John was born about 1706. John Wedding. He passed away in 1772. [1]
His will identified him as "Planter alies Schoolmaster"
Find A Grave
John Wedding. The former, who was born in 1706, probably in England, and died in 1772, was a planter and a school teacher and in his will left to his son, Thomas Sr., a book entitled [3]
John Wedding was deeded a 95 acre tract of land called "Maidens Pleasure" upon his marriage to Elizabeth Clubb in 1722 by her father, John Clubb. According to his will, he left the following children, John Wedding Jr., Thomas Wedding, Sr., William Wedding, Ann Wedding Pickerell, Philip Wedding, Violetta Wedding McDaniel, & Emma Wedding Roby. [4]
He died 22 JAN 1772 in Charles Co., MD
He purchased land in 1727 in Charles Co., MD called Maiden’s Pleasure
He was a Farmer/Schoolmaster and a Episcopal
Note N97
WEDDING, John, Sr., Charles Co., planter, alias schoolmaster. 4 May, 1770 22 Jan, 1772
Wit: Thomas Luckett, Samuel Roby, Edward Kerrick. 38. 503
From Ken Wedding on 7 Jan 2006
John Wedding (1706 or 1709-Jan. 22, 1772) married Elizabeth Clubb 1710-1782) in Charles Co., MD in 1725). They were given the farm "Maidens Pleasure" by her parents, John Clubb (1654-1744) and Ann Cox Clubb (d. 1745).
They had 7 children, John, Ann, Thomas, William, Emma, Philip, and Violetta.
Thomas Wedding (1729-1790) was born and died in Charles Co. He married Elanor Harris (1740-1791).
"Wedding, Thomas. Took the Oath of Allegiance in 1778 [Ref: AA-641, which listed his name as 'Widding']. Resident of Port Tobacco East Hundred in 1778 [Ref: Q-I:297]. Rendered patriotic service by providing wheat for the use of the military in August 1781 and February 1782 [Ref: N-421, N-480]."
They had 9 children: Thomas, Jr., Ann, Elanor Hariss, Nicodemus, Elizabeth, Susanah, Amelia, Sarah, and Chole.
Thomas Wedding, Jr. (born about 1758 in Charles Co.-died 1838 in Davies Co, KY) married Mary Catherine Moore.
According to _History of Kentucky, The Blue Grass State_, pub. by The S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago-Louisville, 1928. "...Thomas, Jr., a soldier of the Revolutionary War and a member of the Charles County (Md.) militia. He was a member of the Protestant Episcopal church. He became the father of George Wedding..." "Wedding, Thomas, Jr. (1758-1838). Private, Militia, 26th Battalion, Capt. Benjamin Cawood's Company, 1777 [Ref: M-162, which listed his name as 'Weding']. Resident of Port Tobacco East Hundred in 1778 [Ref: Q-I:297]. Thomas Wedding, Jr., was born in 1758, married, and migrated to Kentucky where he died on Aug. 16, 1838 [Ref: J-III:3135]." Data from History of Davies County, Indiana Will Hagen Family Bible Nelson and Washington Counties' (KY) marriage records DAR Patirot Index, Diamond Jubilee Adm., 1966 "Married-Pvt Rev-Md" (?) -according to LCW's notes LCW notes: MD 3rd Reg.
Thomas, Jr. and Mary Catherine had 9 children: George, Thomas Courtney, Randolph Haris, Lloyd, Henry, Elizabeth Ann, Mary, Tabitha, and Rachell
U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Name John Wedding Sr
Birth Date Nov 1705
Birth Place Warwickshire, England
Death Date Jan 1772
Death Place Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland, United States of America
Cemetery Christ Church Port Tobacco Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place Charles County, Maryland, United States of America
Marriage: Source Citation: Volume: 219. Source Information: U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls. Text: Name: Elizabeth Clubb, Birth Date: 1710, Death Date: 1782, SAR Membership: 43646, Role: Ancestor, Application Date: 8 Feb 1927, Spouse: John Wedding, Children: Thomas Wedding.
↑ U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Source Citation: Volume: 219, Description: Browse ID: 207. U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls.
