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Henry Washington (1765 - 1812)

Lieutenant Henry Washington
Born [location unknown]
Ancestors ancestors
Husband of — married 20 Jan 1785 [location unknown]
Descendants descendants
Died at about age 47 in Alexandria, District of Columbia, United Statesmap
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Profile last modified | Created 8 Feb 2010
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This profile is part of the Washington Name Study.
1776 Project
Lieutenant Henry Washington served with Westmoreland County Militia, Virginia Militia during the American Revolution.
Daughters of the American Revolution
Henry Washington is a DAR Patriot Ancestor, A121963.


Henry6 Washington (Lawrence5, Henry4, Henry3, John2, John1).

His father bequeathed him “the land I live on.” His material uncle, John Washington (of the Lawrence line) made him his executor in 1785. The Conway-Ashton Account says that he married a daughter of John Ashton. This is confirmed by the family Bible record (printed, Wm & Mary Quarterly, VIII, 75, X, 113-115) which states that he was born in 1765, died July 22, 1801), daughter of John and Hannah Ashton.

  • Elizabeth S born Jan 20 1785 m. 1st Thorton Bernard; 2d T H Stark (Stork?)
  • John A7 Born Dec 28, 1787, died Oct 24 1802
  • Sally A, born Dec 14, 1789, morried May 9, 1816, Philip H Minor and died Sept 12 1830
  • Lawrence7
  • Henry7, born Nov 26, 1792
  • Hannah West born March 15, 1794, died Sep 17 1794
  • William S J7 b Jan 26, 1796 died while a lieutenant in the US Revenue Service Aug 18, 1834
  • Robert West born Dec 28, 1797
  • Hannah West born Dec 7 1800 died Jan 21 1801
  • Mary West born Jan 1 1802
  • Robert C7 born March 22 died May 1867
  • George7 (twin) Born Dec 14 1805
  • Peggy born June 1 1808 died June 26 1892
  • Thomas Spence7 born Aug 29 1811 died Sept 10 1811

Obituary [1]
"Died, yesterday morning, Capt. Henry Washington, of this place in the 49th year of his age. His friends and acquaintances are invited to attend his funeral at his dwelling house on Pitt Street, at 4'clock this evening."

Alexandria (which is now an Independent City in Virginia) was part of the District of Columbia at the time of Henry Washington's death.

10 Oct 1812 - Sarah Washington posted bond with the Orphans Court for the County of Alexandria, District of Columbia, for administration of the estate of Henry Washington. Nicholas Fitzhugh and Bushrod Washington Junior, securities. [2]

Estate [3]
"Public Sale
"By virtue of a deed of trust, bearing date the 30th of October, 1810,
executed by Henry Washington, conveying to me a certain tract or parcel of Land, lying in the county of King George, whereon the said Henry Washington at the date of the said deed resided -- containing two hundred acres, and which conveyance was made for the purpose of securing the payment of four hundred dollars, with interest, to Bushrod Washington, of Mount Vernon..."
..."which said Tract of Land is situate about 4 miles below King George Court House, and near the main road leading to Mattox Bridge.
"I shall sell only the right which the said Henry Washington had or which his heirs have and do not warrant the title."
s/ "Bushrod Washington, Jr."


  1. The Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria, VA, Thursday 21 May 1812, p. 3, col. 2. Digital image at
  2. Alexandria (Independent City), VA, WB 1, pp. 199-201. Digital image at
  3. The Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria, VA, Friday, 18 Sep 1812, p. 3, col. 4. Digital image at
  • Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, ( : accessed 25 JUL 2024), "Record of Henry Washington", Ancestor # A121963.
  • Descendants of Two John Washingtons (Continued). (1914). Descendants of Two John Washingtons (Continued). The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 22(3), 328–330. Retrieved from

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