Help:Trusted List Additions

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Here's how to add members to a profile's Trusted List.


How Trusted List Requests Work

Other WikiTree members may request to be added to a Trusted List by clicking the link on a profile page. If you're the Profile Manager you'll receive an email with the request.

After clicking the approval link, you will be presented with a checklist that includes every profile on your Watchlist. Use the "select all ancestors" and "select all descendants" options to check many names with one click. You can also make a large number of approvals with the Bulk Trusted List Changes tool.

Why to Approve or Reject a Request

Trusted Lists are a tool for privacy, not control. They enable you to protect sensitive information, especially regarding living people.

It's not a question of whether the relative can be trusted to edit the information on WikiTree. These trust issues need to be dealt with separately. See the Help:Problems with Members.

On a private profile, where there is sensitive information about living people, the Profile Manager does have a responsibility to judge whether the person making the request can be trusted with the private information. You may not want distant relatives to see certain private facts and photos.

On a public profile, privacy is not a concern. All descendants need to share the same ancestor profiles. See Help:Collaboration.

If valid requests have been ignored, see Help:Unresponsive Profile Managers.

Inviting Someone New

If the person you want to add isn't a WikiTree member yet, invite them.

After entering their email address you will be presented with a checklist with every profile on your Watchlist. Use the "select all ancestors" and "select all descendants" options to check many names with one click.

Adding an Existing WikiTree Member

To add another WikiTree member to a single Trusted List, click the Privacy tab on the profile and enter their email address.

To add a member to many Trusted Lists, use the Bulk Trusted List Changes tool.

See also:

This page was last modified 21:06, 9 October 2021. This page has been accessed 24,668 times.