
Young Name Study

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Surname/tag: Young
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About the Project

The Young Name Study project serves as a collaborative platform to collect information on the Young name. The hope is that other researchers like you will join the study to help make it a valuable reference point for other genealogists who are researching or have an interest in the Young name.

As a One Name Study, this project is not limited to persons who are related biologically. Individual team studies can be used to branch out the research into specific methods and areas of interest, such as geographically (England Youngs), by time period (18th Century Youngs), or by topic (Young DNA, Young Occupations, Young Statistics). These studies may also include a number of family branches which have no immediate link with each other. Some researchers may even be motivated to go beyond the profile identification and research stage to compile fully sourced, single-family histories of some of the families they discover through this name study project.

I follow the guiding study-principles of the Guild of One-Name Studies as well as the ethics and standards of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG).

How to Join

To join the Young Name Study, first start out by browsing our current teams to see if there is a specific study ongoing that fits your interests. If so, feel free to add your name to the Membership list below, post an introduction comment on the specific team page, and then dive right in!

If a team does not yet exist for your particular area of interest, please contact the Name Study Coordinator: Chris Young for assistance.

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Teams are created around historical regions.

See also:


  • Chris Young - I am interested in the Youngs of Quebec between 1620 and 1849. I am interested to discover any additional details about the origins of John Young b. c. 1759 possibly in Scotland - d. 14 Sept 1819 Quebec, Lower Canada. John Young was a merchant, entrepreneur, seigneur, politician, militia officer, office holder, landowner, and judge in Quebec & Lower Canada. A first record of his life in Quebec is in 1783, after he spent some time as a merchant in London. In Quebec, he had a partnership in a local distillery and his business partner was William Grant b. 15 Jun 1744, Blairfindy, Moray. Y-DNA testing confirms the genetic homeland of John Young's surname clan to be in Morayshire. I am recruiting DNA testers with the Young surname in Morayshire, Scotland. Visit Youngs-of-Morayshire for more information.
  • Ian Young - I am interested in the Youngs of Ayrshire between 1600 and 1900. My focus source is the 1841 Census of Scotland that contains 1,577 census returns with the surname of Young. Y-DNA testing has confirmed my Scottish paternal genetic homeland is in the farming communities of central Ayrshire between Ayr and Kilmarnock with the R-M222 Y-DNA genetic marker. I am recruiting Y-DNA testers with the Young surname in Ayrshire. Visit Youngs-of-Ayrshire for more information.

Young Surname DNA Project

DNA testing is an essential part of a Surname study. Follow this link to join the DNA project.

Genetic Homelands

Youngs of Scotland There are an estimated twenty potential paternal genetic homelands for the origin of the Young surname in Scotland Each of these clans would have a 'Surname Adam' - a single founding male ancestor. The Youngs of Scotland study is broken down into geographic regions not only to make the numbers more manageable but also to help focus the research towards these 'Surname Adams.' DNA testing will also illuminate neighbouring surnames as this ancestor lived near others with whom he was related but who took on other surnames.


