Kathy (Urbach) Nava
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Kathy (Urbach) Nava

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 27 Jan 2016 | 73,011 contributions | 5,249 thank-yous | 1,009 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with cousins and anyone else with an interest in genealogy. Here is my family tree.
Kathy J. Nava formerly Urbach
Born 1960s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of and [private mother (1930s - unknown)]
Sister of [private brother (1960s - unknown)] and [private brother (1960s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile managers: Kathy Nava private message [send private message] and Allie Nava Urbach private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 22 Jan 2016
This page has been accessed 14,995 times.
Kathy (Urbach) Nava was adopted 25 Mar 1969
Location: Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA
Adoptive Parents Biological Parents
Father: John Urbach Father: Howard Allen
Mother: Mary Trevor Mother: Carol Sharp



This profile is part of the Urbach Name Study.
Kathy (Urbach) Nava is a member of the Urbach Name Study Project.
Kathy (Urbach) Nava has Italian Roots.
Kathy (Urbach) Nava is a Californian.
Friday Date Night
I found a date for some profiles during Friday Date Night!
Project Logo
Kathy (Urbach) Nava
England Orphan Trailblazer
Kathy (Urbach) Nava is an England Orphan Trailblazer
England Orphan Team
Kathy (Urbach) Nava has completed the England Project's Post 1700 Orphan Trail I.
England Orphan Team
Kathy (Urbach) Nava has completed the England Project's Pre-1700 Orphan Trail II.
Profile Improvement Voyager
Kathy has completed the Profile ment Project's Voyage
Scotland's Tartan Trail
Kathy (Urbach) Nava is a graduate of the Scotland Tartan Trail II.
US Black Heritage PATH Graduate
Kathy (Urbach) Nava is a graduate of the USBH Profile Improvement Track on the PATH.
Kathy (Urbach) Nava is a member of the Appalachia Project.
Kathy (Urbach) Nava is a member of the Appalachia Project (Northern Appalachia Team).
Remember the Children Project
Kathy (Urbach) Nava is a member of the Remember the Children Project.
Connectors Project Member
Kathy (Urbach) Nava is a member of the Connectors Project.
WikiTree Day
WikiTree Day Attendee: 2022
Kathy Volunteering on the 1950 Census
Kathy is a volunteer with the 1950 Census Indexers Group.
Kathy (Urbach) Nava competed with theAspiring Aspens in the 2023 WikiGames.
Kathy (Urbach) Nava competed with the Remarkable Redwoods in the 2024 WikiGames.
Kathy (Urbach) Nava visited x nations including --- in the 15 Nations Tour.
Kathy spends way too much time on WikiTree.
Kathy (Urbach) Nava 5 profiles with links back to WikiTree! March 2024 Ambassadors Project Link Building Challenge.

I was born in 1968, and originally named * Sharp. As my birth mother was a teenager, as was common, I was given up for adoption. I was officially adopted by John and Mary Urbach from Rochester, Monroe County, New York, UnitedStates and my name became Katherine JoAnne Urbach - the only name I answered to.

In August 1970 my family moved from Rochester, New York to Portola Valley, California,
This profile is part of the 142 Crescent Avenue, Portola Valley, California One Place Study.

In September 2016 I took a mtDNA test with Family Tree DNA hoping to find my birth mother not knowing at the time that it wouldn't be helpful. A few months later In November 2016 I did the family test with Family Tree DNA hoping to get matches that could help me find my birth parents. I didn't get anywhere with those matches.

In November 2017 I did the Ancestry DNA test and got a 1st-2nd cousin match (who turned out to be a first cousin once removed). The match was my birth mother's first cousin who helped us connect in Feb 2018.

I was hoping to find my birth father but I was only able to narrow it down to a family. I put my research on hold for awhile as I was going to meet my birth mother and her family.

In January 2019 I flew to Rochester, New York to meet my birth mother. I was there for 2 weeks and met my half siblings and their families, my aunt and her family and my uncle and some of his family. When I came back to California my birth mother came back with me to meet some of my adopted family and my immediate family.

In June 2019 I started my research again looking for my birth father. In August 2019 I had a new DNA match on my paternal side. This was my closest match to date. She is my birth fathers first cousin on his paternal side.

