buried in place conveniente, at the discretion of my executor. Item I
gyve to the pore people w[i]thin the severall p[ar]ishes of Purlighe Colle Norton
Sowe Maurice and North fambridge in the Countie of Essex thre pownde
sixe shillings and eighte pence of good Englishe monye to be paied distributed
said devided emongeste them at th and by the discretion of my executor
w[i]thin sixe wekes nexte affer my decease. Item I gyve and bequeathe
unto Anne my wyfe my messuage or tenement with thappurtenannce
wherein I nowe dwell, and also all my landes and pasture growndes
called Gromes and Reeves w[i]th thappurtenannces sette lyinge and beinge
in North Fambridge aforesaide, To have and to holde the saide lande and
Tenementes with thappurtenannce unto the saide Anne and to her Assignes
for and duringe the terme of her naturall lyffe in lieu, full recompence
satisfaction and allowance unto her of and for her Dower and thirde p[ar]te
of all other my landes and Tenementes whatsoev[er]. Item I gyve unto
the saide Anne my wyffe all my goodes chattles howsholde stuffe ympleme[n]ts
and plate of what kynde or sorte soever that nowe or at the daye of my
deathe shalbe aboute or w[i]thin my saide messuage called Gromes and the
outhowses and backe Romes belonginge thereunto (excepte all the wannescot
and settlinges and also the glasse nowe [?]inted and fyxed unto the saide
Messuage and also one horsemill there) w[hi]ch my mynde is shall not be
removed or taken awaye from the said messuage neyther by my saide wyffe
nor by my Executor. Item I gyve unto the saide Anne my wyffe
all that my Lease, righte, possession estate, terme of yeares & fytte
benefitte and Com[m]odytie w[hi]ch I have yet to come and [unronne] of in and
to one greate felde of Lande and pasture grownde called Roblettes
p[ar]cell of the Manor of Northfambridge hall in North Fambridge
aforesaid To have and to holde to her & to her Assignes duringe the
residue of the terme of yeares therein yet to come (yf she shall live
so longe) clearelie and whollie acquited and discharged by my executor
alwayes hereafter duringe the saide terme of and from all paymentes
of Rents Covenanntes charges and incumbrances whatsoever hereafter
to be due payable or chargeable for or uppon the saide greate Felde
of lande and pasture grownde called Roblettes, to anye p[er]son or p[er]sonnes
whatsoever. Item I gyve to the saide Ann my wyffe fyve and

[Page 2]
Twentie kyen and fyve score ewe shepe, whereof the kyen and ewe shepe
nowe goinge and beinge, or w[hi]ch shalbe at the tyme of my decease of and
vppon the saide landes and pasture growndes called Gromes and Roblettes shalbe
pr[...]ce[...]. Item I gyve unto the same Anne my wyffe two of my gueldings to be
taken at her election. Item I gyve and bequeathe unto John Osborne my
sonne, all that my lease intereste estate terme of yeares possession p[ro]fytte
and Comoditye yet to come of in and to one Marshe called Easte marshe
another p[ar]cell of the demesnes of the saide manor of North Fambridge To
have and to holde to him and to his Assignes duringe the Residue of my whole
tyme and terme of yeares therein yet to come and unexpiered clearelie acquited
and discharged by my executor of and from the paymente of anye Rente
or Rentes therefore. Item I gyve unto the saide John Osborne my sonne
all those my Customarye Landes and Tenementes with thappurtenannces
called Easte Crofte w[hi]ch latelie I purthased of John Richman thelder,
and also one p[ar]cell of Customarie lande called Stonehilles sette lynige &
beinge in the severall p[ar]ishes of North Fambridge and Colde Norton aforesaid
To have and to holde all the saide Landes and Tenementes customarye
w[i]th thappurtenannces unto the saide John Osborne his heyers and Assignes
for ever, at will of the Lorde of the saide manor of North Fambridge
accordinge to the Custome &c. / Item I will gyve and bequeathe unto
the saide John Osborne my sonne one Annuitie or Annuall rente of Twentie
powndes by the yeare of lawfull monye of Englande to be yssuinge and
payed unto him his executo[rs] and Assignes by my Executor out of that
p[ar]te moitie and porcion of my Lease and Terme of yeares of North fambridge
hall w[hi]ch shalbe conting oute allotted or come unto my Executor yearely
duringe the residue of the saide terme of yeares therein yet to come At the
Feastes of Thannunciacion of the blessed virgen St Marye and Sainte
Michaell thearchanngell by even portions. The firste paymente thereof
to begynne at the nexte of the saide Feastes w[hi]ch shall firste happen
to come nexte after my decease. Item I will that yf it shall happen the
said yearelie paymente or Annuall rente of xx £. by the yeare shalbe
behinde unpaied in p[ar]te or in all by the space of xxviijtie dayes nexte after
anye of the saide Feastes in w[hi]ch the same oughte to be paied (the same
beinge lawfullie demannded at the mansion howse of the saide manor
That then and at all tymes after it shall & maye be lawfull unto the saide
John Osborne his executo[rs] and Assignes to enter into the saide p[ar]te and
portion of the saide manor and ferme of Northfambridge hall contingente
or alltted to my saide executors there to distreyne, and the distresse or
distresses thereso had and taken, to leade dryve carrye awaie and towardes
him or them to reteyne and keepe untill of the saide Annuitie or Annuall Rente
and of tharrerages thereof (yf anye shall happen to be) he be fullie satisfied
and payed. Item I will and bequeathe unto Thomas Osborne my
sonne all that my Lease intereste possession estate terme of yeares
& fytte and commoditie w[hi]ch I have yet to come and unexpiered
of in and to one Marshe called Westewicke Marshe belonginge
to the saide

