Puritan Great Migration Project WikiTree
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Puritan Great Migration Project WikiTree

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 22 Feb 2017 | 119 contributions | 30 thank-yous
Following PGM
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Puritan Great Migration Project WikiTree
Child of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
Profile last modified | Created 9 Dec 2015
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Comments: 62

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Could the managers of the PGM get in contact with me via email?

Regards, Kevin York

posted by Kevin York

You should send a private message to the Puritan Great Migration project via the link in yellow above. That way the Project will have your email information.

S Willson

posted by S (Hill) Willson
I was just wondering if I can get help with the Munson family tree? All I have is Barbabas Munson
posted by Ann Cool-Munson
Hi Ann,

Welcome to WikiTree. This page is not the best place to ask for help. Requests can be posted in the genealogist-to-genealogist (g2g) forum to reach a larger audience and others can help point you in the best direction.

I'd also suggest reaching out to the "greeter" who left a comment on your proflie to see how best to get started.

posted by M Cole
I have more than 50,000 descendants of Edmund Ingalls in my Legacy genealogy program. He came to the USA in 1628. I am too old and do not have time to do what it looks like WikiTree requires to add any of this data to this site. Is there anyone who might want to work on this?
posted by Jay Ingalls
Hi Jay,

WikiTree is not like some sites where people share family trees. Here we all work together towards creating a single world-wide tree. That means that we all share in creating and editing the profiles. I'm afraid we don't have a group who can handle 50,000 profiles that would need to be added, edited and potentially merged with the existing database. Perhaps you could compare what we have on Edmund Ingalls and his descendants and provide us with any needed corrections and source records? It would be a far less difficult job, and might give you some satisfaction in improving what we have already.

Regards, Bobbie

posted by Bobbie (Madison) Hall

You have listed a birthplace for Nehemiah Smith (1605-168 6) as NewCastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. My great uncle, Walter Burgess Smith, a noted and published genealogist, travelled there in person and found no evidence to support that claim. In his published newsletter,"News of the Nehemiah Smith Clan" Vol 1 Number 2 March 1992, he offers a explanation of the probable origins of this "story".

posted by Mike Smith
Hi again, Mike,

Thank you for your continuing interest in Nehemiah Smith Sr. (abt.1605-1686). When we last collaborated about this, we marked his birth location as uncertain. I then suggested those details should be moved to research notes. It's been six months without that happening, so I'll do it shortly.

If you have access to reliable sources including contemporaneous records and sound analysis that would improve WikiTree's Nehemiah Smith Sr., I would encourage you to share those details so that the community is able to collaborate further. Consider creating a linked space page to document the various information. Such a page could then form the basis for a G2G question about all this.

Most of us probably do not have ready access to the 1992 article to which you refer. It does not seem to have been widely circulated; lacking other information, I suspect it is covered by copyright.

FamilySearch has cataloged issues of the "News of the Nehemiah Smith Clan." The particular issue to which you refer is housed, apparently at Salt Lake, in "Off-site Storage." See here.

Thank you again, Mike. I look forward to seeing how your research progresses. --Gene

posted by GeneJ X
edited by GeneJ X
Does Richard Montague qualify for PGM - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Montague-281
posted by Beryl Meehan
Why is Jane (Young) King aka Hatch (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Young-894) not in the Puritan Great Migration Project?
posted by Cameron Little
Thank you, Cameron,

I agree that she should be PGM. Have updated the profile and posted the query on G2G, Should Jane (Young) (Hatch) King be PGM? Mentioned your comment in the G2G.

posted by GeneJ X
edited by GeneJ X

has a headstone photo that suggests her maidan {or middle} name was Hutchins

posted by Bob Hartman
Thanks for your interest Bob, please see comments on the profile.
posted by Brad Stauf
I believe, based on many citations, that Elizabeth Alden is Lydia Chandler's mother. Not Unkown Chandler.

Can someone help me with this? Lydia Chandler is my is my 9th great grandmother.

Thank you, Shelley Engle

posted by Shelley (Seeds) Engle
The name of Edmund Chandler's wife is unknown. She is not named in any records. A different Edmund Chandler did marry a different Elizabeth Alden, apparently leading to your confusion and others in secondary sources. Certainly "George Joseph Alden" was not the father of either woman as no one by that name ever existed. I have disconnected the "George Joseph Alden" (sic) which you added as Elizabeth's father.

Edit: Anne, you might want to Project Protect this profile.

posted by Joe Cochoit
edited by Joe Cochoit
I appreciate your help on this. People get click happy and want to be connected to something really special. We all will continue to do our due diligence and make sure that our connections are correct.
posted by Shelley (Seeds) Engle
I am a direct descendant of Lieutenant Samuel Smith-1852, DNA-proven, and new to WikiTree. Some discrepancies need to be resolved. This is his biography from "Official History Guilford Vermont 1678-1961":

Samuel Smith, with his wife Elizabeth, each aged 32, and their four children, Samuel 9, Elizabeth 7, Mary 5, and Philip 1, sailed from Ipswich, England on April 30, 1634. They arrived in Boston in June 1634. He was one of the Founders of Wethersfield, Conn., where he was Lieutenant Deputy from 1641-1656. He was among those who signed an agreement in 1659 to remove from Conn. to the Massachusetts Jurisdiction and was one of the Founders of Hadley, Mass.; on May 11, 1661, the residents of Hadley voted that there should be military training and Samuel Smith, among others, was chosen to be a Lieutenant. This was approved by the County Court in March of 1663. He was a Lieutenant for about 15 years. In May of 1678, he requested to be freed from military trust, being as he said, "nearly 80 years old." He was discharged, and his son, Philip, was appointed in his place, approved by the County Court in 1678. Samuel Smith died in 1680, at the age of 78. Elizabeth his wife died on March 16, 1686.

posted by Charles Smith
What discrepancies exist? You might want to place your concerns on the profile itself instead of here. Also, you might want to check out


posted by Jillaine Smith
I’m thrilled to have found your project on Wiki Tree. My family has been able to trace back their history to the Mayflower through the Hewit/Tisdale marriage but I had very little information on the French side of the family except that William French was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. We couldn’t get further than that. Now thanks to your research we find out that the Frenches in our family come from Essex which matches the general assumption found in sources on the internet. This however confirms it and gives it a name: John French!