In December 2019 I did the 23 and Me DNA test. I had a first cousin match. I was able to confirm who my birth father was.

January 15, 2020 was a great day for adult adoptees - New York was a closed adoption state. I ordered my original birth certificate to see if my birth father was listed. It wasn't.

  • My birth mother told me that if she kept me she would've named me Beth after her favorite character in the book Little Women.
  • Paternal relationship is confirmed by a 23andMe test match between Kathy Nava and MH, first cousins. Their most-recent common ancestors are Howard Sagers Allen and Teresa Di Bitetto, the grandparents of Kathy Nava and grandparents of MH. Predicted relationship from 23andMe: First Cousin, based on sharing 1037 cM across 35 segments.

I am married and have 5 children, but they are connected to my biological profile Kathy Nava which is connected to my biological parents for DNA purposes.

My Surnames

Click on Surname to view EKA - Earliest Known Ancestor
  • Paternal Grandfather ancestors
  • Paternal Grandmother ancestors
  • Maternal Grandfather ancestors
Abbott (Abbot) , Annesley , Arnold , Arundell , Arundell , Aslett , Aucher , Audley , Ayala , Ayer
Bailey, Baulston , Beauchamp , Bennett , Berkeley , Beverley , Bickham , Billinge , Blount , Bond , Boone , Booth , Boteler , Botetourt , Brancestre , Breading , Bromley , Buckingham , Burdett , Butter , Butter
Catesby, Cattlyn , Cave , Cheney , Clark , Clarke , Clem , Clifford , Clinton , Coggeshall , Cokayne , Cole , Cole , Coleman , Coltheram , Cornerde , Cornu , Cotton , Cralle , Crandall , Cranford , Cridland , Crowley , Culpeper
Danvers (Alvers) , Dauntsey , De Verney , Denton , Dickson , Durant
Earle, Edgenall , Ellis , Eulowe , Ewing
Farnham, Fennel , Ferrers , FitzAlan , FitzWarin , Forde , Forster , Foule , Freville , Frost , Frye , Fulsnape
Gainsford, Gaynsford , Genell , Giffard , Gillespie , Gould , Graves , Green , Greene , Greene , Grey , Griffin , Grovehurst , Guild , Guildford , Gulley , Gurdon
Hannah, Hardreshall , Harris , Haskell , Hatton , Hewitt , Hexstall , Hill , Holland , Holt
Ince, Ingleby , Ingleton
Jeue (Jewe, Jeu)
Kayle, Kimball
Langelee, Langford , Langston , Langston , Lanyon , Latham , Lawton , Lee , Leycester , Littlefield , Load , Lovett , Lucombe , Lure
Mainwaring, Malsores , Marchant , Maryot , Massey , Mauduit , Meriet , Meryott , Mile , Montford , Mortimer , Moyle , Muntague
Neville, Newton , Nichols , Nichols
Paddocke, Passemer , Peake , Pellor , Pigott , Plantagenet , Porter , Porter , Poynings , Praers , Proctor , Purrier
Robyn, Roper , Ros , Rowlinge
Salerne, Salisbury , Sandys , Saxby , Saxby , Scrope , Shottesbroke , Sibborn , Slocum , Smith , Smith , Smith , Somervile , St. Barbe , St. John , Stafford , Standon , Stevens , Stewart , Stourton , Stradling , Sweet
Tatesham, Tatesham , Tattershall , Thickines , Timberlake , Trafford , Trerise , Trevathion , Trevor , Trugian , Tucker , Tufts , Tybbott
Ufford (Peyton, Caen) , Updike
Venables, Verney
Walcott, Walsh , Wangford , Wansfford , Warner , Warrener , Welles , Westcott , Weston , Wheeler , Wilbore , Wilbur , Willoughby , Wilsford , Wilsford , Winters , Wooley , Worsley
Zouche (Mortimer)
de Vere
of Cornwall
  • Maternal Grandmother ancestors
Kirsch, Krisch

Free Space Pages

One Place Studies

One Name Studies

WT Projects

When I joined WikiTree I thought I knew more than I actually did. I have learned so much by becoming involved in projects and challenges. I love the collaboration here. We can all learn from others experience. I am active in the following projects:

  1. Appalachia Project
  2. Data Doctor
  3. England Project (Bio Builders Team Leader, Trailblazer)
  4. GEDI Project
  5. Holocaust Project
  6. Italy Project
  7. Jewish Roots Project
  8. Latin America Project
  9. Mexico Project
  10. Profile Imporvement Project
  11. Scotland Project (pending)
  12. United States Project
  13. USBH Project
  14. WT Thons

Kathy's current to do list


  • "Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VVRP-KQN : 20 September 2019), Armando Nava and Katherine J Urbach, 4.
  • Unclassified: "U.S., Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 2"
    Ancestry Record 1732 #186176779 (accessed 15 November 2021)
    Name: Katherine J Nava; Birth Date: 29 Jan 1968; Address: 2281 Dumbarton Ave; Residence Place: East Palo Alto, California, USA; Zip Code: 94303-1514.
  • Unclassified: "U.S., Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 2"
    Ancestry Record 1732 #191105598 (accessed 15 November 2021)
    Name: Katherine J Nava; Birth Date: 29 Jan 1968; Address: 4542 Sugar Oak Dr; Residence Place: Turlock, California, USA; Zip Code: 95382-8666.
  • Unclassified: "U.S., Index to Public Records, 1994-2019"
    Ancestry Record 62209 #284123471 (accessed 15 November 2021)
    Name: Kathy Joanne Nava [Katherine Joanne Nava] [Kathy J Denava] [Kathy J Urbach]; Birth Date: Jan 1968; Residence Date: 1994-2020; Address: 2281 Dumbarton Ave; Residence: East Palo Alto, California, USA; Postal Code: 94303; Second Residence Date: 2005-2019; Second Address: 4542 Sugar Oak Dr; Second Residence: Turlock, California, USA; Second Postal Code: 95382; Third Residence Date: 1990-1996; Third Address: 2368 Oakwood Dr; Third Residence: East Palo Alto, California, USA; Third Postal Code: 94303; Fourth Residence Date: 1990-1996; Fourth Address: 2368 Oakwood Dr; Fourth Residence: Palo Alto, California, USA; Fourth Postal Code: 94303.
  • Unclassified: "U.S., Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 1"
    Ancestry Record 1788 #205198289 (accessed 15 November 2021)
    Name: Kathy J Nava [Kathy Denava] [Kathy Nava]; Birth Date: 29 Jan 1968; Phone Number: 368-9733; Address: 426 Madison Ave; Residence: Redwood City, CA; Postal Code: 94061-1678; Second Phone Number: 368-9733; Second Address: 426 Madison Ave; Second Residence: Redwood City, CA; Second Postal Code: 94061-1678; Third Residence Date: 1996; Third Phone Number: 368-9733; Third Address: 2281 Dumbarton Ave; Third Residence: Palo Alto, CA; Third Postal Code: 94303-1514; Fourth Residence Date: 1996; Fourth Phone Number: 368-9733; Fourth Address: 2281 Dumbarton Ave; Fourth Residence: Palo Alto, CA; Fourth Postal Code: 94303-1514.

Digital Afterlife

It may seem morbid, but in the event of my untimely demise I want to be sure that none of my hard work on WikiTree ends up being deleted. While I fully intend on being around to manage all my profiles for the next 50 years or so, in the event of my sudden death I hereby give permission for all of my private profiles to be transferred to any of the following non-active WikiTreers in my family, whether or not they are currently on the trusted lists:

  1. Pablo R Nava
  2. Alejandra Nava
  3. Steven Nava
  4. Brenda Nava

Or any other Wikitreer who is related on any of my lines or interested in any of my lines.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Kathy's formal name
  • full middle name (J.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (14)
  • private siblings' names
For access to Kathy Nava's full information you must be on Kathy's Trusted List. Please login.

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This week's featured connections are New York architects: Kathy is 16 degrees from Daniel Burnham, 26 degrees from David Childs, 28 degrees from Frank Gehry, 16 degrees from Cass Gilbert, 15 degrees from Henry Hardenbergh, 34 degrees from Maya Ying Lin, 16 degrees from Frederick Olmsted, 28 degrees from I. M. Pei, 18 degrees from John Roebling, 19 degrees from Stanford White, 14 degrees from Frank Wright and 24 degrees from Minoru Yamasaki on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.