[Page 3]
to the said manor, and also of in and to one salte or out Marshe, and also of and in all
other Landes and fedinges nowe in the occupacion and holdinge of Henrye Hewes, To have and
to holde all and singuler the p[re]misses unto the saide Thomas my sonne duringe all the reste
and rema[inder?] of my yeares therein from hensforthe yet to come and [unrme?] clearelie and
whollie acquited and discharged by my Executor of and from the paymente of anye
Rente or Rentes therefore. Item I will and devise unto the saide Thomas my sonne all
those my Customarye messuage Landes and Tenements w[i]th thappurtenannces called
Plomes To have and to holde to him his heyers and assignes for ever at will of the
lorde of the saide manor of North Fambridgehall accordinge to the custome thereof
Item I gyve unto Peter Osborne my sonne all that my p[ar]te moitie possession
estate intereste terme of yeares p[ro]fytte and comoditie w[hi]ch I have yet to com[e]
of in and to the Ferme called Mondon Wicke in mondon in the saide Countie of
Essex To have and to holde to him and his Assignes duringe and for so manie yeares
as are yet to come therein. Item I gyve unto the saide Peter my sonne all that my stocke and
store of thirtie kyen and elevenscore ewe sheepe nowe goinge and beinge uppon the saide
Wicke in Mondon aforesaide. Item I doe appointe and Assigne James Osborne my sonne
to have the charge education and bringinge upp of my saide sonne Peter, and also to
receyve and take upp to the use of the saide Peter yearelie untill his age of one and
twentie yeares all the rentes revenues yssues and p[ro]fittes that shall or maye
arise come and growe of and uppon the said Ferme called Mondon Wycke, and
of and uppon the saide stocke and store of Cattle, and thereof shall gyve and
yelde an Accompte once in everye yeare unto my Brother Thomas Osborne,
my Brother in lawe William Walker and to my sonnes in lawes Thomas Clarke
and Roberte Grigges or to two of them. Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Elizabethe
Osborne my daughter one hunderethe powndes of good Englishe monye To be pay[ed]
unto her at the daye of her mariage or at her age of one and twentye
yeares w[hi]ch of them shall firste happen to come. Item I gyve and bequeathe
unto Johan Osborne my daughter one hunderethe powndes of like Englishe monye
to be payed unto her at the daye of her mariage or it her age of one and
twentie yeares w[hi]ch of them shall firste happen to come. Item I gyve unto
[Thomas Osborne] my brother all that my lease, p[ar]te, interest estate terme of
yeares p[ro]fytte and commoditie w[hi]ch I have yet to come of in and to one Ferme
called Althorne Barnes, To have and to holde to him and his Assignes
from the Feaste of Thanunciacion of the virgen marye nexte com[m]inge after
the date hereof forthwardes for and duringe all the residue of the terme
of yeares therein yet to come and [unrmine?]. Item I gyve unto my saide sonne
James Osborne his wyffe and to everye of her childeren Fortie shillinges
a peece of good Englishe monye To be payed unto them at ther severall
ages of xxjtie yeares. Iem I gyve unto Anne Clarke my daughter Fortie
shillinges of good Engishe monye To be paied unto her imediatelie after my
decease. And to everye of her childeren viz James William and
Anne fortie shillinges a peece of like monye To be paied unto them at
ther severall ages of xxjtie yeares. Item I gyve unto Marie Grigges
my daughter, fortie shillinges of like monye. To be payed unto her imediatelie
after my decease. And to her daughter Anne Fortye shillinges of like
monye To be payed unto her imediatelie after my decease. And to
her daughter

