Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: McCool Y-DNA
This is one of several research areas of the McCool Name Study. We ask that all Y-DNA tested McCool men join the McCool surname group at FamilyTreeDNA.
The only confirmed members of this group are those who have taken a Y-DNA test and matched to another member. However, we presume that their male McCool-line ancestors would fall in the group if they had been able to test - as long as the paper trail to those ancestors is well-sourced. Similarly, male McCool-line descendants of those well-sourced ancestors can be presumed to be members of this group.
Our goal is to test a descendant of two or more sons of every male McCool born before about 1830.
To include your ancestor in this category, copy and paste the category before the Biography line of the profile:
- [[Category: Y-DNA R-M269 Group 04, McCool Name Study]]
Please notify the McCool project administrator if a new Y-DNA test indicates that one or more men in this category may not belong.
Contents |
Group Summary
Every member of this group shares a common male McCool ancestor, but the earliest common ancestor is currently undetermined. It's possible that the earliest McCool ancestor in the group is John McCoole Sr (abt.1645-1719) or his son John Jr. However, the Y-DNA R-M269 Group 01 also has a claim to those ancestors. The only way to resolve this will be to get new Big Y-700 tests from descendants of John Sr's sons, James McCoole Sr (1709-1751) and Walter McCool (abt.1712-abt.1796).
As of April 2024, there are two matching Y-DNA tested men in this group:
- Rex E McCool (1924-2019), who is a Big Y-700 tested descendant of Archibald McCool (abt.1740-1780). Archibald's parents are considered unknown.
- a grandson of Lee Sterling "Price" McCool (1865-1945), who is believed to be the second-great-grandson of Thomas McCool (abt.1720-1767).
This chart shows the ancestors of the tested men and some of the locations where they were born and died. Click on the links above to view their WikiTree profiles.
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We speculate that Archibald might be a second cousin of Thomas or of Thomas's son, Adam. We simply don't have enough information to estimate their relationship properly until more McCool descendants take a Big Y-700 test.
Only Big Y-tested men receive a terminal haplogroup (which will evolve over time as more McCool men test). Every man in this group is expected to be in a subclade or off-branch of R-FTA4736. We expect a number of new subclades to be created as more McCool men in this line take a Big Y-700 test.
Here is the R1b SNP path to R-FTA4736:
R-M207 -> R-M173 -> R-M343 -> R-L754 -> R-L761 -> R-L389 -> R-P297 -> R-M269 -> R-L23 -> R-L51 -> R-P310 -> R-L151 -> R-U106 -> R-Z2265 -> R-BY30097 -> R-FTT8 -> R-Z381 -> R-Z156 -> R-S5520 -> R-FGC11662 -> R-FGC11672 -> R-FGC11670 -> R-FGC11665 -> R-FGC11674 -> R-FTA4736
Group Ancestral Theories
By definition, the Y-DNA tested men in this group all share a common male McCool ancestor. Some of them are also related more closely than others. But until we have more McCool Y-DNA tests - and especially Big Y-700 tests - we can only speculate on who that common McCool ancestor might be.
Under Construction...
Ancestors and descendants of Archibald McCool-88
In 2024, we can only speculate about Archibald's birthdate, birthplace, and parents. We know he lived east of Hillsboro in Orange County, North Carolina during the 1770s and that he died about May 1780 fighting on the side of the British at the Battle of Charleston (along with his eldest, teenage son). Other facts:
- His wife and surviving children all moved from Orange County, North Carolina to the Townsend area of what would later become Ontario, Canada in 1794.
- His eldest son died at age 15 in the Revolutionary War.
- Second son William's many descendants migrated from Ontario to Porter County, Indiana. Some of them would live in Ohio, New Jersey, and southern California. We've recently discovered (in 2024) that he does have living male McCool-surname descendants. We'd love one of them to take a Y-DNA test.
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