Howard Waldrop
Honor Code SignatorySigned 6 Mar 2014 | 5,875 contributions | 333 thank-yous | 1,239 connections
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Howard Hunt Waldrop was born on 25 Dec 1945 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, the son of Howard Waldrop and Margaret Hunt.
Howard married, first, Karen Slanker ( not at wikitree) born 25 Dec 1944 and died 1 Feb 2004. They married on 5 May 1989 in Wayne Co., MI.
Howard married Carol Ann Sherrill Waldrop, the daughter of Gib Sherrill and Lindsey (Waldrop) Sherrill on 6 September 2005 in Harris County, Texas.[1]
This week's connection theme is the Puritan Great Migration. Howard is 16 degrees from John Winthrop, 16 degrees from Anne Bradstreet, 17 degrees from John Cotton, 14 degrees from John Eliot, 16 degrees from John Endecott, 17 degrees from Mary Estey, 17 degrees from Thomas Hooker, 16 degrees from Anne Hutchinson, 18 degrees from William Pynchon, 15 degrees from Alice Tilley, 16 degrees from Robert Treat and 15 degrees from Roger Williams on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
LINK TO THE wALDROP dna PROJECT Thank you, Loretta
Fold3 is free this weekend and I found CSA records for Alonzo Davis. I posted the images on the profile. I need to read the last one carefully to see what it is. He was wounded a couple of times which didn’t keep him out of service but a moth or so and then wounded in the trenches at Vicksburg; captured and held prisoner of war.
I will write up the narrative in the bio as soon as I study the records more closely.
Happy 4th of July!
I still do not have access to Carol Ann's profile. I cannot add the marriage information unless you add me to her trusted list. You have to have access to both profiles to enter the marriage information and link them.
Above is the link to Lloyd Waldrep,s data base.
Two links to our data base.
You can look at the Templeton Name Study to get an idea of what one would look like - you could also check out other name studies on WikiTree to see how they work.
I'll go ahead and create the space page for us and we can start adding information. I'll also create a "Hunt 14" Space Page.
Our on line data base. It is public and documented.