Mary was born about 1550.
"CLARENDON'S GRANDPARENTS (clxxxix, 246-8). This is a belated reply to a plea in an article by E. A. Greening Lamborn on "Clarendon's Grandparents" concerning Mary, wife of Edward Langford, and a great-grandmother of Anne Hyde, wife of King James II; that "it would be an interesting historical discovery if Mary Langford's family name could be provided by some reader. The checkers impaled for her suggest that she was one of the local family of St. Barbe, but no marriage with Langford has been found in their pedigree". In fact just such a marriage is mentioned in the St. Barbe pedigree in W. G. Davis, _Ancestry of Abel Lunt_ (1963), 189-98. Mary Langford must have been the Mary St. Barbe who was the youngest child of Thomas St. Barbe, of Homington, Wiltshire, by his wife Joan. Edward Langford mentions in his will his brother-in-law Edward Hyde; and Mary's sister Alice St. Barbe had married in 1582 an Edward Hyde. Also Edward Langford is described as brother-in-law in the will of Thomas St. Barbe the younger. Mary Langford's grandmother, Margery St. Barbe, was a daughter of Humphrey Grey, of Enville, Staffordshire, a grandson of Reynold Grey, the third Lord Grey of Ruthin. Thus Anne Hyde was descended from the medieval baronage." [1]
Mary's will was probated 1624.
“Mary Langford of Trowbridge, in the diocese of Sarum, widow. Will dated 19 Oct., 1624, proved 4 Dec., 1624, by Eliz. Milles [113 Byrde]. 20s. to the parish and 3l. to the poor. Henry the elder, Esq. 40s., my dau. Mary, his wife, 4l., his son Henry H. the younger 40s., his son Edward H. 5l., and to his 5 daus. 5l. each. My son-in-law Wm Longe 40s., my dau., his wife, 5l., his dau. Mary Longe 10l., and to Henry, Edward, Rebecca, and An, sons and daus. of his, 5l. each, and to Robert, Wm., Walter, Alice, and Deborah, sons and daus. of his, 4l. each, all at 21. My son-in-law Richard Pigeon 40s., my dau. Alice his wife 10l., and their three children, Richard, Alice, and Frances, 10.l. each. My son-in-law John Milles 40s., and to my dau. Eliz. his wife, and my dau. Alice Pigeon all lynnen equally. John Pearce, son of Henry P., deceased, 20l., and to John’s sister Cicely P. 10l. To the three children of the said John Mills, viz., Eliz., Mary, and Frances, 10l. each. My sister Margery St. Barb 10l. My kinsman, Mr Edward Hyde of Boscombe, preacher of God’s Word, 40s. Kinsmen John Batt and Tho. Batt 20s. each. Kinswoman Dorothy Windover 20s. All residue to my dau. Eliz. Milles and ex’trix. Gyfford Longe, Edq. and Mr. Edward Hyde, overseers and 22s. each. Witnessed by Wm. Buckle, Margery St. Barb, Jno Mills, Geo. Johns.”
Wiltshire Notes and Queries, Volume 1, p. 518
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