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Zaprzatka Family Mysteries

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Location: Polandmap
Surname/tag: Zaprzatka
Profile manager: Rebecca Dean private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 43 times.

Zaprzatka was my great grandmothers maiden name. Nellie Zaprzatka came to America in 1913 according to the 1930 census I found. I was told she came over with her sister, possibly also with an uncle or stayed with an uncle once getting here. She meet and married my great grandfather John Iwaniec, also from Poland, in New York and moved to Connecticut. From what I was told there is a chance her mother had a child around 1915-1918 but haven't had any luck finding anything. Anything from before they came to America I have been unable to find. Any help would be great! Thanks.

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