Location: Waseca, Minnesota, United States

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Wilton Cemetery, Waseca, Minnesota
The first settler in Waseca County is buried here[1][2]. The oldest documented burial is October 4, 1853. The cemetery actively receives internments today.
The first meeting of the Wilton Cemetery Association was August 22, 1863 according to the Wilton cemetery book.
Some stones were removed from their plots and when the cemetery was restored those stones that could not be put back were fixed to a cement slab between the cemetery and the road. The photograph of the slab attached to this profile was taken shortly after it was poured. At that time it was not known that WCHS had the Wilton Cemetery Book containing the correct location of many markers shown. Since that time many of the markers have been restored to their correct plots.
Tombstone Map and History
A book containing a map of the cemetery plot owners and known burials is available at the Waseca County Historical Society (WCHS). The book contains an extensive collection of history, newspaper articles, photos with plot identification and corresponding obituaries. This is a physical book and is only available for use in the library.
- Child's History of Waseca County, Minnesota From Its First Settlement in 1854 to the Close of the Year 1904, a Record of Fifty Years : the Story of the Pioneers By James Erwin Child, 1905.
- History of New Richland and Wilton Villages, Waseca County, Minnesota.
- ↑ Asa G. Sutlief's profile.
- ↑ Asa Sutlief at Find A Grave: Memorial #64641701.
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