Hi Alex. i have been adding sources to many of your profiles. Hope you are good with that. I have been "cleaning up" profiles in Schoharie county, New York. Lately working on the Saddlemire family. I will do my best to make them accurate.
Thanks for correcting the Van Wormer spelling, Alex. Growing up before and into the computer age, those of us with two or three part surnames have struggled with the different ways we have seen our names changed by the way record-keeping programs, some coded to not recognize that space, will treat those names. It's a little thing, but I'm sure you have found that even searches can sometimes be thrown off by looking for one version and not the other. Thankfully that's becoming less of a problems with smarter search engines and smarter coders. And then throw in the fact that some of my ancestors simply stopped using the "Van", or used jut the V, and then later generations switched back. ?? Anyway, thanks again.
My name is William Maher.
I live in Melbourne, Australia. I have Gregg ancestors from Donegal, Ireland who are descendants of MacGregors who came to Ireland due to persecution by the English crown
I want to raise an issue with you regarding the death (?) date of JMM. As it currently stands on his profile; his death location and date are listed as died at New Zealand in 1914 aged 100 yo.
This cannot be correct based upon several factors which I have checked myself
On the NZ BDM website, a quick search for death registrations for John McGregor died 1914 results in two entries, both of which cannot be correct
See this link for details: bdmhistoricalrecords.dia.govt.nz
Going by these results, it becomes apparent that it is an imposibility because on the 1901 Ireland Census, the details have John as being 87 years old living at his home with his wife and children
See this link: familysearch.org
It is therfore impossible for John to have been the John McGregors in NZ BDM search results. The age of the two listings are 1) 74 y.o and 2) 80 y.o in 1914
It follows from this difference in age at death that JMM could not be either of these people who are the ONLY listings in New Zealand in the year 1914
I am not trying to take any high ground with this but rather to ask if you agree based upon the facts mentioned herein
It does seem a bit of a stretch of the imagination for an 87 year old man to travel to New Zealand and then to be either unrgistered at death or his age to be recorded incorrectly on death registration
I am happy for you to remain manager of this profile; JMM is not part of my family but I do think it important to have factual data on WikiTree whoever the profile. I have made many errors myslef but am working at continual improvement of sourcing citations and data etc.
Hello William, thanks very much for your message. It's always appreciated to here from folks, especially when it concerns necessary corrections. I agree, the date date and location must not be correct. And with no other date/location yet known, it seems that the best option is to remove the date of death altogether until new information arises.
Thank you so much for the Family Star Alex. I am gratefully surprised. I feel I have only really begun to build my tree, as well as knowing I have to find more sources and get my formatting properly sorted! Your kind comments and encouragement mean a lot.
You're more than welcome! I don't know how I came across your tree, but when I did, I was impressed by how well you did. The Family Star looks like it was long overdue!
Congratulations on your Super Star award you received on May 19, 2020. All your work on the many projects you help with is very much appreciated. We are lucky to have an exceptional member of Wikitree such as yourself who shows such great dedication and I believe you are an inspiration to others. Thank you.
Alex - good afternoon from Pennsylvania! Like so many other people right now, I have some free time so I'm delving back into some family tree mysteries and I saw your name and remembered that you helped me a few years ago. Are you still involved as a volunteer with wikitree? If yes, I'd love to reconnect and see if you can help me again.
My Rightmyer ancestors came from Baden - Unterwoessingen nr. Durlach - in 1743 to Reading, PA and stayed there until 1870 when some moved to Chester, PA. There are also Rightmyers (variously spelled) in the Hudson Valley. I don't know where the Canadian branch of the family comes in and would be glad to learn. Tom Rightmyer Asheville NC [email address removed]
Best Linda
My name is William Maher. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I have Gregg ancestors from Donegal, Ireland who are descendants of MacGregors who came to Ireland due to persecution by the English crown
I have been doing some work on a Macgregor profile John McCricket McGregor
I want to raise an issue with you regarding the death (?) date of JMM. As it currently stands on his profile; his death location and date are listed as died at New Zealand in 1914 aged 100 yo.
This cannot be correct based upon several factors which I have checked myself
On the NZ BDM website, a quick search for death registrations for John McGregor died 1914 results in two entries, both of which cannot be correct
See this link for details: bdmhistoricalrecords.dia.govt.nz Going by these results, it becomes apparent that it is an imposibility because on the 1901 Ireland Census, the details have John as being 87 years old living at his home with his wife and children
See this link: familysearch.org It is therfore impossible for John to have been the John McGregors in NZ BDM search results. The age of the two listings are 1) 74 y.o and 2) 80 y.o in 1914
It follows from this difference in age at death that JMM could not be either of these people who are the ONLY listings in New Zealand in the year 1914
I am not trying to take any high ground with this but rather to ask if you agree based upon the facts mentioned herein
It does seem a bit of a stretch of the imagination for an 87 year old man to travel to New Zealand and then to be either unrgistered at death or his age to be recorded incorrectly on death registration
I am happy for you to remain manager of this profile; JMM is not part of my family but I do think it important to have factual data on WikiTree whoever the profile. I have made many errors myslef but am working at continual improvement of sourcing citations and data etc.
Let me know your thoughts,
Yours truly,
William L. Maher Maher-1078 Paternal Great Grandson of Mary Jane Maher nee Gregg Yarraville, VICTORIA, 3013
edited by William Maher
Thanks very much for reaching out! alex
Congrats on the Super Star Badge!
Regards, Mike Waddell