Thank you! Natalie French

posted by Natalie French
Francis Gould (Goole-2) was apparently different from Francis Goulder of Plymouth Colony so may need some biography changes.

After finishing the Goole-2 bio I was looking for more info and came across records of Plymouth Colony by Nathaniel Shurtleff which lists both Francis Goulder and Francis "Goole" separately. Francis Goulder remained in Plymouth Colony, unlike Francis Gould/Goole and Goulder took a freeman's oath there in 1656 and then was listed as a freeman in 1658 in the town of Plymouth, long after Francis Gould was 30 miles away in Braintree having children. The capper is that Francis Goulder died in Plymouth 17 May 1664, 12 years before Gould who was in Chelmsford by that date, 70 miles away and well documented for another 12 years. So, I think that the section of bio about Francis Gould being a smith in Plymouth needs to be struck as that record also identifies Francis "Goulder", who we assumed all along was the same as our "Gould". Plymouth records are here with a search for 'Goulder' https://www.familysearch.org/library/books/records/item/26917-records-of-the-colony-of-new-plymouth-in-new-england-printed-by-order-of-the-legislature-of-the-commonwealth-of-massachusetts?viewer=1&offset=0#page=39&viewer=picture&o=search&n=0&q=goulder

The only place I see "our" Francis is in the 1643 list of men able to bear arms in Duxbury, Plymouth colony assuming that "Goole" is ours.

Advice is welcomed on this potential edit...

Update: Great Migration Begins vol 1, A-F page 617 under the entry for Samuel Eddy says that he (Samuel) put his son John Eddy to dwell "with Francis Goulder and Katherne his wife" as a smith apprentice so that would seem to confirm that the smith of Plymouth was a different man than our PGM Francis Gould/Goole-2. Working on this Francis Goulder and his wife now.

posted by Brad Stauf
edited by Brad Stauf
Brad, would you consider reposting this on the profile comment area? It will get a wider audience there and someone will be able to be of assistance. Thank you!
Will do although now as a "heads up" type of thing since I think between the Francis Goole-2 and Francis Goulder-219 I've got it all sorted out when writing and/or re-writing the biographies and addressed the "smith of Plymouth" topic therein.
posted by Brad Stauf
Am in dire need of guidance on finding the John Howe that is part of my Willis heritage. I am stumped for where to look next. Just when I think I have it licked, I am left with the wrong one attached. Thank you so much.
I have an ancestor named John Howe(c 1620-1678) who has the surname Willis in his descendant list. Perhaps he's your fella: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Howe-83

1) James Bellows, the son of Elizabeth HOWE (b. 1673) and her husband, Isaac Bellows, married a lady named Thankful WILLIS (b.1690) {James Bellows is the great-grandson of John Howe}

2) Abigail HOWE (b. 1777) married Asa Allen WILLIS {Abigail Howe is the great-great-great-granddaughter of John Howe}

posted by Kathryn Lanier
edited by Kathryn Lanier
Thank you for this project. A friend of mine has done an incredible amount of work on her ancestry to George Phillips b. 1593. It is wonderful to see so much work done here with sources and information and to be able to recommend it to her. I am working on finding and connecting as many families in Silao, GTO, MX. You are inspiration!
posted by Lee G
Thanks for adding Anna "Pierce" to PGM. Would her husband Michael Pierce be a PGM as well? Thanks,


posted by Orinda (Hamon) Spence
I have come across the will of Roger Harlakenden who is part of the PGM.

Does anyone know of a transcript of this or be interested in helping to produce one? If I end up with useful information, can I add to his profile or must someone else do that? I am working on Earls Colne One Place Study and am bumping into a few PGM candidates. The Will is here https://archive.org/details/stokesrecordsnot11stok/page/n313

posted by Michael Christmas
Request for assistance on Smithe 4 second wife of John Cheney.

Thanks for any assistance. I have removed most of the ancestry links,that was all they had.

posted by [Living Snyder]
Request for assistance - PGM google group: reading old English will/probate will.

[[Darms-1|Donald Darms the PM for Sarah (Scott) Graves sourced wife of Thomas Graves previously requested and received a copy of the original will of Christopher Scott a portion of which I you can see since placed it on the profile of above mentioned Thomas Graves. (You can see the note/inquiry Darms sent to me on my WT profile here: Cheryl Skordahl.)

Since one vocal person is concerned about the change of Thomas Graves-170 wife from Whiting-20 to Scott-17829, and is a PM, I think it would be beneficial if one of us checked over the copy of original . Darms will to e-mail it to someone who has experience in deciphering old English wills.

I'm not finding him. Other than the birth at Ancestry from a badly bled through page. I'll send Quentin a note
posted by Anne B
Searching for Edward Smith, born about 1610, married Mary unknown, their son Thomas born 1636 Boston (Births,Baptisms and Christenings, Mass. Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988.)
posted by Quentin Smith
Douglas-153 and Douglas-5397 are ready for a merge, Douglas-5379 is PPP. However, there is nothing in Douglas-153 that would alter the information in Douglas-5397. Could the PPP be switched from Douglas-5397 to Douglas -153 to maintain the lower profile number?
posted by Michael Foos

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