Location: Henderson Co., Kentucky, United States

Surnames/tags: Beverley Beverly
Contents |
This page contains information about the plantation and slaves owned by William Posey Beverly.
William was "the owner of a large farm, lying on the Henderson and Spottsville Road, through which the Louisville & Henderson Railroad will pass, and another smaller farm on the Green River Road."[1]
- Amus
- Anderson
- Carter
- Elizabeth
- Ellen
- Franklin
- George
- James
- Mary
- Milly
- Patsey
- Pompey
- Reuben
- Richard
- Robert
- Rose
- Sally
- Sarah
- Sarah b. 1853 d. 1854
- Thornton
- Venus
1850 Census
William P. Beverly owned 14 slaves in 1850.[2]
- 28 year old male (b. ca. 1822)
- 22 year old male (b. ca. 1828)
- 20 year old male (b. ca. 1830)
- 13 year old male (b. ca. 1837)
- 15 year old male (b. ca. 1835)
- 45 year old female (b. ca. 1805)
- 31 year old female (b. ca. 1819)
- 16 year old female (b. ca. 1834)
- 16 year old female (b. ca. 1834)
- 7 year old male (b. ca. 1843) Thornton
- 5 year old male (b. ca. 1845)
- 1 year old female (b. ca. 1849)
- 1 year old female (b. ca. 1849)
- 12 year old male (b. ca. 1838)
1860 Census
William T. Beverly owned 28 slaves in 1860.[3]
- 60 year old female (b. ca. 1800)
- 50 year old female (b. ca. 1810)
- 45 year old male (b. ca. 1815)
- 40 year old male (b. ca. 1820)
- 45 year old female (b. ca. 1815)
- 25 year old male (b. ca. 1835)
- 30 year old female (b. ca. 1830)
- 21 year old male (b. ca. 1839) George
- 20 year old male (b. ca. 1840)
- 20 year old female (b. ca. 1840)
- 25 year old female (b. ca. 1835)
- 18 year old female (b. ca. 1842)
- 15 year old male (b. ca. 1845) Thornton
- 13 year old male (b. ca. 1847)
- 12 year old female (b. ca. 1848)
- 10 year old female (b. ca. 1850)
- 11 year old female (b. ca. 1849)
- 8 year old female (b. ca. 1852)
- 6 year old female (b. ca. 1854)
- 5 year old male (b. ca. 1855)
- 4 year old male (b. ca. 1856)
- 3 year old male (b. ca. 1857)
- 3 year old female (b. ca. 1857)
- 2 year old female (b. ca. 1858)
- 1 year old female (b. ca. 1859)
- 2 year old male (b. ca. 1858)
- 3 month old male (b. ca. 1860)
- 2 year old female (b. ca. 1858)
Birth Registers
- Amus b. 15-Dec-1854[4]
- Franklin b. 1-Feb-1854[5]
- Mary b. 15-Jul-1853[6]
- Patsey b 5-Nov-1855[7]
- Pompey b 10-May-1853[8]
- Sally b. 1-Oct-1854[9]
Death Register
- Sarah, age 1, born in Henderson, Ky; died 10-Oct-1854 [10]
- Venus, age 110, born in Virginia; died 20-Dec-1854[11]
Court Orders
- "On the motion of Fayette Posey It is ordered that Thomas Towles John Green George Robertson and William D Allison be appointed commissioners (any threeof whom being first duly sworn may act) to divide the Negroes between Robert G Beverly and William P Beverly which were left to them by Mrs. Fitshugh."[12]
- "The Commissioners appointed at the last Term of this Court to divide certain Negroes between Robert G Beverley and William P Beverly heirs of William Beverly dec'd this day made their report which is ordered to be recorded"[13]
Probate Records
- “The undersigned Commissioners appointed by the Cty Court of Henderson to divide certain slaves among Robert & William Beverley. Report that they valued the said Negroes and divided them as equally as we could and allotted by lot to…William Beverley Sarah, James, Richard, Carter, Milly, Reuben, Robert, Ellen, Rose and Elizabeth.”[14]
1863 Civil War Draft Register
Two of William P. Beverly's slaves were listed on the Civil War Draft Register.[15]
- Anderson Beverly, age 20, colored laborer, born in Kentucky, owned by W. P. Beverly.
- Thornton Beverly, age 25, colored laborer, born in Kentucky, owned by W. P. Beverly. In S. S. 64
1864 Compiled Military Service Records
At least two of William P. Beverly's slaves enlisted in the Civil War.
- George Beverly (aka George W. Warfield) enlisted in Co. H of the 118th US Colored Infantry.[16]
- Thornton Beverly enlisted in Co. H of the 118th US Colored Infantry.[17]
- ↑ 1887 History of Henderson Co., Kentucky. Starling, Edmund L., (1887), History of Henderson County, Kentucky Henderson, Kentucky:Edmund L. Starling, 1887, pp. 814-815. Ancestry.com, ([1]: accessed 23 August 2023).