Source: S122 Type: Will Title: Will of John Wedding Sr. Source Locality: Maryland Hall of Records 1770, page 38 ff. 503-504 Text: _________________________________________________________________________ CONT CONT Following is the text of John Wedding's will of 1770, Charles County, Maryland CONT CONT CONT Maryland Hall of Records CONT Series: Wills CONT Date of Record: 1770 CONT Volume; page; 38 ff.503-04 CONT Transcribed from a Xerox of the hand-written copy, not every word legible. CONT The question marks (?) indicate the words I am unsure of. CONT CONT CONT --------------------- CONT CONT John Wedding's Will CONT CONT In the Name of God Amen this fourth Day of May one Thousand Seven Hundred CONT and Seventy according to the Computation of the Church of England John CONT Wedding Sen of Charles County Planter alies Schoolmaster being of Perfect CONT Memory and Remembrance praised be God do make and ordain this my last will CONT and Testament in manner and form following. CONT CONT First I bequeath my Soul onto the Hands of Almighty God my maker hoping CONT that through the millium (?) Death and Passion of Jesus Christ my only CONT Saviour and Redeamer to receive his full and free pardon and forgiveness of CONT all my Sins and as for my Body to be Buried in a Christian Burial according CONT to the Discreation of my Executrix hereafter Nominated. CONT CONT Item. I give to my well beloved wife Elizabeth Wedding all my Personal CONT Estate consisting of what kind or Quantity soever except what shall be CONT hereafter Nominated. CONT CONT Item I give to my well beloved Son Thomas Wedding Three Books viz(?) the CONT Morning Exercise against Popery, the Moderation of the Church of England CONT and reasonableness of Personal Reformation. - CONT CONT Item I give to my well Beloved Son William Wedding one Spinning Wheel CONT CONT Item I give and Bequeath unto my beloved Son John Wedding one Cow and Calf CONT or yearling on (?) the Day of Marriage or of his going to House keeping CONT CONT Item I give to my well beloved Son Philip Wedding one Cow and Calf or CONT yearling to be delivered to him at the Day of Marriage or at the Time of CONT his going to house keeping. CONT CONT Item I give and bequeath onto my well beloved Daughter Ann Pickerill one CONT Linnen Spinning Wheel and a Book called the Prudince of Piety CONT CONT Item I give and bequeath onto my well beloved Daughter Emme Roby one Ewe CONT and Lamb and a Book with ten Sermonds on it each Sermond hath one CONT Commandment for its Text (?). CONT CONT Item I give and bequeath onto my well beloved Daughter Violetta Wedding one CONT feather Bed to be be Delivered to her at the Day of Mariage, but if one or CONT more of my three youngest Children Die viz (?) John Philip or Violetta CONT before they are p-----h (?) with what is left them, then it is to fall to CONT my well beloved grand Daughter Deidamia Roby - CONT CONT Item I give and bequeath all the rest of my personal Estate to my well CONT beloved wife Elizabeth Wedding during her Life and after her Decease to be CONT equally divided bewich my three younest Children viz (?) John, Philip and CONT dau Violetta. CONT CONT Lastly I constilutey (?) appoint my well beloved wife Elizabeth Wedding and CONT my son John Wedding Joint Executrix & Exceatore of this my last will and CONT Testament hereby revocking and making void all wills by me heretofore made CONT and done and do declare this to be my last will and Testament CONT CONT as Witness my Hand and Seal the a----e (?) of Dates above written Signed CONT Sealed published and delivered CONT CONT John Wedding Sen CONT In the presence of us CONT Thomas Luckett CONT Samuel Roby --- CONT Edward Kerrick (?) mark CONT CONT Charles County --- on the 22nd day of January 1772 came Thomas Luckett, CONT Samuel Roby Edward Kerrick and made oath that they saw John Wedding Sen CONT sign and seal the- Wit (?) will and heard him publish and declare it to be CONT his last will and Testament that at the Time of his ------ (?) he was to CONT the best of their apprehension of sound and dispasing(?) mind and memory so CONT that they summerally subscribed their names as Wittnesses to the said will CONT in the presence of the Testator at his Bequest. CONT Examined ------- Walter Hanson D Coms(?)
