Acadians Project WikiTree
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Acadians Project WikiTree

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Signed 30 Jan 2018 | 491 contributions | 32 thank-yous
Acadians Project WikiTree
Child of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
Profile last modified | Created 20 Aug 2009
This page has been accessed 12,542 times.
Non-Person Profile: This profile is an exception to the rule that profiles must represent real, individual human beings.
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Hello. When I use WikiTree+ to examine death locations for profiles categorized in Acadians with birth in the 18th Century, the ratio of Canada to United States (placing in present-day countries) is close to 5:3. About 35% of the death locations are blank. Would anyone care to comment on how those unknown locations might be distributed? I'm wondering whether they would skew towards those who died outside of present-day Canada, and if so, how heavily.
posted by M. Hebert
M I am looking at the database. I will make some estimates but it might be a few days. Cindy
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Thank you, Cindy. I looked at death locations for children of those lacking a location of death and found that the ratio was about double (10:3) the ratio I mentioned before. This would seem to indicate that the missing locations would skew towards present-day Canada, but maybe I'm missing something. It seems rather counterintuitive.
posted by M. Hebert
Hi, M. When I pulled the Acadians from WikiTree+, those born in the 18th cen, there were 5254 who did not have a death location which is 33% (close to your number). I went through those 5254 and made a best guess estimate of location, using your broad categories of US, Canada and also Europe (which is mostly France and also includes England, Miquelon, and the Caribbean locales) and also At Sea. I could do that for about half of those missing at a reasonable confidence based on where they were married, born, a category, or the Wall of names. The remaining half I made a bulk estimate which is "educated" but could be off quite a bit.

The ones I felt reasonably confident split

At Sea 1%

Canada 27% Including died in Acadie or Quebec

US 24% Including all on the WON

France 48% France, Miquelon, french possessions in the Caribbean, England then France (most of Isle St Jean and Isle Royale)

The remaining profiles (the Nova Scotia or unknown location people) I made a broad estimate of

Canada 25% Some unknown number escaped to other Canadian locations or came back to Arichat, etc.

US 70% So many were transported to the British colonies from Nova Scotia

France 5% Some prisoners were sent to Miquelon

We have been working on getting the Deportation ship lists and prisoner lists entered so more Acadians will be identified and more locations will be also. In this analysis I assumed that the place they were deported to is where they died unless later locations were known. If they were sent to France but later were on the Wall of Names, the US was their final location.

If I am anywhere close, it would say that the overall distribution of all these 16,000 Acadians is approximately

At Sea 4%

Canada 41%

US 37%

France 18%

Hope this is useful for your purposes. Cindy

Edited for better readability.

posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
edited by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
That's very interesting, Cindy. Thanks so much. I can think of two possible reasons why the numbers for children of those lacking location of death skew heavily toward present-day Canada: 1) The children who died in other locations have yet to be identified (i.e. don't have profiles yet), and 2) The unknown locations of death for children who have profiles would skew heavily towards locations outside of present-day Canada. Would you agree that these are likely? Do you have ideas about other reasons?

Edit: It could be that those who were deported were much less likely to have children... Hundreds of children did die at sea and there could be other reasons.

