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Willoughby DNA Results

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: willoughby
This page has been accessed 147 times.



This page is intended to be a link between WikiTree and the Willoughby DNA Project.

Autosomal DNA (atDNA)


  1. For each member of the project, find the total shared centimorgans (cMs) with every other member of the project. Unfortunately the results will not include shared cMs less than the threshold applied by FamilyTreeDNA.
  2. Set maximum cM equal to 7440 (or 2 x maximum shared cM found above if greater).
  3. Create distance matrix filled with NaN
  4. For each member populate matching elements with log10(max_cM/shared_cM)/log10(2).
  5. Drop all rows/columns that have no matches
  6. Fill the diagonal (member=member) with 0
  7. Replace all remaining NaN with log10(7440)/log10(2)

We should now have a symmetric distance matrix where each member is a distance of 0 from themselves, ~1 from their parent, ~2 from their grandparent, etc.

Use UPGMA (average) linkage to cluster results. Display as dendrogram or clustered heatmap.


Haplogroup Paternal Ancestor Notes
E-FTA30281 Charles Willoughby (1799-1877)
E-FTA30281 George Willoughby (1755-1800)
E-M35 Thomas Willoughby (1824-1902)
E-M35 Isaac Willoughby (1750-1850) Probably Isaac Willoughby (abt.1750-abt.1851)
E-M35 John Willoughby (1702-1752) Probably John Willoughby Sr. (1703-1762)
E-M35 Leonidas Lafayette McLemore (1859-1910)
G-FT394415 Drewry M Bowman (1780-1850) Possibly related to Drury Bowman (abt.1734-1805)
G-FT394415 William Leroy Bowman (1853-1931)
I-BY202349 Frederick Willoughby (1811-)
I-M170 John Cockrell (1732-1799)
I-M223 Andrew C Willoby (1812-1880)
I-M223 James Wells (1640-1682)
I-M253 Aaron Willoughby (1765-1860) Possibly Aaron Willoughby (abt.1765-)
I-M253 Aaron Willoughby (1775-1860) Aaron Willoughby (abt.1765-). Is this same as above?
I-M253 Hugh de Willoughby (1175-1235) Possibly Hugh (Willoughby) de Willoughby (abt.1195-bef.1227). Multiple project members claim this heritage, but only one has tested Y.
R-BY2682 Henry Willoughby (1759-)
R-BY45051 George Willoughby (1750-1800)
R-FGC24444 Matthew Gill (1839-1880)
R-FTC26461 William Blakey Willoughby (abt.1825-1863) Two BigY testers descended from Michael Ernest Willoughby (1880-1919). Closest known tester is descendant of Richard Foggy, below.
R-L563 James Nuckolls (1670-1727)
R-M269 John H Willoughby (1849-)
R-M269 Joseph Waites (1811-)
R-M269 Richard Foggy (1834-) One tester at 37 markers. Needs BigY upgrade.
R-M269 Rodolphus Willoughby (1792-1869)
R-Y6949 Joseph Willoughby (1690-1750)

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)

I have not yet started a mtDNA analysis. Thoughts? Volunteers?

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Categories: Willoughby Name Study