Source: S123 Type: Land Survey Title: Maiden’s Pleasure Land Survey Place: Charles Co., MD Date: 1726 Text: Maiden'sPleasure CONT CONT [This farm was surveyed for John and Ann Cox Clubb in 1726. The next yearit was sold to CONT John and Elizabeth Clubb Wedding. In 1737, it was patentedto John Clubb. Later in its CONT history, the land was sold by John Wedding(without his wife's"signature"), reclaimed by CONT his widow, and sold for herby her son Thomas. Somewhere in the past it lost its colorful CONT name. CONT CONT Here are four documents associated with Maiden's Pleasure: the 1726survey, the 1727 CONT indenture (with a 1787 sale deed attached that had a muchmore readable meets and CONT bounds description), and the 1737 patent. CONT CONT I have inserted dashes (--) for letters I cannot be sure of. My guesses asto letters are CONT contained in brackets and followed by question marks.Otherwise, words are spelled and CONT capitalized exactly as in the original. I am fairly certain that theindecipherable abbreviation CONT beginning with a p is for perches. CONT CONT The beginning point from which this survey (and the surveys for Hopewell,Conveniency, CONT and Atchison's Woodyard) begins is an oak treevariously described as Spanish oak, a CONT banded oak, a banded white oak, agrey oak, and a gum tree. CONT CONT In 1985, LeRoy Curtis Wedding and Eleanore Rohl Wedding, my parents spentthree days CONT tracing every land transaction for Maiden's Pleasure andHopewell from the earliest survey CONT to 1985. Based on that research, a treestill used as a survey point (yellow ribbon tied CONT around it), stood nearthat survey marker site. It's hard to believe it was the same CONT bandedtree. CONT CONT The tree stood, in 1985, just off Chestnut Drive, a street intersectingBerry Road about 1 CONT mile northwest of the Berry Road intersection withHighway 301 (Blue Starr Memorial CONT Highway). CONT CONT Ken Wedding, 925 Ivanhoe Drive, Northfield, MN 55057, ] CONT CONT 1726 Survey CONT ============================ CONT Patented Certificate of Survey #679 CONT CONT On outside of document: CONT CONT Chs Coty CONT John Clubb --- CONT 95 a Maidens Pleasure CONT Examined and [passed?] by CONT --Ross --- CONT 2 ---- Chas CONT Recorded In Lib EI CONT No: 5 for 2677 CONT CONT [pat?] 19 Nov 17377 CONT Rent & Ann 3/10 Ster CONT [Cha?] to the rent roll CONT CONT Charles County CONT [In?] Clubb's [Pert?} CONT and plot 95 a CONT CONT Inside the document: CONT CONT Maryland --- CONT December the 2nd 1726 CONT CONT By virtue of a Warrant out of his Lord --- Land Office bearing Date the16th Day of CONT November last for one hundred acres of Land granted unto JohnClubb of Charles County CONT CONT These are to Certify that I have laid out for the sd John Clubb all that[Track?] or [parcel?] CONT of Land Called Maidens Pleasure Lying in CharlesCounty [aford?] adjoyning to the sd CONT John Clubb's own Land Called Hopewell beginning at a banded White Oak standing by the CONT side of Miory branch in the line of the sd Hopewell runningthence South South West fifty CONT Eight [p--?] Then South forty one degreesEast Thirty Eight [p--?] then South Thirty CONT Degrees East fifty four [p--?] then South forty Two Degrees East Two hundred & fifty CONT five perchesthen North Sixteen Degrees East Eighty Six [perches-?] then North West CONT byWest one hundred Eighty Two --- then to the beginning Containing & Laid outfor ninty CONT five acres to be held of Zachia mannor CONT CONT Robt Hanson Dep [Sur?] CONT CONT Below that is a map "By a Scale of 100 ps in an inch" CONT CONT =============================== CONT Mortgage for Maidens Pleasure 1727 CONT CONT Land Records L#2, ff.405-406 CONT CONT At the request of John Wedding of Charles County the following ------ -----this 28th day CONT of November 1727 CONT CONT This Indenture ---- the fifteenth day of November in this year of our LordChrist one CONT thousand Seven hundred and twenty seven Between John Clubb ofCharles County in this CONT province of Maryland planter of th-s--- [part?] JohnWedding of the same County and CONT province plantor and Elizabeth --- ---- natural Daughter of the sd Jn Clubb& his ----- CONT [therefore?] that the said Jn Clubb as well for --- in[Consideration?] ----------- Love and CONT Affection which he bears toward his Said Daughter Elizabeth as the S--- & --- --- S---- CONT S-o--monoy inh--- -- Jo Clubb by the said Jn Wedding & Elizabeth His [receipt?] -------the CONT said John Clubb doth hereby [acknowledge?] as for Diverse other Cuases---- [thereunto?] CONT ----ing hath B------- [Sold?] given ------- al---- ---- of ---- Elizabeth