posted by M. Hebert
edited by M. Hebert
I agree that quite a few children and some adults who were born in the 18cen haven't all been identified. We recently added people from the 1758-1759 deportation to France and there were many new child profiles made. We've barely scratched the surface on ships that took families to the British Colonies so there will be more children and some adults there. Plus we still have some of the later censuses to enter, so more people coming from those. As you saw above I have a 70% distribution estimate to the United States for the known profiles with unknown death locations. It could be the same for children. Both children and adults died at sea so I don't think it would be a significantly different distribution. I am not clear that people who were deported would be less likely to have children - what's your thinking on that? In looking at the Isle St. Jean records, most people who were deported did have children. There were occasionally newly married couples or single men and women but not many.
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
If those who were deported were more likely to die at a young age (which seems reasonable), it would follow that they would be less likely to have children. Also, while there is the stereotype of poor people having more children, I'm thinking that those who were deported might have ended up living in poverty more often than those who weren't, and consequently wouldn't have been in a position of great "eligibility" as a potential spouse, married closer to the high end of child-bearing age, and/or wouldn't have had the means to support large families. But maybe that wasn't how it worked; I'm really speculating. These thoughts are mainly in relation to children born (or not born) after the parents' deportation.
posted by M. Hebert
That would be an interesting analysis - I'll put that on my "someday" list. We would need to have more complete records to do that well. I'm not sure those who were deported were more likely to die young unless they died at sea or shortly after. They certainly did live in poverty conditions in France, but many did marry (again if they lost a spouse) and have more children. We can see that in the Wall of Names Memorial where children are listed. IDK if we could create stats on the family level though. Maybe the adults who have a Deported or Great Upheaval cat could be analyzed but then who would we compare them to as ALL Acadian adults were affected. Maybe compare to those who died earlier in the century. Just thinking out loud.


posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Yes, I certainly don't mean to minimize how those who didn't leave on ships were affected. Out of my many Acadian ancestors at the time, the vast majority stayed behind. I do think it would be interesting to compare statistically along those lines, though, and yes, comparing by, say, decade of birth could yield insight as well.

Ok, thanks again for discussing and providing info, Cindy. The work being done on this project is excellent and much appreciated.

posted by M. Hebert
Thanks for your kind words. Gisele, Jackie, Denis and I do enjoy the "work" and the many other volunteers who work on these interesting Acadians. Let's come back to this in the future when the data will be more complete. Cindy
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Deportation , many families were split up and became American citizens , you may have to trace it that way . I had to get DNA done and search through tons of pages to find my Noils line , one family in particular is being omitted. DNA proves otherwise.
posted by Leane Niles
I would like to add Kennedy-21186 to the Acadian Project. My direct paternal line goes back to Pierre Thibodeau 1631/Jeanne Theriot 1644. I have been adding to the current generations using Steven A Cormier information as well as Rev. Donald J Hebert books on Acadian families in South Louisiana and archives of Nova Scotia online. I would also like to join the Acadian Project and help where I can.
Library & Archives Canada has a digital copy of the marriage contract of Francois Petitpas (1718-), son of Nicholas Petitpas and Magdaleine Simon @ [1]. The original document is in French and will require translation to English for those of us who do not speak or read French. It is a Notarial Record written in cursive, and the author's writing is quite cramped and difficult to read, and I was unable to determine the name of the bride or her family. I have added this information to the profile for Nicholas under "Research Notes." Information supplied by Judith Jordan (Pitts-2939).
posted by Judith (Pitts) Jordan
edited by Judith (Pitts) Jordan
There is a document at Library and Archives Canada [1] titled PETITPAS. Fils d'un habitant de l'Acadie. 1727, son transfert de Boston à Québec, puis à la Martinique. Centre des archives d'outre-mer (France) vol. 335. (English: PETITPAS. Son of an inhabitant of Acadia. 1727, his transfer from Boston to Quebec, then to Martinique. Overseas Archives Center (France) vol. 335. It is a written record of a "son of Petitpas," who had been living in Boston (having been sent there "during the war" where the English had been paying for his upkeep, with the idea he would be trained to become a Minister to the Mikmaq (should they change their religion?, to convert them?). Someone advised some Acadian officials of this boy's existence, and he was separated from the English, and sent first to Quebec, where they were going to enroll him in a seminary, but when he arrived he stated he didn't want an Ecclesiastical life, so he was sent to France. In France he was in the charge of a Mr. Beauharnois until he turned 18, and he was trained as a Pilot, but was found to have anger management issues when he drank, and also problems in forming attachments to anything. He then suggested he be sent to Martinique, as they were looking for 4 soldiers, and he felt he could survive in St. Dominque. Unfortunately, I cannot find in the record the given name of this son of Petitpas! At one point he is referred to as "Jujes," or "Cujes." Since Cujes is "guy," and Jujes would probably be a nickname? I don't know if this is a clue. Does anyone know who he would be, so I can link the document to the correct profile? You can follow the link above to the digital image of the original document in French.

