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Zeigler families of Orangeburgh South Carolina

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Orangeburg, South Carolinamap
Surname/tag: Zeigler Sigler Ziegler South_Carolina
This page has been accessed 57 times.

This page is for recording notes, records, and thoughts regarding the various Zeiglers that were in the Orangeburgh, South Carolina area in the 1700s to mid-1800s in an effort to try and distinguish the various families.

The land records mentioned can be viewed at the South Carolina State Archives (or their online site).


David Zeigler

From an article regarding the Zeigler House (in Alabama): David Zeigler and his wife came from Germany with their nine children. After their arrival, their son Bernard married. His son Jacob, the first Ziegler in the family born in America, was born in Orangeburg in 1755."

The above comment gives a name to the father of Bernard (mentioned below). However, it seems unlikely that a man in his 70s would emigrate, along with nine children (who would all have been adults by 1755). Others list David as living from circa 1680 to sometime after 1752.

David Siglear received a plat for 150 acres on a branch of Stephens Creek bounding all sides on vacant land on 13 Sep 1764. (Vol 8, p 248, item 1) David Seigler entered a memorial for this land on 28 Feb 1765. (Vol 6, p 393, item 003)

Bernard Zeigler

The Bernard Zeigler Family was one of several Zeigler families who settled in colonial Orangeburgh District, South Carolina. Even though they shared common given names with some of the other Zeigler lines, Bernard's family stayed in the vicinity of his original land on Pope Spring Creek for several generations. This makes it easier to pick out his descendants by their location and neighbors.[1]

Barnard Ziglar received a plat of 200 acres in the lower end of Orangeburg Township on 30 Oct 1753. Adjacent landowner was Phliax (Felix) Morf. (Vol 8, p 606, item 03)

Barnard Ziglar received a memorial for 200 acres on Pope Spring Swamp in Berkley County on 22 Apr 1762. Felix Morss is also listed, so this likely is the memorial for the above plat. (Vol 14, p 188, item 003)

Barnard Ziglar is shown as an adjacent landowner on a plat of 100 acres for Maria Wedlin in the lower end of Orangeburg Township on 30 Oct 1753. (Vol 8, p 622, item 02) He also is adjacent landowner on the memorial that Maria received for this land on 28 Aug 1765. (Vol 8, p 59, item 004)

Barnard Zigler received a land grant for 200 acres in Orangeburgh Township on 14 Nov 1754. (Vol 6, p 167, item 000)

Bernard Zeigler is shown as an adjacent landowner on plat of 100 acres just below Orangeburgh Township on the north side of the Four Holes Swamp in Berkley County laid out for Maria Catherine Cagerline dated 20 Jul 1757 (and memorial of 4 May 1761). The land was bounded on the NW by Bernard and on the SW by Anna Maria Wedlin (who later married Bernard Zeigler), (Vol 6, p 260. item 03 and Vol 14, p 39, item 001)

Bernard Sigler is shown as an adjacent landowner on a plat for 320 acres in Orangeburgh District on Shoemakers Branch, waters of Four Holes, for Jacob Sigler dated 9 Sep 1789. Other adjoining landowners were Gasper Seigler, Ballantine Shoemaker, Conrad Hungerpealer, Jacob Hungerpealer, Jacob Murf, Felix Murf. Jacob Snider. (Vol 27. p 140, item 001)

Some online trees shown Bernard as the son of Fritz Zeigler (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Ziegler-1909).

Conrad Seigler

Conrad is shown as an adjacent landowner on a plat of 150 acres on a fork between the Broad and Saluda Rivers on a branch of Second Creek laid out for John Conrad Volk on 7 Apr 1753. Other adjoining landowners were George Hunter and John Pearson.

