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X-Friends app : comparison between processing a large gedcom (25,000 people) and a smaller one (4,000)

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Date: 12 Aug 2023 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: dna endogamy x-matches x-chromosome Corato emigration history X-friends Connect-a-thon
Profile manager: James Smith private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 24 times.

I performed the following operation with the X-friends app : - processing of the full Ancestry gedcom of the albero genealogico coratino tree containing 25,424 people, with Angela Vangi as root person : after conversion of the .csv file, I obtained an Xlsx file of Angela's X-friends with 1,059 lines - after exporting the full gedcom from Ancestry to Family Tree Maker (FTM) and then exporting Angela Vangi's ancestors and descendants over 10 generations, resulting in a gedcom of 4505 people : after processing the latter FTM gedcom with the X-friends app and converting to .csv and Xlsx, I obtained the exact same number of lines : 1,059 !

This is very pleasing, indicating, I would say, that the X-friends app is as accurate with the large gedcom as with the smaller one. This means that if one needs to process the X-friends app with 20 or so different root persons there is no need to perform the operation with FTM 20 times : one can make do with processing the original large gedcom and just changing the root persons.

In a recent email, Greg suggested to me : I think, right now, if you want to switch people, you still have to go back to that first screen, and indicate that you're starting a new GEDcom -BUT - if the name of the old GEDcom is right there, you can just click on the PROCESS GEDCOM FILE and then pick a different name from the drop down list ... and off you go.

In other words, in order to change root persons, one does a 'Complete reset and start again' in order to reprocess the gedcom and obtain the option to change the root individual. The original gedcom should still be there, ready to be processed again. One cannot change the root individual without doing this because one doesn't get the option to open up the list of individuals in the gedcom : ie the drop-down option for selection of the root person doesn't work without doing a complete reset. Personally, I find this quite logical, perhaps avoiding the possibility of confusion between root individuals.

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