Upon further research, I have found the name of the Petitpas son, it is Isidore, and this biographical information is already on his profile, so I will attach this link as a another source.

posted by Judith (Pitts) Jordan
edited by Judith (Pitts) Jordan
Hi Judith. Thanks for your interest and for sharing this interesting document. It seems that it refers to Isidore Petitpas (abt.1703-aft.1730), according to his profile and this detailed document. There is a transcription in French of the manuscript at chapter #22. Looks like he was confused with his brother Barthelemy in certain biographies? Could you check it out and see if you agree?
posted by Gisèle Cormier
I do agree, Gisele. It could not have been Barthelemy as he married in 1715 and the son of Petitpas referred to in the document was presumably single as no wife or children were ever mentioned. I have attached the link for this document to him profile as an additional source.
posted by Judith (Pitts) Jordan
Laurent Godin appears like he needs to be on the Acadians Project because he is on the 1686 Census in Port Royal. Godin -84. I put a comment on his profile but it doesn't show on the feed because he is not part of the Acadians Project.
posted by Ralph Geer
Hi Ralph. Sorry I didn't have time to answer right away the private email you sent me this morning about this profile. Godin doesn't fit the definition of "Acadian" that we have established for the purpose of the project: those who came directly from France to settle in Acadie, and their descendants. See guidelines here. He could have qualified if he had stayed in Acadie and had an historically significant line of Acadian families but the family returned to Canada, Nouvelle-France (Québec). The children he had with Anne Guérin, though, are included in the Project because their mother was Acadian. Hope this helps. Thanks for the question.
posted by Gisèle Cormier
You never have to apologize for not answering right away. I have plenty to do in the meantime. I just didn't want to make the same or similar mistake I did with Pierre Martin. I continue to be amazed on some of the contributors who seem to work 24-7, and who never seem to take time to eat, sleep, go grocery shopping etc. etc. The dedication, including yours, is commendable. Thanks for pointing out the guidelines. I still have so much to learn. If I go awol in the near future, it is because I will be taking the PIP Voyage. I am 3rd in the queue.
posted by Ralph Geer
Right back at you, Ralph. You are a valued member of the Acadians Project, always working hard and asking the right questions. With genealogy, we never cease to learn new things, which makes it so interesting. I've heard a lot of wonderful things about the PIP Voyage. Have fun!
posted by Gisèle Cormier
I would like to make an addition to the profile of my 5th greath-grandmother Anne Raymond (Raymond-529). Specifically, I'm really fascinated by the story of her family's escape during the Grand Dérangement on the ship Pembroke, and I find the summary of this story on the profile of her sister Marie Anne Raymond (Raymond-5317) (yes two Anne's...) to be very concise and readable, with a great reference attached. I think it would be easy to copy and paste this paragraph from one sister to the other, since they were both part of this episode and it seems to be such a momentous event in both their lives.
posted by David Alwin
edited by David Alwin
That sounds like a lovely idea, David, an excellent way to honor their bravery and perseverance. Cindy
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Reliability Question --- I read through the section on Reliability on sourcing documents out of Acadie. However, I've moved into Louisiana. I can't seem to find much information other than

My question is this: If familysearch has a reference to "Louisiana Births and Deaths" or "Louisiana Marriages", can that information be considered a trusted source?

posted by Bentley Mouton
Hi, Bentley, I am less familiar with Louisiana sources, but think the answer is "it depends" on the source itself. If it is original records or censuses, then yes. You might take a look at the Trusted Resources page for the Louisiana project to see what they have: Cindy

posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
For the most part, yes. Those Family Search records you refer to are generally a compilation of user-generated transcriptions for FS from sources such as Hebert's Southwest Louisiana Records, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Sacramental Records of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, etc., most of which are also transcriptions. In my experience, the FS versions are generally about as accurate as any transcription-- or at least, the ones I've compared to those trusted transcriptions usually have most of the same information and the same spelling.

