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Wills for the Reed family

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Date: 1805 to 1824
Location: Rowan, North Carolina, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Reed
This page has been accessed 62 times.

Wills & probate which mention the children of John Reed (died c1805) and his wife Mary (died c1824) of Rowan County, North Carolina.

Their children:

  1. John Reed
  2. David Reed
  3. Noah Reed
  4. Moses Reed (abt.1760-abt.1812), his children mentioned in 1812 probate
    1. Thomas Jefferson Reed (abt.1809-)
    2. Catherine (Caty) Reed
    3. Mary Reed
    4. Green Reed (abt.1802-abt.1842)
    5. Elizabeth Reed
    6. Stephen Niles Porter
    7. Lawrence Porter
  5. Sally (Reed) Lewis


John Reed died c1805

In the name of God Amen! I John Reed of Rowan County & State of N Carolina, weak in body, but of sound mind & memory thanks be to God for his mercies Do make & order this to be my last Will & test: Revoking all other wills, heretofore by me made hoping it may be received with content by all whom it may concern First I bequeath my soul to God who gave it & my body to the earth from whence it came to be decently buried at the discretion of my loving wife & the other executors hereafter named & my worldly goods as it had pleased God to bless me with, I give & bequeath as follows.
1. I give & bequeath unto my loving wife Mary Reed the room of the east end of my house, together with my household furniture, one mare, one cow & calf with the priviledges of a support on the plantation, during her natural life.
2. I give & bequeath to my son John Reed all that tract of land on Flat Creek whereon he now lives.
3. I give & bequeath to my son David Reed that tract of land whereon he now lives on the Yadnin river.
4. I give & bequeath unto my son Noah Reed, all that tract whereon he now lives from the line run between the tract I now love in which is the lower part of said tract.
5. I give & bequeath unto my son Moses Reed, the tract whereon I now live, from the line mentioned, before which is the Disoper end, also all my sheeps but three, reserved for my wife, Mary Reed, also one sow to my wife, also all my cattle & hogs to Moses Reed, & my waggon to be equally for the use of both, Noah Reed & Moses Reed.

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Also my Will & desire is that my give unto my daughter Salley Lewis ten dollars, or the worth old that out of her legacy, and lastly I constitute & appoint my loving wife Mary Reed my executrix with my loving & worthy friend John Hamptonson my executor of this my last Will & test: In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 6th day of June 1805. John X Reed” witnesses: Buckner Kimball, Darby Henley[1]

Moses Reed, child of John Reed, probate c1812

None of his siblings are identified, but it is likely some of those named in the guardianship records for Moses’ children are his siblings. These are John Reid Sr. (Guardian to Thomas Jefferson Reed, Catherine / Caty Reed) and Noah Reed, John Reid, David Reid (witnesses to guardianship records).[2]

Mary Reed c1824

“In the name of God, amen, I Mary Reed of the county of Rowan State of North Carolina being weak of body, but of perfect mind & memory thanks be to God for the same. Calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed for all persons since to die, I make and ordain this my last Will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of the Almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in a decent manner at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named. Last my just debts and funeral expenses to be paid out of my estate. First I will and bequeath unto. My son Noah Reed Deas. Or his heirs the sum of twenty dollars to be equal divided amongst them. 2nd I will and bequeath unto my son Moses Reed Deas. or his heirs the sum of two dollars and fifty cents to be equally divided amongst them. 3rd I will and bequeath to my daughter [?] heirs two dollars to be paid out of my estate 4th I will and bequeath unto my sons John Reed and David Reed all the remaining part of any property at my discretion to be equally divided between I [?] appoint my son David Reed executor of this my last Will and testament revoking all the signed sealed and delivered in the presence of this 11th August 1824.” Witnesses John A Murchusin , John Reid Jr.[3]


  1. Carolina County, District and Probate Courts; Indexes to Wills, and Wills, 1757-1942; Author: North Carolina. Superior Court (Rowan County); Will Books, Vol G, 1797-1819 pp32-33
  2. Wills and Estate Papers (Rowan County), 1663-1978; Author: North Carolina. Division of Archives and History (Raleigh, North Carolina); Probate Place: Rowan, North Carolina
  3. North Carolina County, District and Probate Courts. Wills, 1757-1959; Author: North Carolina. Superior Court (Rowan County); Notes: Wills, Vol G-I, 1796-1845

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