Charolus Seigler

Charolus is an adjoining landowner on a plat of 150 acres laid out for Adam Yan/Yau in a fork between the Broad and Saluda Rivers on Broad River in Craven County on 24 Jul 1769. Other adjoining landowners was Simon Riberhober. (Vol. 11, p 205, item 01). Note: Simon Riberhover was an adjoining landowner in the 1753 plat for Cornelius Seigler (see below). This leads me to think that Charolus and Cornelius are one and the same.

Cornelius Seigler

Cornelius is shown as an adjacent landowner on a plat of 350 acres on a fork between the Broad and Saluda Rivers on a branch of Cannon Creek laid out for Simon Riberhover on 26 Apr 1753. Other adjoining landowners were Thomas Hember, George Hunter, Christian Leiver, John Pearson.

Fait/Feits (perhaps Fitz?) Seigler

Fait received a plat of 250 acres above Amelia Township in Berkley County with the south fork of the Mine Branch running through it on 12 Oct 1753. Adjacent land owner is Balthus Snit. (Vol. 12, p. 152, item 02)

Feits received a land grant for the above land on 3 Sep 1754. (Vol. 6, p. 119, item 0)

George Sigler/Zeigler

George Siglear received a plat for 100 acres on a branch of Broad River known by the name of Wilkinson's Creek on 27 Nov 1758. Adjacent landowner was Conrad Kensler. (Vol 7, p 28, item 3) He received the land grant for the plat on 20 Feb 1760. (Vol 9, p 385, item 0)

George Sigler is listed as an adjacent land owner in a Nov 1771 plat of 150 acres on the north side of Broad Creek for Martin Shirer. Other adjacent owners were John Bremar, Robert Ellison.[2]

George Seigler is shown as an adjacent land owner on a Nov 1784 plat of land given to Daniel Wootan on the waters of Broad Creek near Wilkinson's Creek in Camden District.[3]

George Sigler sold land in 1834 in Orangeburg, SC. The deed states that the property was left by Jacob to his sons, George and Henry. The land was on Pope Spring Creek and consisted of portions of tracts surveyed for Bernard Zeigler and Casper Zeigler, among others. The tract George was selling was bounded by land of William Zeigler[4]

George Sigler Sr. of Edgefield, SC wrote his will on 17 Oct 1842, naming his wife Mary, his brother Jeremiah, and his son George, and mentions his 150 acres of land on which he presently lives on lying in Edgefield District on Cypress Creek.[5]

Jacob Zeigler

There is a birth record of a John Jacob Zeigler born 16 Nov 1755 in Orangeburgh, South Carolina., son of Bernhard Ziegler and Anna Maria (Wedel) . There were at least three men named Jacob Zeigler, born within a few years of one another, that lived in Orangeburg. Land and tax records indicate the son Jacob born in 1755 to Bernard was not the one that migrated to Alabama.

Jacob Seigler received a plat for 60 acres in Orangeburgh District on 21 Jun 1785. Adjacent landowners were Maningo, Wilson, and Seigler (no first names shown on diagram). (Vol 8, p 274, item 001)

Jacob Sigler received a plat for 320 Acres On Shoemakers Branch. waters of Four Holes Swamp, Orangeburgh District, Surveyed By Henry Smith on 9 Sep 1789. Adjacent landowners were: Hungerpealer, Conrad; Hungerpealer, Jacob; Murf, Felix; Murf, Jacob; Seigler, Gasper; Shoemaker, Ballentine; Sigler, Bernard; Smith, Henry; Snider, Jacob.[6]

Jacob Seigler received a plat for 95 acres in Orangeburgh District near Poke Springs, waters of the Four Holes, on 3 Dec 1800. This adjoined his own land as well as that of Jacob Stroman and George Hoofman. (Vol 38, p 192, item 002)

Jacob Seigler is shown as an adjacent land owner on a plat of 32.75 acres laid out for Thomas Blackledge in Orangeburgh District on 13 Sep 1803.The other adjoining landowners are Michael Stroman as well as Dantzler and Huffman (no first name given for those two). (Vol 40, p 148, item 001)