But it just adds one more level of possible error. Sometimes they're missing the location, and when they aren't, they always put that the event took place where the church or courthouse is located, which was often not the case. But the biggest annoyance I find is that they almost always assign a sex to the child, and the actual record almost never does. So they're often just guessing at the sex, and are often wrong.

Then again, some have an image of the actual record, and it doesn't get much better than that (but even then, records were made by humans...). So by all means use them. But if you can, check the next level of transcription (like the SWLR, the DOBR, the NOSR, or the actual church record) and add that citation, too. We recommend copying the transcription of the record with the citation.

posted by Stephanie Ward
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but The Attakapas Gazette is now online (1966-1994) at

Lots of information that might be useful (if not already used).

posted by Bentley Mouton
First ... Let me say "WOW!" This is the best source of information for digging out both my and my wife's ancestry. Thanks to all of you for your tremendous efforts!

Second, this work is incredible. It' nice to see almost every record sourced. I would again like to thank of all of those people who did this work!

Finally, I feel like I'm boiling the ocean digging out the details of all of the ancestors in my trees. Here's my dumb and possible the stupidest question. Is there a GEDCOM file of the Acadian Project? I realize how ludicrous this may seem ... but I thought I would ask.


posted by Bentley Mouton
Thank you for your kind words, Benny. Many people contributed, especially to completing the Unsourced Profiles. Now I need to admit I don't know much about GEDCOM's. Do you mean have we made a GEDCOM of all the profiles in the Acadians Project (which is not, at least not yet)? Do you have a purpose in mind? We would look into it if there's enough interest.

Cindy Bourque Cooper, co-leader, Acadians Project

posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Hi Bentley, Thanks so much for your compliments! And, yes, we do deserve them!!! A lot of love an hours of work have gone into what you see but there is still a lot to be done.

There is a mechanism for downloading your family tree if that is what you mean.

You asked another question about reliable sources for Louisiana and Cindy directed you to our reliable sources page. Some of us in the project have spent our children's inheritance buying books and we will do look-ups when asked. The early New Orleans records have been digitized and are online but buried on their website. They are in the archives section.

posted by Jacqueline Girouard
Hi! I was checking the templates included in Category: Member-Only Stickers against the list of templates restricted to members only (with a "2008-" timeframe on this page) & found one that was "new to me":

I've added it to Category: Member-Only Stickers. Is there a project category that you would like it added to? If so, let me know & I'll take care of it. Same for Template: Acadian Sticker.

Cheers, Liz

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Liz, thank you for your note. The diaspora sticker was new to me too! I think you have it categorized in the right place since it is only for current WikiTreers. The Acadian Sticker can be used on all Acadian ancestors and no category immediately comes to mind about that, but you are more familiar with the broad range of categories. Maybe Gisele will have an idea. We should add the Diaspora one to our project page.


posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Thanks Liz and Cindy. I added the Acadian diaspora sticker to the Acadians project page.
posted by Gisèle Cormier
hello dear cousins ​​from America, I am a Porlier from France related to Claude Porlier pioneer in Quebec La Nouvelle France who is your ancestor and I share my DNA with you here is my Id T388487 Gedmatch you can check see you soon good evening Guillaume Porlier
posted by Guillaume Porlier
Hi, the children of Gallant-364 are a bit of a mess. I don't have any of the main reference works for Acadians of PEI here to feel confident in proposing merges of the duplicates. Also, both Gallant and Hache Gallant are used - I seem to remember seeing a discussion of which one the Acadian project preferred. Can someone check this out? Jane
posted by Jane Dyment
Hi Jane,

