Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Bliss
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Bliss
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Other: Family Genealogies
Zadock Bliss (1788-1853) Keziah Haskins Bliss (1786-1851)
Historical and genealogical records of their descendants to 1951.
- by Martha Blackwell Scott (b.1891)
- published 1951
Inline Citation
- Place this inline to support a fact:
- <ref name='Bliss'>Scott, Martha Blackwell. ''[[Space:Zadock Bliss (1788-1853) Keziah Haskins Bliss (1786-1851)|Zadock Bliss (1788-1853) Keziah Haskins Bliss (1786-1851)]]'' (1951)</ref>
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- <ref name='Bliss' />
- If you need to cite different page numbers from this text, place the following in the Sources section:
- Scott, Martha Blackwell. ''[[Space:Zadock Bliss (1788-1853) Keziah Haskins Bliss (1786-1851)|Zadock Bliss (1788-1853) Keziah Haskins Bliss (1786-1851)]]'' (1951)
- Use the following inline to refer to the proper page number:
- <ref>Scott, p. xxx</ref>
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