David Wilson
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

David Wilson

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 5 Dec 2013 | 87,859 contributions | 4,382 thank-yous | 7,060 connections
David L. Wilson
Ancestors ancestors
Brother of [private sister (1950s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: David Wilson private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 5 Dec 2013
This page has been accessed 28,422 times.
David Wilson is a Military Veteran.
Served in the United States Navy 1975-1981 attaining 2nd Class Petty Officer (PM2)
David Wilson is a Project Member of Military and War Project.

Feasibility Cotyledon (Ζ, χ, ς, υ, K, Ζ1, Ζε, ρ, μ, θ)[1]



Should anyone find material on one of the profiles managed that could possibly be construed as a violation of part of the Honor Code, please notify immediately!


After years of traveling through about 40 U.S. states and nearly 30 different countries, it is apparent how small the world is and how all of us are related if you go back far enough. Hopefully, adding and providing research for my branch of the shared family tree and welcoming cousins/ relatives will help. Much of the material posted is from first-hand knowledge, a professional family book, and various other references. Any suggestions on citations are appreciated as is any feedback from cousins. As we cruise through life, Learn, Live, Laugh and Love!

Military Service

Six years in the Navy achieving the rank of 2nd Class Petty Officer. Worked as a Patternmaker, with a need-to-know clearance and directed approximately 100 shipmates in Carpentry, Rubber & Plastics, Foundry, Machine Shop, and various specialties to repair submarines.

Formal Education

Studied Systems Engineering for five years and passed on completing the degree due to a job offer as a Comptroller. Received MOUS certification from CompUSA. Received a BSBM with Honors. Participated and conducted multiple forums of management and computer optimization.

Synopsis of Occupations

House Construction; Patternmaking; Comptroller; Database Management; Fabrication Shift Manager; Tool Maker; Commercial Construction Superintendent; Commercial Building Materials Representative; Administrative Analyst; Consultant in Building Materials, Marketing Strategies and Computer Optimization.


Growing food, playing cards, throwing horse-shoes, genealogy, traveling.

Favorite Onsite References

Tons Tweaks
Kitty's Library
Jillaine's Dream Source Help Page
Uncertain Indication
Penn Project
U. S. Civil War
War of 1812


  1. Wymore, A. W., Systems Engineering Methodology for Interdisciplinary Teams, Wiley, New York, N. Y., 1976
Ultimate Source for Biography

Cogito ergo sum, as explained by René Descartes

David Wilson participated with A Rose By Any Other Name during the 2019 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 988 previously unsourced profiles.
David Wilson participated with A Rose By Any Other Name during the 2018 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 804 previously unsourced profiles.
Quakers Project Logo
David improved Quaker profiles in the September 2018 Challenge to "clear the Quakers category"
Quakers Project Logo
David improved Quaker profiles in the August 2018 Challenge to "source non-project managed profiles"
Quakers Project Logo
David improved Quaker profiles in the July 2018 Challenge to "add Quakers Sticker"
Quakers Project Logo
David Wilson improved Quaker profiles in the June 2018 Challenge for "Quakers alive in the 1800s"
Quakers Project Logo
David improved Quakers Project managed profiles during the March 2018 Challenge
Quakers Project Logo
David improved Quaker profiles on the Week 7-13 March 2018 Anniversary list
Quakers Project Logo
David improved Quaker profiles on the Week 4 Feb 2018 Anniversary list

Check out the Sort feature!