Thanks for the heads up. There were 4 sets of duplicates so merges have been proposed. Xavier will be removed because he was born before his parents' marriage. I don't have any of the main reference works for PEI either, and they are not accessible online. The few records that can be found in Ancestry and Family search give very little information. I relied mainly on Gérard Winkelmuller's Family Tree which is reliable and an article by James Perry. The best source we have is for the father Firmin and his son Louis Gallant by reputed historian Jean Bernard. Normally the standard name preferred for the profiles managed by the Acadians project is Haché which is entered as Last Name at Birth. The "dit" name Gallant is added in the Other Last Names field. However, in later generations, in some families, Haché was dropped and they used only Gallant. I proposed merges into the Gallant name, not Haché dit Gallant, because only Gallant appears in the few records available, and it is the name used by Jean Bernard.

posted by Gisèle Cormier
Hi! I just added a line under the name field guidance for the Acadians Project at -

Let me know if I should not have done that & I'll remove it from the entry:

Acadians Project FAQs (about name fields, "dit" names)
Familles acadiennes
  • Acadians Project
  • see also this G2G discussion
  • see also French naming conventions, posted by the France Project
  • see also Quebecois Project/Guidelines on Names

(see for links)

Cheers, Liz

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
edited by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
It looks great. Thank you, Liz.
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
I have completed reviewing the 1678 Census for reference entries on profiles of all persons listed! It took a bit longer than I thought it would, and required some attention to detail, but it's finished and I'm proud of it!  :)


posted by Julia (Petrick) Read
edited by Julia (Petrick) Read
Congratulations Julia on a job well done. We really appreciate your hard work, your perseverance and your attention to detail. Do you have another project in mind concerning Acadians?
posted by Gisèle Cormier
Not immediately. I want to get back to working on my own tree, for a bit. But I'll be available in the future.


posted by Julia (Petrick) Read
Julia, I was seeing you go through those profiles, and am very grateful to you for the careful attention to detail and excellent citation entries. And you should be proud of your work. To me, that was a particularly difficult one because of its structure. I updated our census page - take a look


posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Hi! I'm new to the project. I started by doing a biography of a profile ( I wasn't sure if that was satisfactory enough to remove the "needs a biography" tag. Thanks.

If it's okay, I'll do them all in a minute or so; it's a script that does it. Really easy ;P

posted by Ken Tremblay
HI, Ken, that is very cool! Nicely laid out. At first I though you might be using the Bio Builder, but I see the format is somewhat different. Did you write that script yourself? One question, we don't normally put siblings in the biography. Could that section be skipped?

Best, Cindy

posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
I like the layout but I would delete the redundant gedcom entries if it were me doing it. If there is something new, then weave it into your new biography. Like after a merge, we want only one biography and it should be in the same style throughout. Thanks! Share your script?
posted by Jacqueline Girouard
I don't even know what gedcom entries are. Sorry. I have about a year of experience, but I don't know much lingo. (See reply above for the script availability)
posted by Ken Tremblay
I didn't do it, it's available to anyone who wants to download it. It's a Google Chrome add-on that a wikitreer scripted. It also translates in French and highlights the profile's picture in green if the person is an ancestor of yours (both suggested by me) and it gets info automatically from other sites, among other cool stuff.

It's called Auto WikiTree Tables.

I can't really modify it to sratch the siblings, but I can certainly easily erase them afterwards. It takes a second.

So, should I remove them from the "Needs a biography" after? I'm waiting before doing the other ones. I don't want to come back to each one of them after.


