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Signed 1 Feb 2013 |
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Volontaire pour aider en recherche ou traduction sur tout profil «Nouvelle-France».
Willing to help for research or translation on any «Nouvelle-France» profile.
Hello cousin, This message is regarding the change you made to my edit of the birth place of Marie Françoise (Boulé) Boulet.
FYI: Saint-Thomas de la Pointe-à-la-Caille is the name of the parish church which served both Montmagny and Rivière-du-Sud seigneuries originally, this woman was born in the seigneurie of Montmagny. Saint-Thomas-de-la-Pointe-à-la-Caille as a parish municipality was only created in 1845. Originis https://originis.ca/paroisses/p_alpha/p_m/paroisse_montmagny_saint_thomas/
Thank you for merging Vincent Renaud (1609-aft.1672). You have an unsaved draft to that profile that you might want to finish before it is overwritten.
Gaston, I was reviewing Noel Paré -111 biography because he is a relative of mine. I found incorrect information that is posted from the Census' from 1666, 1667 (1 year difference), and 1667 - 1681 (14 years), a total of 15 years from 1666-1681.
In 1666 census
Robert is 40, Francoise is 40, Louise is 12, Jean is 10, Joseph is 8, Noel is 6, Marie is 4, Marguerite is 3, Ann is 3 months, Francois is 18.
In 1667 census 1 year later
Robert is 40, Francoise is 42, Louise is 13, Jean is 11, Joseph is 9, Noel is 6, Marie is 9, Marguerite is 3, Ann is 1 months, Francois is 22.
In 1681 census 14 years later
Robert is 57, Francoise is 57, Louise is missing (did she die), Jean is 27, Joseph is 25, Noel is 19, Marie also missing, Marguerite is 18, Joseph listed again at 17 yrs now, Anne is 16, Francois is younger 13.
Robert and Francoise should each be 55, Louise if alive should be 27, Jean should be 25, Joseph should be 23, Noel should be 21, Marie should be 19 if alive, Marguerite is 18, Anne should be 14 years 9 months, Francois should be 33.
I dont quite see what your are pointing at as «incorrect» since that you probably know that those writings are «censuses», therefore statements of historical writings. They are not for corrections of any kind as they represent a «picture» of the period and family of that time - those years - and it is wildly known that they were full of errors because of the lack of education of all the population concerned, including the censors. The information is still of great value as they at least enumerate a family composition and approximate age. leaving also a trace of where they were living - and an idea of their possessions.
Your conclusion is fairly accurate except for Françoise Lehoux who would have been 51/52, depending on the date of the census.
As for François Thibault, he was a hired hand, not on this 1681 census. The youngest family child was François Paré, born Jan, 5, 1670, thus 11 years old at the time of the census, not 13.
Thanks for your message Laura. I am very much aware of this tutorial and believe that I do it right. I may however have missed something. Could you point out where I got lost?
I appreciate your response, Gaston. I may be missing something, but I am not seeing a source that shows that Jean Boisdon's parents were incorrect when you detached them. Some of the sources are broken links and I do not see any that work, state who his parents were. I could be missing it, could you tell me which source you used to disconnect the parents?
Laura, I checked back on the info recorded on the profile and it was I that in 2014, had placed a note to the effect that the named parents were not his; I failed to indicate the basis of this conclusion. However, I saw a link to «Prefen» which is not on line anymore. Perhaps was there the source.
But now, In fact, it seems that there was and still is no source to indicate that they were.
Perhaps they are.
For now, I prefer leaving them separated until sources are found.
Je n'ai pas tourné la page aux messages que vous m'aviez envoyés.
J'essaie de placer la source «Tourouvre et les Juchereau» dans le profil de Marin Mercier et ses père et mère mais de façon vérifiable en ligne, si possible, pour un accès direct par quiconque intéressé.
Les pages 46, 50 et 51 sont des extraits d'importance que j'utiliserai certainement si je ne peux accéder au document complet. Ces pages vous proviennent par Ancestry, site auquel je ne suis pas abonné.
Connaissez-vous un site «en ligne» autre? Ou encore, possédez-vous le livre?
À défaut, pourriez-vous me mettre en lien les pages manquantes, soit les pages 47, 48 et 49?
Je ne possède pas le livre et on ne peut que partager une page à la fois chez Ancestry. Mais n'importe quand que vous recherchez quelqu'un qui serait de Tourouvre, je me ferai un plaisir d'aider.
Would the 'Tourouvre et les Juchereau : un chapitre de l'émigration percheronne au Canada' count as a good source for Thienette Leblond and Jehan Mercier to be Mercier-155 's parents" ? Here is a link to chapter 3 page 50-51 of this wonderful book:
Hi, Gaston, yes, we have assigned Angelique Caron and Catherine Mallet to Perthuis-15. Ed Lebeau wrote the discussion on Perthuis-2 (who had the illegitimate son and then died in 1709). Would you be willing to edit, we would welcome clarity from you! Truly.
Ive not heard back from you so presume you dont want to continue in the Canada Project at this time so have gone ahead and removed your badge. If that changes anytime you would be most welcome to re-join in the future.
I havent yet heard back from you to say whether or not youd like to continue in the Canada Project. Please can you let me know if youd like to stay, what team(s) youd like to be in, and let me know your e-mail address so I can add you to the project Google Group? If I havent heard back from you by this time next week Ill assume you no longer want to be in the project and go ahead and remove you. You would, of course, be most welcome to re-join at any time.
FYI: Saint-Thomas de la Pointe-à-la-Caille is the name of the parish church which served both Montmagny and Rivière-du-Sud seigneuries originally, this woman was born in the seigneurie of Montmagny. Saint-Thomas-de-la-Pointe-à-la-Caille as a parish municipality was only created in 1845. Originis https://originis.ca/paroisses/p_alpha/p_m/paroisse_montmagny_saint_thomas/
edited by Judith (Labrie) Srom
Thank you for merging Vincent Renaud (1609-aft.1672). You have an unsaved draft to that profile that you might want to finish before it is overwritten.