** Living WikiTree Newly-Found Cousins ***
Cousin Relationship
Jim Berry 5th Cousin
Paula J. 10th Cousin 1 x Removed
Bob Fields 8th Cousin 2 x Removed
Annette Bailey 4th Cousin
Kitty Smith 12th Cousin 3 x Removed
Chris Whitten 11th Cousin
David Lundy 7th Cousin
Cynthia Barnes 9th Cousin 1 x Removed
Eric Clark 10th Cousin
Vic Watt 8th Cousin 2 x Removed
Denise Knapp 16th Cousin 2 x Removed
Becky Syphers 11th Cousin
Nae X 11th Cousin
Fred Remus 17th Cousin
David Hughey 9th Cousin 1 x Removed
Richard Belcher 4th Cousin 1 x Removed
D.J. Clark 6th Cousin
Mary Richardson 7th Cousin 1 x Removed
Tami Osmer 16th Cousin
Roger Travis Jr. 15th Cousin 2 x Removed
John Schmeeckle 8th Cousin
Theodore Palmer 14th Cousin 1 x Removed
Keith Baker 8th Cousin 2 x Removed
Renee Malloy 14th Cousin 1 x Removed
Judy Wardlow 16th Cousin 1 x Removed
Eli Mckinney 8th Cousin
Katherine Alvis 10th Cousin 2 x Removed
Terry Wright 15th Cousin 2 x Removed
Gail Cox 11th Cousin 1 x Removed
Lindsay Coleman 8th Cousin 1 x Removed
Grady Lucas 10th Cousin
Al Adams 12th Cousin 1 x Removed
William Arbuthnot 9th Cousin 3 x Removed
Robert Keniston 18th Cousin
Mindy Pitts 10th Cousin
Philip Smith 19th Cousin
Ann M. Johnson 14th Cousin 2 x Removed
Gary Bunker 7th Cousin 3 x Removed
Robin Kabrich 15th Cousin 1 x Removed
Vincent Piazza 15th Cousin 2 x Removed
Sally Stovall 10th Cousin
April Dauenhauer 15th Cousin 1 x Removed
Laurence Houlgate 9th Cousin 1 x Removed
Mary Dunnam 15th Cousin 2 x Removed
Beth Blankenship 10th Cousin
Cynthia Billups 12th Cousin 1 x Removed
Alison Andrus 12th Cousin
Bob Jewett 9th Cousin 1 x Removed
Carole Partridge 15th Cousin 2 x Removed
John McKinney 8th Cousin 1 x Removed
Allan Thomas 10th Cousin
Scott Ledbetter 10th Cousin 2 x Removed
Eddie Pike 14th Cousin 2 x Removed
Gerald Smith 12th Cousin 1 x Removed
William T. Pool Jr 6th Cousin 2 x Removed
Henry D. Chadwick 10th Cousin 2 x Removed
Doug Lockwood 12th Cousin 1 x Removed
Donna Stone 9th Cousin 1 x Removed
William Lindsay 11th Cousin
Chet Snow 9th Cousin 1 x Removed
Laura Scott 11th Cousin 2 x Removed
Robert Patterson 8th Cousin
Greg Hays 10th Cousin
Johnny Blackmon 9th Cousin
Robert Stiles 6th Cousin 2 x Removed
Keith McDonald 5th Cousin 2 x Removed
Carole Anne Brown 7th Cousin
Summer Orman 13th Cousin 1 x Removed
Susan Wilson 6th Cousin 1 x Removed
Tammy Brown 3rd Cousin 1 x Removed
David Tarter 3rd Cousin 2 x Removed
Last update 2/23/2017

Cousins Exact 1 x Removed 2 x Removed 3 x Removed 4 x Removed 5 x Removed
Several Many Some Few Less Even Less Very Few

I keep orphaning profiles and my watchlist keeps growing?

If anything is wrong it must be the bug below!*

Advance Directive

Should it become necessary, all of the profiles managed should be offered to any "Trusted List" member found on any of them.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • David's formal name
  • full middle name (L.)
  • nicknames
  • e-mail address
  • images (7)
  • private siblings' names
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to David Wilson's full information you must be on David's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with David: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 393

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Hi David, I hope 2024 has been a good year for you :) Here is the link to the newest G2G question: US Civil War December 2024/January 2025 Newletter. You'll find several links there. Also, just for fun, you might like to share a family tradition or favorite recipe with the group :)

May you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

posted by Pam Kreutzer
Hello David from another long lost cousin! 16th once removed. Amazing. I also have a brother named David Wilson.


posted by Bill Wilson
Belated happy anniversary! Wishing you many more to come.
posted by Paula J
Thank you for the thank you. This is my 10th year at Wikitree. I have, for the most part, added profiles. Waldrop, Scuggs and Hunt. WE have 9000+ people in our at home databse. We finished ( got back to the ocean) in 2017. Solved one big problem in 2019. It is impractical to put 9000 Waldrop people at Wikitree. I am in data preservation mode. We have never found very many researchers on our surnames. WE have outlived most of the people that we worked with.
posted by Howard Waldrop
Hi David,

This is the time for the annual 2024 check in with members of the Military and War Project. Have you been active during the last six months in the Military and War Project? Do you want to remain working with this project? Note that it is a requirement to respond to the Military and War Project Check-ins. Please respond to this message by clicking the reply button below this message, to post your answer. I look forward to hearing from you..

