Location: Sicily, Italy

Surnames/tags: World_War_II Invasion_of_Sicily Italy
World War II: Invasion of Sicily
In January 1943, British and American leaders met to discuss operations for after Axis forces had been driven from North Africa.
Operation Husky was the Allied landings on Sicily in July 1943.
Though the American delegation, led by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was initially reluctant to continue an advance in the Mediterranean, it conceded to British wishes to move forward in the region as both sides concluded that it would not be feasible to conduct landings in France that year and capture of Sicily would reduce Allied shipping losses to Axis aircraft.
Dubbed Operation Husky, General Dwight D. Eisenhower was given overall command with British General Sir Harold Alexander designated as the ground commander. Naval forces were led by Admiral of the Fleet, Andrew Cunningham. Air Chief Marshal Arthur Tedder led the air forces. Lieutenant General George S. Patton led the US 7th Army. The British Eighth Army was under the command of General Sir Bernard Montgomery.[1]
Dates of this Campaign
Allied troops landed on July 9, 1943, and officially secured the island on August 17, 1943.
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