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William R Davis by Runk p 1073

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WILLIAM R. DAVIS, P. O. Milford, Kent county, Del., son of Brinkley and Hester (Samuels) Davis, was born in Sussex county, Del., in what was then Broadkiln hundred, in January, 1818.

Brinkley Davis was a native of Sussex county and a prosperous farmer. He was prominent in the community, and served as Levy Court commissioner. He married Hester Samuels, of Sussex county, and had children as follows: I. William R.; II. Sarah (Mrs. John Conway); III. Joshua, deceased; IV. Brinkley, 2; V. Caroline (Mrs. Josiah Prettyman); VI. Hester Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Davis died on their farm near Georgetown, Del.

Their eldest Son, William R. Davis, passed his early year's in Sussex county; he attended the district schools, and for three years after was engaged in teaching. The summer months he spent with his father, and assisted him on the farm. After his marriage he farmed near Georgetown for several years, and then removed to the farm near Milford now owned by Isaac Simpson. Afterward he occupied farms in Kent county, and in 1889 leased the Red House farm, which he now cultivates. Mr. Davis is a man of affable manners and upright character and is happy in the esteem of all who know him. In his political views he is a Republican.

William R. Davis was married in 1843 to (?) [Tabitha] Donovan, of the vicinity of Georgetown. Their children are: I. Sarah E., wife of Sheriff Johnson, formerly of Sussex county, died near Milford; II. Rowland, died near Smyrna, Del.; III. Willard S., of Philadelphia. Pa.; IV. Charles, farmer, near Dover, Del.; V. Erasmus,[1] farmer, at home; VI. Theodore;[2] VII. Laura; VIII. Mary C.;[3] IX. George.[4] Mr. Davis is a member of the M. E. church.


  1. Erasmus M. Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #12913329 accessed on 06 Sep 2018
  2. Theodore H. Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #13076935 accessed on 06 Sep 2018
  3. Mary C. Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #13062139 accessed on 06 Sep 2018
  4. George H. Davis on Find A Grave: Memorial #13061826 accessed on 06 Sep 2018

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