[Page 4]
her daughter Anne Fortie shillinges of like monye To be paied unto her at
her age of xxjtie yeares. / Item I gyve unto my saide Brother in lawe William
Walker his childeren and to everye of them Tenne shillinges apeece of like
Englishe monye. / Item I gyve unto my Brother in lawe Richard Walker
his childeren viz Richard and Anne and to everye of them Fortie shillings
apeece of lawfull Englishe monye To be payed unto them w[it]hin one
yeare nexte after my decease. / Item I gyve unto my brother in lawe
Thomas Walker his childeren viz Thomas William and martha and to ev[er]ye
of them fortie shillinges apeece of good Englishe monye To be paied unto
they at ther severall ages of xxjtie yeares./ Item I gyve unto my
Unkle Brooke of London and to my Aunte his wyfe and to eyther of
them xx s a peece of good Englishe monye To make eyther of them
a Ringe W[hi]chall, To be payed unto eyther of them w[i]thin thre monethes
nexte after my decease. Item I will and my whole mynde is that
Anne my saide wyffe shall have the charge govermente and bringinge uppe
of my saide thre daughters Elizabethe Dorithie and Johan untill the daye
of ther severall mariages or thaccomplishmente of ther severall ages of
xxjtie yeares w[hi]ch soever shall firste happen to come, and that towardes
there fyndinge mayntenannce and kepinge, the saide James Osborne my
sonne his executors or Assignes shall gyve and deliver at the saide
Messuage called Gromes unto the saide Anne my wyffe or to her assignes
tenne quarters of good and sweete wheate yearelie duringe and for so longe
tyme as anye of my saide daughters shalbe unmaried and w[i]thin the age
of xxjtie yeares. Provyded alwayes and I doe will and appointe that
the saide Anne my wyffe shall duringe her lyffe, at all her owne
p[ro]per costes and charges repayer maynteyne upholde and keepe the
saide messuage or tenemente called Gromes and all the [outhouses?]
R[...]thes Barnes and stables there unto belonginge in and by all thinges in good and
sufficiente repacions The Residue of all my goodes cattles howshold stuffe
implements Leases Plate readye monye and debtes not speciallie before gyven
or bequeathed in this my laste will and Testa[ment] my debts and legacies beinge paied
and my Funerall and other charges borne and discharged I doe whollie gyve
and bequeathe unto my saide sonne James Osborne whom I no[m]i[n]ate make & appointed
thonelie and sole executor of this my laste will and Testamente. And also I doe
lastlie appointe and ordeyne the saide Thomas Osborne my brother and the saide
William Walker my brother in lawe to be sup[er]visors or ov[er]seers unto the same. In
Wytnesse whereof I the saide William Osborne hereunto have putte my hande
and seale the daye and yeare firste above wrytten in the presence of
William Walker: H. Salusburye and of me John Nashe and others.
The marke : W: of William Osborne

Research Notes

  • Gulielmus married Anna Walker on 30 January 1557 in North Fambridge, Holy Trinity, Essex, England.[2]


  1. https://www.essexarchivesonline.co.uk/result_details.aspx?ThisRecordsOffSet=6&id=503161 Will of William Osborne of North Fambridge, gentleman, Comissary of Bishop of London (subscription required) Accessed 28 December 2023
  2. Marriage: "Essex, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812"
    Essex Record Office; Chelmsford, Essex, England; Essex Church of England Parish Registers
    Ancestry uk Record 61698 #1346756 (accessed 28 December 2023)
    Gulielmus Osborne marriage to Anna Walker on 30 Jan 1557 in North Fambridge, Holy Trinity, Essex, England.

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