Many thanks,

Mary, Project Coordinator, Military & War

posted by Mary Richardson
yup ok sure 30 character response
posted by David Wilson
thanks David for replying to the check in. I marked you active... Mary
posted by Mary Richardson
Hi David, the US Civil War Project is conducting a Check-in for 2024 to see if your still interested/active in the Project.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you. You can click the reply button or message me with your answer. Thank you. Pam Kreutzer, leader of the US Civil War Project

posted by Pam Kreutzer
yup ok sure 30 character response
posted by David Wilson
Hi David, thank you for replying, glad your remaining in the project.
posted by Pam Kreutzer
I came across your email today dated Nov of '22 regarding "David Wilson has proposed a merge between Sarah Woodcock (Lewis-52514) and Sarah Woodcock (Lewis-28536)." Thank you so very much for sending this! Sorry it was so late in coming. Regards.
posted by Barbara (Feist) Burke
Hi David,

Thanks for the message. I am obviously very late answering. My apologies. It’s been a rough year. Hope all is well with you!


posted by Paula J
David thank you, had not noticed that duplicate Jane Collins McPhillips and yes, Nuala and I are cousins. Maureen
posted by Maureen Gallagher
David, yours is an amazing profile!


posted by Pip Sheppard
David, It is so exciting to see your work on the Kentucky Meece line. Thank you!

Terrilynn Meece

posted by Terrilynn Meece
Happy belated anniversary!! I hope you had a wonderful celebration!
posted by Paula J

It's time for a six month Military and War Project check-in with all members. Have you been active in the last six months? Please note that it is a requirement for membership in the Military and War Project that you respond to these check-ins. To make bookkeeping easier, just click Reply to this message on your own page, add your reply, then SAVE. I look forward to hearing from you..

Many thanks,

Mary~ Project Coordinator, Military and War Project

posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Mary,

I'm still active with the project, trying to assist others on g2g with M+W questions and adding to the many project spaces on my watchlist. My main interests are the War between the States and 1812. Thanks for all you do!

posted by David Wilson
Thanks David, for answering the check in for Military and War. Marking you as Active..


posted by Mary Richardson
Hi David, I just wanted to thank you for all the work you've done to improve the US Civil War Between the States Project. I'm doing a check-in with all project members and wanted to verify that you're still interested in being a member of the project. Also, any suggestions for the Project would be welcome. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

P Kreutzer, US Civil War Between the States Project Leader.

posted by Pam Kreutzer
Hi David,

I have a Quaker's Project question. I am updating profiles for James Daniel/s Daniel-2286 and Isabel Colyer/Colliers Colyer-164 who were born abt. 1670 and lived in Alloways Creek, Salem, NJ. They have multiple Quaker records on Ancestry.com. Do they belong with your project?

Hi David,

Thank you for adding your DNA to WikiTree. Getting the Best from DNA will tell you more about how DNA kits are used on WikiTree.

I hope this helps! If you have any questions or problems, let me know.

Take care

Karen ~ WikiTree Greeter

Happy birthday, young man! Wishing you many happy returns of the day!


posted by Paula J
What a wonderful addition to the 1918 Flu Pandemic Space Page! Thanks so much for adding the letters from that time!
posted by Paula J
Belated happy anniversary!! Wishing you many more!
posted by Paula J
Hi David,

It has been a few weeks since we contacted you about your participation in the Disasters Project and as we haven't heard from you, we are following up to make sure you wish to remain a member.

We understand that interests shift as we grow our shared tree and that some members may have moved on to projects more pertinent to the branches they are currently building. If this is the case for you, please let us know.

If we do not hear back from you within the week, we will assume you have moved on to other things for the moment and remove you from the project. Please know that you will always be welcome to rejoin should your interests shift back in this direction.

Thank you so much for your participation; we genuinely appreciate it.

Regards Joan

Hi David,

On behalf of the Disasters Project Leaders we are carrying out a check-in to see how all the members are doing and taking the opportunity to thank you for all your hard work in the past.

