Location: Ayrshire, Scotland

- This project is part of the Young One Name Study.
This project aims to reconstruct families with the surname of Young in Ayrshire before 1875.
The project co-ordinator is Ian Young.
Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.
- Start with reconstructing families betwen 1800-1875
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- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Christopher Young and Ian Young. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
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- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
John Young (1811-1878 ) was born at Ayr, Scotland, son of William Young, a cooper, and Janet Gibson, and died in Montreal, Que. He was influential in Montreal. His monument is located in Old Montreal.