The 1818 tax roll lists "estate of Jacob Zeigler'. What is further known is that the land owned by him was previously owned by Bernard Zeigler, so this would have been Jacob born in 1755. Also, the estate return was signed by John Smith, son of George Smith who was Jacob's (son of Bernard) half-brother.[7]

Jacob wrote a will before he died but a copy of it does not exist. It is mentioned in a deed when his son, George, sold land in 1834. The deed states that the property was left by Jacob to his sons, George and Henry. The land was on Pope Spring Creek and consisted of portions of tracts surveyed for Bernard Zeigler and Casper Zeigler, among others. The tract George was selling was bounded by land of William Zeigler.[8]

Johannes Seigler

Johannes had a plat laid out for him for 100 acres lying and being at Cuffee Town Creek on 25 Mar 1765. Adjacent landowners were Henry Roubert, Margaret Knobb, Charles Weilman. (Vol 8, p. 124, item 01) He received the land grant for it on 23 Aug 1765. (Vol 13, p 37, item 000)

Jurg Zigler

Jurg received a plat for 100 acres in Granville County on 27 Dec 1756. Adjacent landowers were Andreas Brumler and Michael Erlabouch(?). (Vol 6, p 205, item 03) He received a land grant for this on 18 Oct 1757. (Vol 8, p 184, item 000)

Michael Seigler

Micall Seagler is an adjacent landowner (on the NE side) on a plat for Frederick Hoof for 200 acres in Berkley County on the waters of the Four Holes on 15 Nov 1771. (Vol 17, p 55, item 02)

Michael received a plat for 124 acres in Orangeburgh District on a branch of the Little Saltcatcher on 21 Jul 1788. Adjacent landowner was Jesse Lancaster. (Vol 23, p 130, item 002)

Michael is an adjacent landowner on a memorial for Melchior Smith for 400 acres in Orangeburgh Township on 15 Aug 1772. (Vol 11, p 352, item 004)

Michael is shown as an adjacent landowner on a plat of 500 acres for James Reid on the waters of the South Edisto dated 8 Sep 1789. Other adjacent landowerns were Rutledge, Budd, and McDonald. (Vol 27, p 125, item 001)

Nicholas Zigler

Nicholas is shown as an adjacent landowner on a plat for 250 acres for John Brederman being in the fork between Broad and Saluda Rivers on 20 Nov 1753. Other adjacent landowners were John Gartman, Jacob Light, Martin Shirer. (Vol 6, p 44, item 01) He is still an adjacent landowner on the memorial for this land dated 25 Nov 1761.

Nicholas received a land grant for 150 acres between the Broad and Saluda Rivers dated 26 Apr 1754. (Vol 6, p 59, item 000) He received a memorial for this land on 29 Aug 1765.

Nicholas is an adjacent landowner on a plat for 210 acres for George Dawkins on a small branch on south side of Broad River in Craven County on 29 May 1773. Shirers and others were adjacent landowners. (Vol 14, p 340, item 02)


  1. https://ogsgs.org/ffam/ffam.php?f=zeigler
  2. South Carolina Colonial Plat Books, Archives ID: Series: S213184 Volume: 0019 Page: 00426 Item: 03
  3. South Carolina Plat Books, Charleston Series, Archives ID: Series: S213190 Volume: 0005 Page: 00342 Item: 000
  4. Orangeburg County, South Carolina, Deed Book 3, pages 134-35, George Sigler to Henry Rickenbacker
  5. South Carolina Will Transcripts, Copy No. 9, Archives ID: Series: S108093 Reel: 0010 Frame: 00260 Item: 000
  6. South Carolina Plat Books, Archives ID: Series: S213190 Volume: 0027 Page: 00140 Item: 001
  7. St. Matthews 1818 Tax List," South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research 1 (Fall 1973), page 214
  8. Orangeburg County, South Carolina, Deed Book 3, pp 134-135, George Sigler to Henry Rickenbacker; Registrar of Deeds, Orangeburg.

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