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Wish 48 Notes

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The Wish

Brick Wall - Scotland - Wish 48

48. (from ELF Emma MacBeath) Proof that attached parents are correct as she thinks they are wrong Link to G2G post

Profiles: McBeath-112

Previous Input from G2G

  • Elizabeth Russon: John doesn't seem to have made it to the 1841 Scotland Census but given the names of his children, I would ASSume that his parents were John McBeath and Margaret Thomson of St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh. Scotland's People - John McBeath baptised 1 Dec 1781 St. Cuthbert's to John McBeath and Margaret Thomson 685/2 100 262. Usually at least one of the grandparents names shows up in the children of the parents. There are no George's and Elizabeth's in John's children.
  • Sheena Tait: There's a possible death for John in Glasgow, but no will (aged 53) [1] - but you might not find any more about him in the actual register. Also, I know you didn't ask this, but Mary survived to 1841 at least and was living in the Gallowgate ("Scottish General Register Office: 1841 Census Returns database, FreeCEN (https://www.freecen.org.uk/search_records/5a14e9f2f4040b9d6ef1028d : viewed 5 Nov 2022), James MCBEATH in household of Mary MCBEATH, Gallowgate, Lanarkshire, Scotland; from 1841 "England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images; citing The National Archives HO 107/644, Folio 112, Page 20, Schedule , The National Archives, Kew, Surrey.)

Elf Notes Thompson-85845 02:56, 4 January 2024 (UTC)

Review of information:

  • John and Mary (Menzies) marriage banns/records from Logie, Perth and Glasgow. They had children in Logie (Perth), Stirling, and Glasgow. Children's names: Mary Jane, John, Margaret, Robert M and James. John's occupation varied. He was a manufacturer on the marriage record and a spirits dealer on son Robert M's baptism record.
  • The 1841 census record cited by Sheena Tait above is a reasonable fit for Mary (Menzies) McBeath and sons John and James.
    • MCBEATH Mary F 45 Muslin Sewer Lanarkshire
    • MCBEATH John M 25 Carpet Weaver Lanarkshire
    • MCBEATH James M 9 Lanarkshire
  • The 28 Dec 1836 death record for John McBeth cited by Sheena Tait above shows that he was a 53-yr old weaver in Gorbals.
    • The occupation isn't consistent with John's previous occupations (spirits dealer and manufacturer) but his worked varied, and the 1841 census that shows son John (25) is a weaver. It is possible that John became a weaver later in life.
    • Gorbals is consistent with the 1830 baptism of son James in Gorbals Parish.
    • IF this is the correct death record, the birth year would be ~1783.
  • Birth/baptisms for John M*cBe*th in Scotland 1780-1786:
    • JOHN MCBEATH/JEAN CHRISTIE M 14/04/1782 374 20 / 232 Logie
    • JOHN MCBEATH/CHRISTIAN GOW FR1352 1781 (FR1352) M 25/08/1784 346 40 / 27 Dull
    • JOHN MCBEATH/ELSPETH MCGLASHON M 25/03/1785 334 20 / 93 Blair Atholl
    • JOHN MCBEATH/ELIZABETH FEMISTER FR2109 (FR2109) M 27/04/1783 692 / 260 / 648 Leith South
    • JOHN MCBEATH/MARGARET THOMSON FR2718 (FR2718) M 01/12/1781 685 / 2 100 / 262 St Cuthbert's
    • GEORGE MCBEATH/ELIZABETH LEISHMAN M 11/09/1785 374 30 / 12 Logie
    • HUGH MCBEATH/MARY BUCHANAN FR267 (FR267) M 23/02/1786 336 10 / 261 Callander
    • PETER MCBEATH/KATHRINE BUCHANAN M 26/03/1780 362 30 / 341 Kilmadock
    • GEORGE MACBEATH/JEAN HORN 15/06/1781 035 10 / 228 Canisbay
    • GILBERT MCBEATH/JEAN GOW FR9597 (FR9597) 15/10/1782 685 / 1 370 / 155 Edinburgh
    • ALEXR MCBEATH/JANE GUNN M 26/02/1785 043 30 / 33 Wick
    • DAVID MCBEATH/ELIZABETH OALD M 25/05/1785 035 10 / 241Canisbay
    • ARCHIBALD MCBEITH /JANET BANNANTYNE FR535 (FR535) M 13/04/1783 564 / 3 20 / 275 Greenock Old or West

The above list is not comprehensive because not all 1700s births in Scotland were recorded. However, it provides possibilities. Most profiles use George McBeath and Elizabeth Leishman. This is likely because the baptism record is the same parish where John married.

As pointed out by Elizabeth Russon, the name George does not appear in children, making it less likely. This same logic also makes other potential fathers named George, Hugh, Peter, Gilbert, David, Archibald and Alexander less likely. Those names are italicized above.

One other baptism record (parents John McBeath/Jean Christie) is from the parish of Logie, Perthshire. It's not clear why previous researchers favored George McBeath/Elizabeth Leishmann over John McBeath/Jean Christie. The baptism date,14/04/1782, is reasonable and the forenames are consistent with John's children.

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