
Young Clan

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Scotland Project >Scotland - Scottish Families Team > Clan Young


Welcome to the Youngs of Scotland

Robore Prudentia Praestat
(Prudence Excels Strength)
Clan Young Team
Team Leader
Team Members Sheena Tait, Christopher Young
Clan Chief: N/A [Read the Clan History below for progress on the search for a Chief of the Name and Arms.]
Presiding Commissioner: Ian Young.
Crest: A demi lion issuant, Gules, holding a sword, Proper.
Motto: Robore Prudentia Praestat (Prudence Excels Strength)
Slogan/War Cry:
Historic Seat:
Plant badge:
Pipe music:
Gaelic name:

Clan Team

Team Goals

The focus of this team's work is to identify, improve and maintain profiles associated with the Lairds and Chiefs of Clan Young together with members bearing the name Young, the related families and those recognised as septs of Clan Young.

Team To Do List

This list will be developed by the Team. If you are working on a specific task, please list it here:

  1. promoting the profiles of those bearing the name Young on Wikitree (see Young Name Study),
  2. ensuring entries appearing on Wikitree are as accurate as possible, correcting mistakes once spotted,
  3. encouraging interest in and study of the surname Young in Scotland,
  4. promoting the use of DNA testing to connect the diaspora with its Scottish origins (see Young Surname DNA Study.

Clan History

The families of the name Young, currently do not have a Chief. Clans and families who used to have a Chief with a coat of arms but no longer do, have been referred to as 'armigerous,' however, the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs has decided to not use this term.[1]

On the topic of Clan vs. Family, Dr. Bruce Durie notes that "although a number of surname societies have chosen to incorporate the word "Clan" in their titles, this shoud not be taken to connote that the surname does actually constitute a Highlands or Borders Clan in Scotland, as opposed to a Lowlands Family, House, etc." He goes on to note that "there is still no official, generally-accepted list of clans and families, and the various bodies which could issue such a thing have, perhaps understandably, shied away from it, realising the conflict it might cause." [2]

The present-day Youngs of Scotland is an inclusive organization inviting all branches of the surname Young, from Border Clan to Lowlands Families to known Houses of Young, to join in a united effort to research, preserve and promote the legacy of this ancient family name.

Early Modern Period

The only record of a group of Youngs living in a tribal or clannish manner is that of the Border Youngs of east Roxburghshire. The historical Chief of the Clan Young is unknown.[3]

By the 1600s, the branch of the family at Auldbar Castle had become the most prominent branch and are accepted by many as the Chiefly line. It is unclear if the family was recognized by the Crown as Chiefs of the Name Young .[4]

The branch of the Young surname that is considered by many as the chiefly line is of the Youngs of Forfar, Dundee, Seaton and eventually Auldbar.[5] See John Young (abt.1497-1583) and his son Peter (Young) Young of Seaton (1544-1628).

Late Modern Period

No other family has claimed to be the chiefly line.[5]

Contemporary Period

In 2022, the Lord Lyon approved the use of the name Youngs of Scotland to represent a Council of Commissioners from the established clan branches. The Council's primary purpose is to elect and propose Commander of the Name of Young to the Lord Lyon. The role of Commander is to rally the independent families to move towards being treated as a clan or name with the appointment of a chief by the Lord Lyon.s[6]

The Youngs of Scotland Council was formed 14 Jan 2023 by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between leadership of the following Clan Young country branches:[7]

  • United States of America
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • United Kingdom and Ireland.

The purpose of the Council is to:

  1. Elect a Commander of the the Name of Young.
  2. Cultivate a spirit of kinship among those of the surname of Young and their descendants.
  3. Provide opportunities to learn about the history of the surname of Young.
  4. Research and provide information on the history of Scottish Youngs.
  5. Collect and preserve historical, literary, records, relics, and artifacts of Scottish Youngs and of Scotland.
  6. Encourage the giving of aid and hospitality to members of our Society.
  7. Honour our Scottish heritage and inspire the pride and spirit of our Scottish ancestors.
  8. Provide genealogical assistance and advice to members researching their family history.

The Council structure will consist of the following:

  • Commander of the Name of Young or Chief of the Name and Arms of Young
  • Commissioner for Australia
  • Commissioner for Canada
  • Commissioner for United Kingdom and Ireland
  • Commissioner for United States

The council will consist of the following roles:

  1. Commander or Chief. A Commander of the Name of Young or Chief of the Name and Arms of Young,[8] as recognised and approved by the Lord Lyon King of Arms, will represent Youngs of Scotland in The Standing Council of Scottish Chief and internationally.
  2. Presiding Commissioner. One Commissioner may be selected by Council as the Presiding Commissioner to provide support to the Commander or Chief and to chair the meetings. This position will be rotational amongst the Commissioners and will generally be held for a maximum of three years.
  3. Commissioner. The signing parties will each nominate one representative, a Commissioner, to form a Council.
  4. Historian. The Historian shall maintain records of all relevant documents necessary to record the history of the Youngs of Scotland as an association and will publish annually an article in the Young Gazette accounting for our activities during the previous year.
  5. Genealogist. The Genealogist shall support the genealogists of the separate national organizations in unifying our ancestral studies and shall advocate for the use of DNA in research. He will further support the research to validate any recognized claimant desiring to serve as Commander of Chief of the Name.
  6. Communications Coordinator. The Communications Coordinator shall support a common website and facilitate outreach thereby. They shall also assist in digital communications linking each national group for participation in our annual gathering.

Clan Branches

Youngs of Scotland Council
Youngs of Scotland UK & Ireland
Clan Young USA
Youngs of Scotland Canada
Youngs of Scotland Australia


  1. Bruce Durie, Your Scottish-American Ancestry, Special Limited Edition (Scotland: Gath Askelon Publishing, 2018), p. 29.
  2. Bruce Durie, An Ordinary of Arms, vol. III 1971-2017 (Scotland:, 2022), p. x.
  3. Young, Douglas A. L. Youngs of Scotland: For He Loved His Surname Best in All Scotland. Markham, ON: Stewart Publishing and Printing, 2010, p. 52.
  4. Ibid, p. 53.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Ibid, p. 54.
  6. "The Search for Clan Chiefs," The Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs (,him%20in%20the%20chiefly%20Arms. : accessed 29 Nov 2023)
  7. Youngs of Scotland, “Constitution” ; 14 Jan 2023; copy privately held by Christopher Young, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE], 2023.
  8. "Chiefs of the Name and Arms," Council of Scottish Clans & Associations (,-%E2%80%8B&text=A%20clan%20chief%20is%20that,Arms%20of%20a%20specific%20surname. : accessed 30 Nov 2023

See also:

  • Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Doug McCallum and Scotland Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
  • Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)


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