- ↑ 1850 U.S. Slave Census, Henderson County, Kentucky, slave schedule, Henderson, p. 500 (penned), slaves in the Wm P. Beverly household, digital image 16 of 53, FamilySearch.org ([2]: accessed 12 August 2023); citing NARA microfilm publication M432, roll 225
- ↑ 1860 U.S. Slave Census, Henderson County, Kentucky, slave schedule, Division No. 2, p. 29 (penned), slaves in the Wm T. Beverly household, digital image 29 of 30 FamilySearch.org ([3]: accessed 12 August 2023); citing NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 403
- ↑ 1854 Amus Birth. Kentucky, Henderson County, Birth Register p. 4, slave Amus, 15 December 1854, digital image 28 of 594, FamilySearch.org ([4]: accessed 1 September 2023)
- ↑ 1854 Franklin Birth. Kentucky, Henderson County, Birth Register p. 4, slave Franklin, 1 February 1854, digital image 28 of 594, FamilySearch.org ([5]: accessed 1 September 2023)
- ↑ 1853 Mary Birth. Kentucky, Henderson County, Birth Register p. 5, Mary, 15 July 1853, digital image 18 of 594, FamilySearch.org ([6]: accessed 1 September 2023)
- ↑ 1855 Patsey Birth. Kentucky, Henderson County, Birth Register p. 2, Patsey, 5 November 1855, digital image 31 of 594, FamilySearch.org ([7]: accessed 1 September 2023)
- ↑ 1853 Pompey Birth. Kentucky, Henderson County, Birth Register p. 5, Pompey, 10 May 1853, digital image 18 of 594, FamilySearch.org ([8]: accessed 1 September 2023)
- ↑ 1854 Sally Birth. Kentucky, Henderson County, Birth Register p. 4, slave Sally, 1 October 1854, digital image 28 of 594, FamilySearch.org ([9]: accessed 1 September 2023)
- ↑ 1854 Sarah's Death. Kentucky, Henderson County, Death Register p. 1, slave Sarah, 10 October 1854, digital image 112 of 594, FamilySearch.org ([10]: accessed 02 September 2023)
- ↑ 1854 Venus' Death. Kentucky, Henderson County, Death Register p. 1, No. , Venus, 20 December 1854, digital image 112 of 594, FamilySearch.org ([11]: accessed 02 September 2023)
- ↑ 1836 Court Order, Kentucky, Henderson County, County Court, Book D, p. 296, 26 December 1836, digital image 415 of 505, FamilySearch ([12]: accessed 23 August 2023)
- ↑ 1837 Court Order, Kentucky, Henderson County, County Court, Book D, p. 298, 23 January 1837, digital image 416 of 505, FamilySearch ([13]: accessed 23 August 2023)
- ↑ 1837 Robert & William Beverley Division of Slaves. Kentucky, Henderson County, Probate Court, Wills, Vol. B, p. 427, January 1837, digital image 557 of 789, FamilySearch.org ([14]: accessed 23 August 2023)
- ↑ 1863 Civil War Draft. Henderson Co., Kentucky, "U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865", 4th District, Robert G. Beverly slaves, image 224 of 635, database with images, Ancestry.com, ([15], Ancestry Sharing Link: accessed 23 August 2023)
- ↑ 1864 CMSR. Compiled Military Service Records, George Beverly, 118th U.S. Colored Infantry, 15 September 1864, Fold3.org, database with images, ([16]: accessed 16 August 2023)
- George Beverly was a Private in Co. H of the 118th U.S. Colored Infantry. He enlisted on 15-Sep-1864 in Owensboro, Ky. He was mustered in on 15-Sep-1864 in Owensboro, Ky. He was mustered out on 6-Feb-1866 in Whites Ranche, Texas. He was 25 years old when he enlisted, was a laborer and was 5’5” tall. He was born in Henderson Co., Kentucky. His former owner was William R. Beverly of Henderson, Ky. This file contains a claim for compensation for providing a slave to the Union Army from William R. Beverly. William stated “I bought the son George Beverly of R. N. Warfield 14th Jany 1843 and I have owned him ever since.”
- ↑ 1864 CMSR. Compiled Military Service Records, Thornton Beverly, 118th U.S. Colored Infantry, 15 September 1864, Fold3.org, database with images, ([17]: accessed 16 August 2023)
- Thornton Beverly was a Private in Co. H of the 118th U.S. Colored Infantry. He enlisted on 19-Sep-1864 in Owensboro, Ky. He was mustered in on 19-Sep-1864 in Owensboro, Ky. He was appointed to Corporal on 19-Sep-1864. He was sick in the Post Hospital in Brownsville, Texas on 23-Jul-1865. He returned to his unit before Sept-1865. He was mustered out on 6-Feb-1866 in Whites Ranche, Texas. He was 20 years old when he enlisted, was a laborer and was 5’5.5” tall. He was born in Henderson, Kentucky. His former owner was William Beverly of Henderson, Ky. This file contains a claim for compensation for providing a slave to the Union Army from William R. Beverly. William stated “I owned the mother of said Thornton Beverly. He was born my slave and I have owned him ever since.”
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