Location: Ohio

Surnames/tags: Julian Bible_records
The current location and publication details of this Bible are unknown. Sally (Miller) Kendall possesses a damaged (wrinkled and torn) typed transcription of the genealogical information from the Bible, originally taken by Beatrice Maxine (Julian) Heitkamp (1914-1996).
Below is a transcription of that 2-page typescript by Bruce Kendall. Spelling and extra spaces within words are as in the typescript. The lower left corner of the first page is torn off and missing; segments of the typescript that are affect by this are indicated by "[torn]".
- Exact Copy taken from Family Bible Sept. 1948 (BJH)
Births and Marriages of Parents
William Rufus Julian was born October 25th 1834 in Fairfield Co. Ohio. Was baptized and admitted as a member of the M. E. Church June 30, 1861.
Esther Courtright Julian was born Feb. 12th 1833, in Fairfield Co. Ohio. Was Baptized and confirmed in the E.L. Church June 3rd. 1854.
W. R. and E. C. Julian were married Aug. 27th 1857 in Lancaster, Fairfield Co. Ohio by Rev. Rex.
D ell Eugene Julian was born Monday July 12th 1858 in Fairfield Co. Ohio and was baptized by Rev. Klan Oct. 22nd 1858. Died in Cols. Ohio May 1909 aged 51 years.
Virgil Silin Juli an was born May 19, 1861 in Fairfield Co. Ohio and was baptized by Rev. Smith June 30, 1866.
Newell Theophilus Julian was born Dec. 19th 1862 in Fairfield Co. Ohio. Baptized by Rev. Gwen Aug. 7th 1864. Died in Columbus Ohio March 9,1927.
Alma Ellenor Julian born Dec. 20th 1864 in Franklin Co. Ohio. Baptized by Rev. Gregg June 30th. 1867. Died in Newark Ohio 1904. Aged 40 years.
Homer Courtright Julian was born Nov. 26th 1860 in Franklin Co. Ohio. Baptized by Rev. Gregg June 30th 1867.
Eudora Inis Julian born in Pickaway Co. Ohio. Baptized by Rev. Shultz October 1869. Born March 16th 1868.
Clark Lucius Julian born Nov. 22nd, 1871 in Pickaway co. Ohio. Baptized by Rev Whitehead Feb. 1872.
Rufie Gertrude Julian born Nov. 30 1874 in Pickaway Co. Ohio. Baptized by Rev. Westervelt Aug. 15th, 1875.
[torn] E. Julian to Ida Hines. Were Married Nov. 29th 1882.
[torn] T. Julian & Ida Beaver were married May 28th 1883.
[torn] Julian & Julia Heinlein were married Nov. 28th 1883.
[torn]ian & Mabelle Thrall were married in Cleveland Ohio Nov. [torn]
[torn] Rev. J. B. Bovey married in Cols. Ohio April 1901.
- Deaths
[torn]d Aug. 2nd. 1885 in Ashville Ohio aged 10yrs.
[torn]th 1885 in Ashville Ohio aged 18yrs.
[torn]rd 1896 in Columbus Ohio Aged 27yrs.
[Beginning of second page]
- Deaths (Continued)
Ida Beaver Julian wife of Newell T. Julian died July 4th 1889 in Ashville aged 26yrs.
Emil Beaver Julian son of Newell T. Juli an died in Ashville March 29th 1889. One year and 10months.
Esther Courtright Julian wife of W. R. Julian died in Columbus Nov. 24th 1890 aged 56yrs. 57yrs. 9mos.
William Rufus Julian died suddenly as his home in Columbus Ohio Sept 18th 1898 at the age of 64yrs.
Dell E. Julian died at his home in Cols. Ohio May 1909. Aged 51 yrs.
Alma E. Bovey (Julian) died at her home in Newark Ohio 1904 aged 40 yrs.
Newell T. Julian Died in Columbus ohio March 9th 1927, age 64yrs. 2 1/2 months.
The out-of-sequence birth year for Homer is in the typescript; whether it is also in the original bible record is unknown. Census records say that Homer was age 3 in June 1870[1] and age 13 in June 1880,[2] suggesting a birth year of 1866.
Ohio marriage records give clarity on the damaged marriage entries above:
- "Delphini E. Julian" [i.e., Dell] m. Ida Hines on 29 Nov. 1882.[3]
- Newell T. Julian m. "Ida E. Beavers" in 1883.[4] This connection is corroborated by Ida's death entry above.
- Virgil S. Julian m. Julia Heinlein in 1883.[5]
- Newell T. Julian m. "Mabelle Thrall" in 1900.[6]
- Alma Julian m. "J. Bren Bovey" in 1901.[7] This connection is corroborated by Alma's death entry above.
From the ages at death we can infer that the obsured death records are for Rufie, Homer, and Eudora, respectively.
- ↑ "United States Census, 1870", database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M6LN-G7G : 19 March 2020), Homer Julian in entry for Wm R Julian, 1870.
- ↑ "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M8SD-RM8 : 16 July 2017), Homer Julean in household of W R Julean, Harrison, Pickaway, Ohio, United States; citing enumeration district ED 222, sheet 458C, NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm 1,255,058.
- ↑ "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016", database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:ZZPF-CX3Z : 12 May 2020), Delphini E. Julian and Ida Hines, 1882.
- ↑ "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2013", database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:ZZPJ-64N2 : 12 May 2020), Newell T. Julian and Ida E. Beavers, 1883.
- ↑ "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016", database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:ZZPF-8VT2 : 12 May 2020), Virgil S. Julian and Julia Heinlein, 1883.
- ↑ "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2013," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:X8GD-QZP : 26 August 2019), Newell T. Julian and Mabelle Thrall, 21 Nov 1900; citing Marriage, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States, 226 App 24905, Franklin County Genealogical & Historical Society, Columbus; FHL microfilm.
- ↑ "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016", database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Z8S2-VFPZ : 12 May 2020), J. Bren Bovey and Alma Julian, 1901.
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