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Woodford County Probate-Campbell

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Surname/tag: campbell
This page has been accessed 49 times.


The purpose of the Campbells of Woodford County Kentucky is to identify the various Campbell families that settled or passed through Woodford County. The long-term goal of this project is to collect male Y-DNA from Campbell male descendants of these Campbell male settlers.

In an effort to untangle the genealogies of the Campbells of Woodford County we are collecting marriage, land and probate records of the Campbells of Woodford County. This page has the Campbell Probate records for the years 1814 to 1843.

If your 'Woodford County Campbell ancestors WikiTree profile has not been attached in the table, please post a comment or send us a private message with the WikiTree ID number and we'll attach it. If your Woodford County ancestors profile does not have a Y-DNA test attached we encourage a descendant to take a Y-DNA test so we can properly document the line for posterity.

Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!

Probate Records

Woodford County
Probate Records
1814 - 1843
Updated: 31 Mar 2024
Year Surname First Instrument Book Page Comments Doc_Image
1814 Campbell George Will D 303 George Campbell of Woodford Couny. Sons: Gilbert Campbell, Samuel Campbell. Daughters: Nancy Kirkham, Prudnce, Mary, Elizabeth, Janet Doc Image
1815 Campbell George Apprais D 313 Inventory and Appraisement of George Campbell's Estate Doc Image
1815 Campbell George Sale D 334 Sale of the Personal Estate of George Campbell Doc Image
1815 Campbell Arthur Will E 7 Copy of Last and Testament in Knox County, KY Court of Arthur Campbell a citizen of Virginia. Beloved wife Margaret. Sons: William, John B, Charles Lewis, Arthur Lee, James, David. Daughters: Elizabeth, Margaret, Mary Baird, Jane B, Martha C, Annie Augusta. Grandson: Arthur Baird. Grandaughter: Margaret C Baird. Executors: sons, John B Campbell and Arthur L Campbell Doc Image
1826 Campbell William Will G 370 wife Mary Doc Image
1826 Campbell Wm Apprais H 55 Inventory and Appraisement of William Campbell's Estate Doc Image
1827 Campbell Joanna Will H 106 All my slaves: one negro man called Tom and one negro man called Scott and one negro woman called Febe at my decease shall be emancipated. Granddaughter Elizabeth Stevenson. Son Alexander Campbell appointed Executor Doc Image
1832 Campbell James Gdn I 174 James Campbell infant heir of Wm Campbell, dec'd Doc Image
1832 Campbell Nancy Gdn I 175 Nancy Campbell now Nancy Morton Doc Image
1832 Campbell Eliza & Julian Gdn I 176 Elizabeth & Julian infant heirs of Wm Campbell Doc Image
1833 Campbell James Gdn I 402 Doc Image
1833 Campbell Eliza & Julian Gdn I 402 Doc Image
1835 Campbell Eliza & Julian Settle K 236 Doc Image
1838 Campbell David Apprais L 60 Inventory and Appraisement of te Estate of David Campbell Doc Image
1839 Campbell David Sales L 61 Bill of Sale of the personal estate of David Cmpbell Doc Image
1843 Campbell David Settle M 199 Settlement by the Aministrators of the Estate of David Campbell Doc Image




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