posted by Ken Tremblay
Hi, Ken, I would just delete those siblings after then. What Jackie mentions are the entries that say = Marriage = then marriage info underneath. They often have = Name = and other events. I usually look at those and erase them if they are supported in the biography and if they don't have sources. If they do have a source, then I leave them so the source will be linked to the info. Or if you have a little extra time, I will check that source and sometimes move the inline reference to the fact in the newly created biography. This is a simple biography with no ged stuff. In the case of Arseneau-22, all those GED's are supported by the same souce - a good one - Stephen White. You could just leave that in the sources section and delete all the GED entries. Actually I will do it so you can see what I mean. A little touching up after the app does the main work. I also removed the tildes as a year entry with no other specific date is already an estimate. What do you think about doing that? Cindy

posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Oops! While preparing an answer for Ken, and before seeing your comment , I edited the Arseneau profile. You can add the final touch, Cindy. I also removed the category Acadia needs biography and you can do the same Ken when you create one. For more information on editing GEDCOM created biographies: . Thanks for your help Ken and for introducing us to Auto WikiTree Tables. I've installed it.
posted by Gisèle Cormier
LOL I saw that. You did fine and we can leave Ken with that as a good example. Thanks Ken - I hope we didn't have too many cooks in the kitchen! Cindy
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
I created a FB group for the descendants of Joseph Gueguen, his wives and children and siblings. There is over 340 distant (some close) cousins in the group.

Joseph Gueguen (Goguen) - Anne Nanon Arsenault, Marie Caissie (Quessy), Anne Surette

You and your family are welcome to join our FB group (copy & paste url)

Best regards,

Robert Goguen [email address removed] PS. Should you have any questions... please ask.

posted by Robert Goguen
is FindAgrave a good source for finding out Jean Pitre 's parents? I thought it was accepted. here are Jean Pitre's parents according to the source
posted by Marie Mercier
Logged on to fix manager on profile.
Logged on to give Trusted List access to Andrea Boudreau for Claude Boudrot.
Signed in to remove project from profile and to add person to trusted list of a profile.
Hi there,

I just sort of dove in and uploaded a tree from my deceased friend. Her mother did all the research. It seems to be impacted the Robichaud family tree the most. Before I do anymore damage, can I hand the reins over to someone else? I don't want to be the profile manager as I have no knowledge of Acadian or French Canadian family history. I downloaded the gedcom and have been trying to merge and correct (gulp!).

Elizabeth, are you having trouble with some particular aspect of it? What profiles are impacted?
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
I have dates where the owner of the Robichaud family tree doesn't but I can't verify the dates are accurate. The owner is Bobby Robichaud. I didn't want to continue because of that. I don't know how reliable the research is because it isn't mine. I just didn't want the research to go to waste.
I am a co-manager of Montet-21 and the following error is generated for it: "935 Unpaired Project Account and ProjectBox". I did not add the project boxes and I don't know anything about them; therefore I am unable to correct the error. Thanks.
posted by Orin Hargraves III
HI, Orin, the Acadians project is correctly on the profile, so it is the Louisiana Family project that would need to be added. I forwarded it to Joyce Rivet who project manager for that project. Thanks for letting us know.
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Hi Orin, Usually for profiles that were involved in the forced migration of Acadians to Louisiana, both the Acadians and Louisiana projects are added as co-managers. This step for the Louisiana project was only half-done on Montet-21, which I have now corrected. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention!
Ales will run the program to assign them very soon and then the errors will get better until more profiles are made! I'll do it if it's just a few, but there are too many to do manually right now. For any people who see these errors on their suggestions list, you can pass over them because the project will have them taken care of periodically.
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Logged in to remove project as manager for three profiles.
Logged in to remove project as manager from 1 profile. Also to run the missing dates tool.
The missing dates tool seemed to be only pulling for my own watchlist. Need to find another way.
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Logged in to remove project as manager from 2 profiles.
Logged in to add Rick Peterson as Trusted Manager and PM for two profiles. Then logged out.
posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Logging in to add new project coordinator to Trusted list.
Logging out Girouard-4019
Logging in to add project as a manager per suggestion report. Girouard-4019
Nope, I guess I can't do that. Signing out.
Logged in to add Acadians project to 4 profiles already trusted (line 3 on project status box).
Logging in to remove Acadian tag on Kopit profile.
Logging in to remove Acadian tag on a profile.
Logged in to remove some natives from project (no Acadian relationship)
Signed in to remove project from Membertou profiles.
Logging in to remove one profile from project.

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