Johann Nicolaus was a shoemaker in the free city of Nordhausen, Saxony (now Thuringia.)
He became a citizen of that city on 12 October 1722.[1] There is also an entry in the Nordhausen marriage registry (1641-1747) showing that Joh[ann] Nic[olaus] Uthe - a shoe maker - married Anna Marg[rit] Griben two weeks later on 27 October 1722.[2] He would have been at least 21 years old before becoming a citizen, therefore his birth is estimated at 1701 or earlier.
His son David Gottfried was born between 1723-1729.[3]
His son David Gottfried Uthe married on 16 November 1750 in Waldenhausen, Wertheim, Baden, Deutschland.[4]
See extensive research notes at the Free Space profile Uthe, Eudy, Uhde, Oudy, Ute, Udy Research.[5]
Johann's son David was born about 1723-1729. Johann's birth year is estimated based on his age when he became a citizen (in 1722, he was at least 21 years old.)
From the notes on son David's profile, per the research of Colette Reilly:
- The city archives from Nordhausen (in Thuringia) records that Johann Nicolaus Uthe was a shoe maker. He became a citizen of that city on 12 October 1722. There is also an entry in the Nordhausen marriage registry (1641-1747) showing that Joh[ann] Nic[olaus] Uthe - a shoe maker - married Anna Marg[rit] Griben two weeks later on 27 October 1722.
Since the Wertheim records indicate David Gottfried Uthe was (1) the son of Johann Nicolaus Uthe, a shoe maker and citizen of the Imperial Free City of Nordhausen, and (2) there is only one "Imperial Free City" of Nordhausen (located in modern Thuringia), and (3) there are two records in that city of a Johann Nicolaus Uthe, who was a shoe maker, becoming a citizen and getting married in October 1722, I believe we have the right person in the right city at the right time.
David Gottfried Uthe was probably born in Nordhausen (in modern Thuringia), sometime between 1723 (e.g., 9 months after the marriage of Johann Nicolaus Uthe to Anna Margrit Griben) and 1729 (e.g., 21 years before he became a citizen of Wertheim).
See Also:
Acadian heritage connections: Johann Nicolaus is 21 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 23 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 22 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 22 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 21 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 22 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 20 degrees from Anne Murray, 24 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 23 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 23 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 19 degrees from Marie Travers and 21 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.