and C--------and by CONT virtue of those------- doth ------- --- ------- ------ for- E------and [Confirm?] unto the sd CONT John Wedding and Elizabeth --- to them and theirheirs Lawfully begotton forever all that CONT tract or parcel of Land Called Maidens pleasure Lying in CharlesCounty afsd adjoining to CONT the Land of the said John Clubb [now?] -----Called Hopewell beginning at a Banded white CONT oak standing by the side of theMyory Branch in the line of the said Hopewell ---- thence CONT South South West fifty Eight perches then Southforty [two?] Degrees East thirty Eight CONT perches thence south thirty DegreesEast fifty four perches thence south forty two Degrees CONT East two hundred[fifty?] five pshs thence North sixteen Degrees East Eighty Six perches CONT thence North west by west one hundredEighty two perches thence to the beginning CONT Containing and Laid out forninety five acres ---------- Together with all -- [S--gular?] CONT theApp------- & ------ tho------ belonging or ----- ---- ---------- to have and to hold afosaid CONT Tract or parcel of Land and------- with the [appurtances?] unto the said John Wedding and CONT Elizabethhis wife & their heirs and assignees forever to his and their own pro----and CONT b-hoofs -- --- hold --- ----------- and Enjoy without the ------------ ------- or E------ of the CONT saidJohn Clubb his --- Ex-- or --- provided ------------- that if the SaidElizabeth should Die CONT without Mail [sic] Issue Lawfully begotton of herbody then and in such Case the afsd ---- CONT and promises to D------ to Anna Wedding Daughter of the said John Weddingand CONT Elizabeth his wife by law and ------ forever and the said John Clubbdoth for himself his ---- CONT E-- and --- the afsd Land and ------ --- --- thesaid John Clubb his --- E-- and---against all CONT --- s---y other [person or persons?] whatsoever ------ afsd---- from --- -- ---- said John CONT Clubb his dau Elizabeth or any other -------- ----- --- ------- CONT Warrant and forever Doth and by those of said Jn Wedding ----- ------- ---- ----- -------- of CONT those ---- and ----- --- Day and year abovewritten CONT CONT Signed Sealed and D in the presences of us CONT Geo Dent CONT Geo [Thomas?] CONT John his mark Clubb CONT CONT --- this day ---- the fifteenth day of November one thousand seven hundredand twenty CONT Seven --- John Clubb party to the ---- Deed with him came ---his wife and acknowledges CONT the same according to law she being first[Secretly?] Examined before us CONT Geo Dent CONT John J---- CONT CONT [the rest of the page - 406 - is really unreadable in the photo copy Ihave, but there's CONT something about someone named James and sixthousand pounds of tobacco] CONT CONT ========================= CONT In a 1787 sale, Thomas Wedding, Sr. [son of John Wedding and ElizabethClubb Wedding] CONT sold the land to George Hargraves (D4, Folio 171]: CONT CONT 11th December 1787 CONT Thomas Wedding, Sr. to Geaorge Hargraves CONT CONT ------21 Lbs 5 Shillings---- Called Maidens Pleasure lying and being in Charles County --- CONT near Piney Branch adjoining a tract or parcel of land calledSmallwoods Conclusion and CONT containing under the following courner to wit,beginning neare miry branch and runs thence CONT South South West 58 perches thence South 41¡ East 38perches then South 30¡ East 54 CONT perches thence South 42¡ East 255 [or252] perches then North 16¡ East 86 perches then CONT North West by West 182perches then with a strait line to the beginning containing 95 CONT acres more orless. Except what lays in older lands unto said George Hargraves. CONT CONT Thom his Mark Wedding CONT Elanor Wedding her mark CONT CONT ====================== CONT Patent for Maiden's Pleasure CONT CONT Land Office (Patents) CONT EI #16 p. 17 CONT John Clubb "Maiden's Pleasure" 19 November, 1737 CONT Accession Number: MdHR17, 392;1-23-02 CONT CONT John Clubb Pat CONT 95 Acres CONT Maidens pleasure CONT CONT Charles Co Know Ye that for & in consideration that John Clubb of Charles CONT County in Our province of Maryland hath due unto him ninety five acres of Land within CONT Our province byvirtue of a warrant for One hundred acres granted him the Sixteenth day CONT ofNovember Seventeen hundred twenty five as appears in our Land Office andupon such CONT conditions & terms as are expressed in our conditions of Plantation of our said province CONT bearing thedate the fifth day of April sixteen hundred eighty four -----ciming uponRecord CONT in our Province Together with such Alterations as in them are madeby our further CONT Conditions bearing the date the fourth day of