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Younger-1074's DNA Research Summary

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Younger Williams
This page has been accessed 130 times.


My DNA Journey

My DNA journey began only recently. Unfortunately, it's been difficult to find enough known family to participate so that I can truly confirm matches. I'm the only child of my parents, and a girl - so I can't take a Y-DNA test to confirm my paternal line. In addition, my father was born in 1933, so most of his known ancestors are deceased. I'm trying to get my mother to take a test to help confirm her side, and I do have some known cousins - on my mother's side - who have tested (and are matches).

AncestryDNA Circles

I've decided to ignore the circles since they were putting me into circles with my father's adopted family based on my family tree. I am now using a mirror tree instead and using ONLY my matches to triangulate connections to ancestors.

Triangulation Results

At the moment, I'm focusing purely on my father's side, since my mother's side is mostly known, and based on the quick matches I've seen while looking for my father's side, appears to be mostly correct based on my genealogy research in general.


I just got a huge breakthrough on this side, but I'll have to add this later ;) 9/15/18


Multiple shared matches with my known (half) first cousin on my mother's maternal side confirm my mother's mother is, in fact, her mother. So far I've only been able to confirm her mother's maternal side, her father is still a DNA mystery.

Multiple shared matches with my known 2nd cousin on my mother's father's side confirm my mother's father is, in fact, her father. So far I've only been able to confirm her father's maternal side, his father is still a DNA mystery.

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I have made SO MUCH PROGRESS since the last time I updated this list, but haven't had a chance to update. I will update this afternoon with all of the new information I've found.
posted by [Living Younger]