YOUNG. A personal name the same in meaning with Gaelic Og, 'young.' The name was probably applied, as Bardsley suggests, "in the sense of junior, to distinguish father and son when both bore the same personal name." Malmor dictus Juvenis and Ade disctus Juvenis were assizers at Dumbarton in 1271 (RMP., p. 191). John Young de Dyngvale witnessed a charter by the earl of Ross to Reginald, son of Roderick of the Isles, in 1342 (TGSI., VI, p. 165), and Symone Yong was burgess of Elgin in 1343 (REM., p. 290). John Yhung was a tenant of the earl of Douglas in Moffat in 1376 (RHM., I, p. lxiii), Adam Zung witnessed a notarial instrument in 1413 (Pollok, I, p. 146), and Walter Young served on an assize at Edinburgh in 1428 (RAA., II, 61). Alexander Yong was chaplain and procurator of the house of the Holy Trinity of Aberdeen in 1439 (CRA., p. 6), John Zung was a presbyter in Glasgow in 1442 (REG., 346), and William Yhonge and Walter Yhonge, Scottish merchants, had safe conducts into England in 1446 (Bain, IV, 1187), and so also had Patrick Yunge (Yonge, or Yhong), dean of Dunkeld in 1449 (ibid., 1212, 1218). William Zhong was vicar of Cragy in 1449 (RMP., p. 83), Rovbert Yhonge held a tenement in Glasgow in 1454 (LCD., p. 174), and John Zoung was baile of William, earl of Orkney in 1462 (Cambus., 89). Alexander Yonge, a native of Scotland, had letters of denization in England in 1482 (Bain, IV, 1473), William Zung is recorded in Newburgh, Fife, in 1479 (LAC., 153), and Mongw Young was tenant in Stobo in 1528 (Rental). Yowng 1456, Ywng 1388, Zeung 1617, Zong 1511, Zonge 1493, Zoonge 1525, Zowng 1522. Cf. Younger.

List of the Principal Works Referred to:

Bardsley - A dictionary of English and Welsh surnames. By the late C. W. Bardsley. London, 1901.
Bain - Calendar of documents realting to Scotland preserved in Public Record Office. Edited by Joseph Bain. Edinburgh, 1881-84. 4 v. (Cited by number of document unless page is specially referred to.)
CRA. - Extracts from the council register of the burgh of Aberdeen. Aberdeen, 1844-45. 2 v. v. 1: 1398-1570; v, 2: 1570-1625.
LAC. - Chartulary of the Abbey of Lindores, 1195-1479. Edited by Rt. Rev. John Dowden. Edinburgh, 1903.
LCD. - Liber collegii Nostre Domine registrum ecclesie B.V. Marie et Anne infra muros civitatis Glasguensis MDXLIX. Glasgow, 1846.
Pollok. - Memoirs of the Maxwells of Pollock. By Sir William Fraser, Edinburgh, 1853. 2 v.
RAA. - Registrorum abbacie de Aberbrothoc. (I) Pars prior, Registrum vetus munimentaque... 1178-1329. (II) Pars altera, Registrum nigrum...1329-56. Edinburgh, 1848-56. 2 v.
REG. - Registrum episcopatus Glasguensis...Edinburgh, 1843. 2 v.
REM. - Registrum episcopatus Moraviensis...Edinburgh, 1832.
Rental. - Rental book of diocese of Glasgow. 1509-1570. (In. Simon. Liber protocollorum. v. 1, p. 41-214.)
RHM. - Registrum honris de Morton: a series of ancient charters of the earldom of Morton, with other orignal papers. Edinburgh, 1853. 2 v.
RMP. - Registrum monasterii de Passelet...Passelet, 1877.
TGSI. - Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness. Inverness, 1872-1939. v. 1-35.

Source: George Fraser Black, The Surnames of Scotland: Their Origin, Meaning and History, 2022 Reprint. (Edinburgh: Origin, 2022), p. 828, pp. lix-lxxi.

Young English: distinguishing name, from ME [Middle English] yunge, yonge young (OE [Old English] geong), for the younger of two bearers of the same given name, usually a son who bore the same name as his father.  In ME this name is often found with the ANF def. art., e.g. Robert le Yunge.
Vars.: Younge, Yong(e).
Patrs.: Eng.: Youngs (common in Norfolk). Flem., Du.: Jongen.

Source: Patrick Hanks, ed., The Oxford Names Companion (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2002), p. 678.

Related Surnames and Surname Variants

Dejong, Dion, Guyon, Jong, Jung, Junge, Junk, Juvenis, Lajeunesse, Lejeune, Ljung, Og, Ogg, Tarno, Wyng, YANG, YEUNG, Yhong, Yhonge, Yhung, Yong, Yonge, Yongue, Yoon, Younge,Younger, Youngs, Yowng, Yung, Yunge, Yunk, Zeung, Zhong, Zoonge, Zowng, Zung

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