December sixteen hundred and ninty Six CONT Togetheralso with the alterations made by our Instructions bearing date at Londonthe CONT twelfth day of September Seventeen hundred and twelve and registered inour Secretary's CONT Office of our s Province. We Do Therefore hereby Grant unto him the Sd John Clubb all CONT thattract or parcell of Land called Maidens Pleasure lying in Charles Countyafs adjoining CONT to the s John Clubb's own Land called Hopewell beginning at abanded white Oak standing CONT by theside of the Miory branch in the Line of the s Hopewell running thence SouthSouth CONT west fifty Eight [folias?] then South 41 degs East thirty Eight[folias?] then South thirty CONT degs East fifty four [folio?] and then Southforty two degs East two hundred fifty CONT five[folios?] then North sixteen degs East Eighty Six [folios?] then NorthWest by West CONT One hundred Eighty two [folios?] then to the beginningContaining & Laid out for ninety CONT five acres of Land more or less Accordingto the [Patifiraso?] of Survey [thereof?] taken CONT --ofu---d into Our Said Office bearing Date the Second Day ofDecember Seventeen CONT hundred twenty five [&?] the remaining Together with allrights profits benefits [got?] CONT th------ belonging Royal [Rilinos?] ----tedTo have & to hold this Same unto him the said CONT John Clubb his heirs and Assigns for Ever To beholden of -- &[Ours?] ---- as of Our CONT Mannor of Zachiah in free & Common [Sorragu?] byfealty only for all mannor of Services CONT Yielding and paying therefore yearlyunto --- & Our ----- of Our [-orsis-?] of Our City of CONT Saint [-ilarys?] of the two most usual feasts in theyear viz. the feast of the Annunciation CONT of the blessed Virgin Mary and Said[-ilis--?] the Archangell by ---- & equal [fractions?] CONT the ---- of threeShillings & four pence Sterling in Silver or Gold and for a fine upon h---- CONT Allienation of the[Said?] orany tract or parcell thereof One whole years ------- Silver or CONT Gold or thefull Value thereof in Such Comodities as We & Our ---- or Such Officer orOffs CONT as shall be appointd by us && Our ---- from time to time to Collect and receive the same CONT shall---------- Disch thereof as the -------- of --- & Our ------ or SuchOfficer or Offs CONT afsProvided that if this [s?] ---- for a fine for Alienashall be paid ----- --- & Our [Cioirt?] CONT or Such Officer or OffsSuch Alien & [thus?] Alien ----- upon word [Either?] inthe -------- CONT Court or County Court wh--- the same parcell of Land lyethwithin Our ----- ---- ----- such CONT Alien then those Alien shall be [paid?] &of no effect G---------- Ours G----Soul of Our s CONT province of Maryland this [nineteenth?] day of NovemberSeventeen hundred & thirty CONT Seven [--ifuoss?] Our trusty and well belovedSaml Oglo---- ---- Genl & ---- Gov---- of CONT our s Province of Maryland &----- & Keeper of this Great Seal thereof CONT CONT Saml Oglo----
Source: S14 Type: Web Site Author: LDS Title: FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File URL:
The events of John's life were either witnessed by Ken Wedding or Ken plans to add sources here later.
Wedding-45 was created by Karen Fleming through the import of IshmaelGibson_2014_0325.ged on Mar 25, 2014. '
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It is likely that these
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test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with John:
I believe I am the 10th generation "Wedding" directly from John Wedding Sr. (I may be off on my years)
John Wedding Sr. (Son of William Wedding 1685-1745) born 1705-1745
Thomas C. Wedding Sr. 1729-1790
Thomas A. Wedding Jr. 1758-1838
Thomas C. Wedding III 1788-1834
Nathaniel P. Wedding 1827-1893
Richard A. Wedding 1861-1931
Thomas N. Wedding 1883-1918
Richard C. Wedding 1909-1994
Dale C. Wedding 1952-
Holly D. Wedding (my mother) 1973-
Jamon D. Wedding (myself, born with my mother's maiden name) 1990-
Wedding-7 and Wedding-16 appear to represent the same person because: Name, dates and places suggest these should be merged, THEN the resulting combined profile should be merged with Wedding-45.
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John Wedding Sr. (Son of William Wedding 1685-1745) born 1705-1745 Thomas C. Wedding Sr. 1729-1790 Thomas A. Wedding Jr. 1758-1838 Thomas C. Wedding III 1788-1834 Nathaniel P. Wedding 1827-1893 Richard A. Wedding 1861-1931 Thomas N. Wedding 1883-1918 Richard C. Wedding 1909-1994 Dale C. Wedding 1952- Holly D. Wedding (my mother) 1973- Jamon D. Wedding (myself, born with my mother's maiden name) 1990-
edited by Jamon Wedding