Acadians Project WikiTree
Honor Code SignatorySigned 30 Jan 2018 | 491 contributions | 32 thank-yous
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Categories: Project Accounts | Acadians
The ones I felt reasonably confident split
At Sea 1%
Canada 27% Including died in Acadie or Quebec
US 24% Including all on the WON
France 48% France, Miquelon, french possessions in the Caribbean, England then France (most of Isle St Jean and Isle Royale)
The remaining profiles (the Nova Scotia or unknown location people) I made a broad estimate of
Canada 25% Some unknown number escaped to other Canadian locations or came back to Arichat, etc.
US 70% So many were transported to the British colonies from Nova Scotia
France 5% Some prisoners were sent to Miquelon
We have been working on getting the Deportation ship lists and prisoner lists entered so more Acadians will be identified and more locations will be also. In this analysis I assumed that the place they were deported to is where they died unless later locations were known. If they were sent to France but later were on the Wall of Names, the US was their final location.
If I am anywhere close, it would say that the overall distribution of all these 16,000 Acadians is approximately
At Sea 4%
Canada 41%
US 37%
France 18%
Hope this is useful for your purposes. Cindy
Edited for better readability.
edited by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Edit: It could be that those who were deported were much less likely to have children... Hundreds of children did die at sea and there could be other reasons.
edited by M. Hebert
Ok, thanks again for discussing and providing info, Cindy. The work being done on this project is excellent and much appreciated.
edited by Judith (Pitts) Jordan
Upon further research, I have found the name of the Petitpas son, it is Isidore, and this biographical information is already on his profile, so I will attach this link as a another source.
edited by Judith (Pitts) Jordan
edited by David Alwin
My question is this: If familysearch has a reference to "Louisiana Births and Deaths" or "Louisiana Marriages", can that information be considered a trusted source? Cindy
But it just adds one more level of possible error. Sometimes they're missing the location, and when they aren't, they always put that the event took place where the church or courthouse is located, which was often not the case. But the biggest annoyance I find is that they almost always assign a sex to the child, and the actual record almost never does. So they're often just guessing at the sex, and are often wrong.
Then again, some have an image of the actual record, and it doesn't get much better than that (but even then, records were made by humans...). So by all means use them. But if you can, check the next level of transcription (like the SWLR, the DOBR, the NOSR, or the actual church record) and add that citation, too. We recommend copying the transcription of the record with the citation.
Lots of information that might be useful (if not already used).
Second, this work is incredible. It' nice to see almost every record sourced. I would again like to thank of all of those people who did this work!
Finally, I feel like I'm boiling the ocean digging out the details of all of the ancestors in my trees. Here's my dumb and possible the stupidest question. Is there a GEDCOM file of the Acadian Project? I realize how ludicrous this may seem ... but I thought I would ask.
Cindy Bourque Cooper, co-leader, Acadians Project
There is a mechanism for downloading your family tree if that is what you mean.
You asked another question about reliable sources for Louisiana and Cindy directed you to our reliable sources page. Some of us in the project have spent our children's inheritance buying books and we will do look-ups when asked. The early New Orleans records have been digitized and are online but buried on their website. They are in the archives section.
I've added it to Category: Member-Only Stickers. Is there a project category that you would like it added to? If so, let me know & I'll take care of it. Same for Template: Acadian Sticker.
Cheers, Liz
Thanks for the heads up. There were 4 sets of duplicates so merges have been proposed. Xavier will be removed because he was born before his parents' marriage. I don't have any of the main reference works for PEI either, and they are not accessible online. The few records that can be found in Ancestry and Family search give very little information. I relied mainly on Gérard Winkelmuller's Family Tree which is reliable and an article by James Perry. The best source we have is for the father Firmin and his son Louis Gallant by reputed historian Jean Bernard. Normally the standard name preferred for the profiles managed by the Acadians project is Haché which is entered as Last Name at Birth. The "dit" name Gallant is added in the Other Last Names field. However, in later generations, in some families, Haché was dropped and they used only Gallant. I proposed merges into the Gallant name, not Haché dit Gallant, because only Gallant appears in the few records available, and it is the name used by Jean Bernard.
Let me know if I should not have done that & I'll remove it from the entry:
(see for links)
Cheers, Liz
edited by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
edited by Julia (Petrick) Read
If it's okay, I'll do them all in a minute or so; it's a script that does it. Really easy ;P
Best, Cindy
It's called Auto WikiTree Tables.
I can't really modify it to sratch the siblings, but I can certainly easily erase them afterwards. It takes a second.
So, should I remove them from the "Needs a biography" after? I'm waiting before doing the other ones. I don't want to come back to each one of them after.
Thanks In the case of Arseneau-22, all those GED's are supported by the same souce - a good one - Stephen White. You could just leave that in the sources section and delete all the GED entries. Actually I will do it so you can see what I mean. A little touching up after the app does the main work. I also removed the tildes as a year entry with no other specific date is already an estimate. What do you think about doing that? Cindy
Joseph Gueguen (Goguen) - Anne Nanon Arsenault, Marie Caissie (Quessy), Anne Surette
You and your family are welcome to join our FB group (copy & paste url)
Best regards,
Robert Goguen [email address removed] PS. Should you have any questions... please ask.
I just sort of dove in and uploaded a tree from my deceased friend. Her mother did all the research. It seems to be impacted the Robichaud family tree the most. Before I do anymore damage, can I hand the reins over to someone else? I don't want to be the profile manager as I have no knowledge of Acadian or French Canadian family history. I downloaded the gedcom and have been trying to merge and correct (gulp!).
oh wow.. hopefully you can see this-