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Winn, Louisiana Deed's - Martin Arledge

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Date: 23 Feb 2021 [unknown]
Location: Winn, Louisiana, United Statesmap
Profile manager: Dana Gammel private message [send private message]
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From records of Gregg Davies: Martin Arledge on 1866, 1868, 1869, 1871, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1884 tax lists in Winn Parish, LA

Many thanks to Gregg Davies <gedavies@iamerica.net>, who is not affiliated with the Arledges but just a kind local researcher in Winn Parish, LA, for providing these Winn Parish documents at his own

expense. And thanks to Joy Moore for contacting him! [A note to Gregg would be much appreciated, I'm sure].


Winn Parish, LA Deed Book B, p. 240-241: John M. Arledge of Winn Parish on 3 Sept 1888 for sum of $10 cash deeds unto Mrs. Oliver S. Wallace being fully authorized to purchase in her own name by her husband JT Wallace, a tract of land in Winn Parish 646 acres; land purchased from NJ Dawes Sheriff and Tax Collector in April 1886, the Record Title of which was burned in the Court House November 23 1886. Signed in presence of JR Tullos, IN Capps on 3 Sept 1888. John M. Arlege, OS Wallace [her mark x]. I authorise my wife to sign the above: JT Wallace.

Winn Parish, LA Deed Book C p. 251-252: Indenture made 14 Feb 1860 between Martin ARLEDGE of Winn Parish, LA and HW Holmes. for sum of $130 a parcel of land in Winn Parish ... Signed Martin Arledge [his mark X] Wit: James P. Oliver, TJ Haddox. Not recorded until 30 Jan 1891.

Winn Parish, LA Deed Book C, p. 421-422. Indenture made 7 Feb 1876 between Martin ARLEDGE of Winn Parish, LA and JI Holmes: sum of $250 for parcel of land in Winn Parish 200 acres. Signed Martin Arledge [his mark] Wit: JG Guyton, HL Newson.

Winn Parish, LA Deed Book D: pp. 149-150: John W. ARLEDGE of Winn Parish for $75 to Mrs. Patsy Couch, 40 acres, wit: JG Guyton and Charles Arledge. 12 Mar 1892

Winn Parish, LA Deed Book D, pp. 796-797: John W. ARLEDGE, Charly ARLEDGE, Miles ARLEDGE, HI ARLEDGE, all of Winn Parish, for $537 paid by Mrs. WF Smith wife of FM Smith (who authorized her to engage in transaction) 21 Sept 1895. Wit: JM James, TJ Arnold.

Winn Parish, LA Deed Book E, p. 12: John M. ARLEDGE for $50 cash to FM Smith 31 Jan 1896 40 acres. Wit: TJ Arnold, GP Long.

Winn Parish, LA Deed Book E, p. 502: Charles ARLEDGE of Winn Parish 25 Jul 1898 to BF Boyett for $100 , land known as the John W. Arledge land, 80 acres. Wit: FM Smith, CS Nelson (?). Recorded 5 Jan 1899. Deed cancelled by BF Boyett on 20 Aug 1900.

Winn Parish, LA Book F, pp. 589-90: Warranty Deed Charles ARLEDGE for $125 to John W. Cox land in Winn Parish known as part of the John W. Arledge estate on Beech Creek...containing 80 acres. 14 Aug 1900. Wit: CS Nelson, WJ Nelson.

Winn Parish, LA Book F, pp. 590-91: Irvin and Miles ARLEGE of Lincoln County, TX [mistake: should be Arkansas] for $537 cash paid by Mrs. MF Smith wife of MF Smith her executors administration and assigns the following described properties...in aggregate 240 acres. "This act of sale is intended to convey...to the said Mrs. MF Smith all our rights, title and interest in and to the lands owned by our deceased father and mother John W. Arledge and his wife both now deceased." Wit: JM Arledge,

Frank Arlege. Thus done and passed at Edlill, County of Lincoln, State of Arkansas on 12 July 1899. Wit: JM Arlege, Fannie Arlege. State of Arkansas, County of Lincoln: JM Arlege appeared affirming that

he was witness. JW Arledge. Sworn 12 July 1899. Recorded 21 Aug 1900.

Winn Parish, LA Book H, p. 375-377. State of Arkansas, County of Lincoln. Mrs. Fannie ARLEDGE of Lincoln Co, AR duly aided, authorized and assisted by husband John M. Arledge, appoints EW Teddlie of Winn Parish LA as her lawful attorney in fact to act in her behalf in dealing with following lands (lists) containing 160 acres. Authorized by John M. Arledge Wit: CA Williams, ES Whit. Sworn 1 June 1901.

-Fannie ARLEDGE of Lincoln CO, AR through EW Teddlie for $320 cash by WE Kelly of Chicago, Cook CO, IL, through his attorney in fact HA McDaniel, 160 acres in Winn Parish. Witnessesd at St. Maurice, LA by SM Brian and BO McCain on 6 June 1901. Signed WJ Teddlie, JW Teddlie, Mrs Fannie Arledge (by EW Teddlie, Atty in fact), Cora Teddlie. Recorded 7 Sept 1901.

Winn Parish, LA Deed Book L, pp. 452-3. State of Arkansas, County of Lincoln. HI Arledge of Lincoln Co AR sells to Charlie Arledge of Winn Parish his one-seventh interest in parcel containing 80 acres, for $20

cash, 23 Dec 1902. Wit: Miles Arledge, HD Palmore.

Winn Parish, LA Deed Book L, pp. 467-8. Livingston Parish, LA. B.A. ARLEDGE (wife of TJ Arnold) of Livingston Parish sells to CHarley ARLEDGE of Winn Parish a one-seventh interest in parcel containing 80 acres, for $20 cash, 14 March 1903. Wit: Miles Areldge, CA Arnold. TJ Arnold authorizes his wife to sign the title.

Winn Parish, LA Deed Book M, pp. 352. State of Arkansas, County of Lincoln. John M. and Miles Arledge of Arkansas to LA Midland Mill Co. Ltd. a resident of Catahoula Parish, LA, a parcel of land in Winn Parish

the same land entered from the US Government by our father William Arledge about 1887 together with improvements, for $40 cash. 6 October 1902. Wit: HL Atkinson (?), EV Hillums.

Winn Parish, LA Deed Book M, p. 353. Winn Parish, LA. Mrs Ida Boyette (wife of BF Boyette) of Winn Parish, sells all of her right and title as heir of William Arledge and his wife Mary, both now deceased, that is her seventh interest in the 80 acres of land, for $20 to the LA Midland Mill Co, Ltd. Wit: WF Cotton, BF Alford, 10 November 1902.

Winn Parish, LA Deed Book M, p. 353-4 [same deed in Book L, p. 452]. Lincoln Co, Arkansas. HI Arledge of Arkansas to Charlie Arledge of Winn Parish his one-seventh interest in 80 acres in Winn Parish for $20 cash. 23 Dec 1902 Wit: Miles Arledge, HD Palmer.

Winn Parish, LA Deed Book M, p. 354. Winn Parish, LA, Charles Arledge of Winn Parish to LA Midland Mill Co, LTD of Catahoula Parish, LA, for $120 cash, 17 Dec 1903. Wit: TM Erskine, GM Wallace.

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