See the private message and question.
In 1666 census Robert is 40, Francoise is 40, Louise is 12, Jean is 10, Joseph is 8, Noel is 6, Marie is 4, Marguerite is 3, Ann is 3 months, Francois is 18.
In 1667 census 1 year later Robert is 40, Francoise is 42, Louise is 13, Jean is 11, Joseph is 9, Noel is 6, Marie is 9, Marguerite is 3, Ann is 1 months, Francois is 22.
In 1681 census 14 years later Robert is 57, Francoise is 57, Louise is missing (did she die), Jean is 27, Joseph is 25, Noel is 19, Marie also missing, Marguerite is 18, Joseph listed again at 17 yrs now, Anne is 16, Francois is younger 13.
Robert and Francoise should each be 55, Louise if alive should be 27, Jean should be 25, Joseph should be 23, Noel should be 21, Marie should be 19 if alive, Marguerite is 18, Anne should be 14 years 9 months, Francois should be 33.
I hope this is helpful!
Thanks for your concern.
I dont quite see what your are pointing at as «incorrect» since that you probably know that those writings are «censuses», therefore statements of historical writings. They are not for corrections of any kind as they represent a «picture» of the period and family of that time - those years - and it is wildly known that they were full of errors because of the lack of education of all the population concerned, including the censors. The information is still of great value as they at least enumerate a family composition and approximate age. leaving also a trace of where they were living - and an idea of their possessions.
Your conclusion is fairly accurate except for Françoise Lehoux who would have been 51/52, depending on the date of the census.
As for François Thibault, he was a hired hand, not on this 1681 census. The youngest family child was François Paré, born Jan, 5, 1670, thus 11 years old at the time of the census, not 13.
I also hope to be helpful !
You may find this video helpful: Deleting or changing parent on a profile
But now, In fact, it seems that there was and still is no source to indicate that they were.
Perhaps they are.
For now, I prefer leaving them separated until sources are found.
edited by Marie Mercier
Je n'ai pas tourné la page aux messages que vous m'aviez envoyés.
J'essaie de placer la source «Tourouvre et les Juchereau» dans le profil de Marin Mercier et ses père et mère mais de façon vérifiable en ligne, si possible, pour un accès direct par quiconque intéressé.
Les pages 46, 50 et 51 sont des extraits d'importance que j'utiliserai certainement si je ne peux accéder au document complet. Ces pages vous proviennent par Ancestry, site auquel je ne suis pas abonné.
Connaissez-vous un site «en ligne» autre? Ou encore, possédez-vous le livre?
À défaut, pourriez-vous me mettre en lien les pages manquantes, soit les pages 47, 48 et 49?
Merci pour l'intérêt.
edited by Gaston Tardif
page 48 https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22133823?h=cf5036&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
page 49 https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22133838?h=8ecc09&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Je ne possède pas le livre et on ne peut que partager une page à la fois chez Ancestry. Mais n'importe quand que vous recherchez quelqu'un qui serait de Tourouvre, je me ferai un plaisir d'aider.
Pouvez-vous ajouter la page 45 ainsi que toute autre concernant la famille Mercier?
Merci d'avance.
Avant-propos, page titre: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149905?h=9b0fdc&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 2 page 18: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149967?h=af983a&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 3 page 36: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149606?h=6d2bac&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapite 3 page 40: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149693?h=9866e7&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 3 page 45: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149804?h=8f8eb3&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 3 page 46: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149807?h=a07e38&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 3 page 50: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149820?h=39d59f&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 3 page 52: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149630?h=c15e9a&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 3 page 53: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149701?h=be4c6e&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 3 page 54: (Mercier n'est pas mentionné, mais puisque qu'elle est au milieu des autres....) https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149720?h=53a0b0&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 3 page 55: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149713?h=2948d6&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 3 page 57: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149861?h=092591&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 3 page 70: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22150016?h=8d8c9c&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 3 page 71: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149590?h=18d15c&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 3 page 72: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149630?h=c15e9a&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Contrat d'engagement de Julien Mercier, 25 février 1647: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149885?h=7c47e4&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 4 page 127: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149660?h=e33de4&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 4 page 142: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149754?h=8ba5d1&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 5 : La chronologie
Chapitre 5 page 149: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149998?h=6f3399&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 5 page 162: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149677?h=ffadbe&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 5 page 171: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149916?h=42a619&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Chapitre 5 page 173: https://www.ancestry.ca/sharing/22149952?h=ec8dfb&utm_campaign=bandido-webparts&utm_source=post-share-modal&utm_medium=copy-url
Voila. Merci pour votre travail
I added you to Madeleine Valérie Gamelin's trusted list. She is my 13th great grandmother so we are related through her.
Emma :-)
Here are some links that might be of interest to you in relation to Michel Boudrot: - http://annapolisheritagesociety.com/genealogy/family-histories/acadian-boudreau-family/
- http://boudreau.fafa-acadie.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=2&lang=en
Ive not heard back from you so presume you dont want to continue in the Canada Project at this time so have gone ahead and removed your badge. If that changes anytime you would be most welcome to re-join in the future.
Susie :-)
I havent yet heard back from you to say whether or not youd like to continue in the Canada Project. Please can you let me know if youd like to stay, what team(s) youd like to be in, and let me know your e-mail address so I can add you to the project Google Group? If I havent heard back from you by this time next week Ill assume you no longer want to be in the project and go ahead and remove you. You would, of course, be most welcome to re-join at any time.
Many thanks,