US Presidents Project WikiTree
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A number of Presidents have also had a hereditary link back to the New Sweden colony, including the 41st President, President George Herbert Walker Bush, and his son the 43rd President, President George Walker Bush. The Bushes are descendants of New Sweden colonist Måns Andersson who arrived in New Sweden in April 1640 on board the Kalmar Nyckel. These Presidential ancestral ties transcend any type of political ideology for both Democratic and Republican Presidents have been descendants of New Sweden colonists. The colony of New Sweden has been a vital component in the fabric of America whose descendants range from fine common citizenry to holders of the highest elected office.<ref></ref>
edited by US Presidents Project WikiTree
The Preface is worthwhile to read to get a sense of the references.
as a US President Direct Descendant I did it wrong yet again. thank you
Regards, Amy Utting
US Presidents Project