We have recently made a lot of changes. We are changing the focus of the project to include more about people involved in disasters and the effect it had on them and their families. We have divided the project into teams. Please have a look https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:Disasters

Please let me know, by comment on my profile or a private message, whether you are still active in the project, and which team(s) you would like to work with. What are you enjoying most about being in the project? What would you like to see improved or changed?

We're looking forward to hearing back from you,

Joan and Lizzie

Thank you very much for the merger of Lavinia Moggach née Gray to remove duplication. Much appreciated. Best wishes, David Dobie.
posted by David Dobie
After the merge of osborne 5004 into 5482 have edited biography and added sources. Sharon
So glad you were able to join the Roses for this year's SAT. It was great fun as always. Thank you for your contributions to the Tree. You were just a blink away from 1000! In French would say incroyable!

Emma <3

I see the 8C1R connection is via the Large family which I have never investigated. I will have a look at them.
posted by T Stanton
Hi David,

Congratulations on your fantastic work this past weekend! Your contributions are a great improvement to our global tree :) You did a marvellous job, and I hope that you enjoy a well-earned rest!

- Amy :D

posted by Amelia Utting
Thanks David for telling me about the "Source Image Template", I'll take a look and figure it out.

Best Regards, Carrie

Hi, David!

Thank you so much for responding to our check-in. We are delighted that you wish to continue contributing to the Military and War Project. Below is a quick checklist for active members. The project leaders would like you to make sure you have done the following:

1) Checked the Project Page for ways to contribute.

2) Added MILITARY_AND_WAR to the tags you follow.

3) PMed the Project Coordinator with your email address to be added to the Google Group.

4) Bookmarked the Activity Feed to monitor the project watchlist.

Thank you!

Deb ~ Volunteer Coordinator

posted by Deb (Lewis) Durham
Hello, David,

On behalf of the Military and War Project Leaders, we are doing a six-month check-in with members.

First, we want to thank you for your past participation in the project. We appreciate your desire to honor your ancestors for their service to their countries, or even for your service, wherever in the world. We hope that your membership has enhanced your WikiTree experience.

Please let me know, by commenting on my profile or sending a private message, if you are still active in the project, and if so, in a general sense how you may have contributed to the main project or any sub-projects within the last couple months.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Deb ~ Volunteer Coordinator

posted by Deb (Lewis) Durham
Hi David,

I haven’t heard back from you about the United Kingdom Project breaking up into the individual country-level projects of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. I hope all is well with you. I assume you don’t wish to join any of them at present, and will go ahead and remove the United Kingdom badge. If you wish to join England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland in the future, you would be most welcome to do so via the respective G2G sign-up post.

Many thanks for all your contributions,

Susie :-)

posted by Susie MacLeod
Happy Anniversary!! (a day late). Wishing you many more happy years!!
posted by Paula J
Hi David,

Thanks for responding to our check-in. We are delighted that you wish to continue contributing to the Worldwide Disasters.This is now listed as a Global Project. Thank you for your contributions and hope that you enjoy exploring your roots. For active members: I have listed you as Active for sourcing, the brand and the space pages.

Check Disasters Project page, the Space pages for Disasters have been changed to Teams to reflect the disaster types. The tag you need to use is disasters. For profiles involved in a disaster, there is a sticker to place on the profile.

You set up the Google Group and I see you are still a member.



posted by Mary Richardson
Hi David, Here I am again.

I am doing a six-month check-in with members to see if you were active in the last six months in Disasters Project. Please let me know, by comment on my profile or a private message, whether you are still active in the project.

How have you contributed to the Worldwide Disasters main project? (a contribution may be a space page for a disaster, disaster source, an edit for the space page, or profiles of people in disasters).

Have you any thoughts for other disaster space pages? The Google group is still slightly active and the brand is still spinning!

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Mary ~ Volunteer Coordinator

posted by Mary Richardson

Born in '25 connections: David is 21 degrees from Arthur Guinness, 27 degrees from Tommaso d'Aquino, 20 degrees from Juana Aragón, 24 degrees from Jean Martin Charcot, 22 degrees from Johan de Witt, 32 degrees from B. B. King, 17 degrees from Angela Lansbury, 20 degrees from William Little, 19 degrees from Oliver Plunkett, 17 degrees from Joseph-Noël Ritchot, 26 degrees from Catherine Spence and 21 degrees from Wallace Yonamine on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.