Lothar Wolf
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Lothar Wolf

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 4 Apr 2017 | 11,197 contributions | 1,820 thank-yous | 119 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with cousins and anyone else with an interest in genealogy. Here is my family tree.
Lothar Wolf
Born 1960s.
Ancestors ancestors
[children unknown]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Lothar Wolf private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 4 Apr 2017
This page has been accessed 5,887 times.
Lothar Wolf is a member of the Germany Project.
Lothar Wolf ist ein Mitglied des Deutschland-Projekts (Germany Project).
Project Logo
Lothar Wolf was a valued member of the Greeters Project who has moved to Emeritus status.

Germany Deutschland Portal
Germany Project
Rhineland-Palatinate Team
Hesse Team
Rhineland-Palatinate on WikiTree
Germany Project Translation Team
France Project
Belgium Project



Lothar was a Paramedic.
Lothar Wolf participated with Germany Genies during the 2020 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to some previously unsourced profiles.
Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
This user can contribute with an intermediate level of English.
Rhineland-Palatinate flag
Lothar Wolf live in Rhineland-Palatinate.
Palatinate flag
Lothar Wolf live in Palatinate.

GEDmatch ID: MX1121540

I am German and I live in Rhineland-Palatinate / Germany. My maternal ancestors came from Savoy and settled after the Thirty Years' War in Bolanden / Donnersbergkreis in the Palatinate. There I search the names Klag, Usner, Wild and Thiel. My paternal ancestors ended in 1883 in Dresden / Saxony, the documents were burned in 1945. There I search for the names Wolf, Kirsche, Legrat, Neubert and Feske. But I suspect more ancestors in Bohemia. Other ancestors came from Bergstrasse / Hesse and also Wallonie. The names are Diehm, Kumpf and Weihs. From my home region on the Rhine, I search the names Sösser, König, Zech, Schmitt, Gerst, Fritz, Gothar and Johannes.

I can read the old German script and offer to translate German texts.


Lothar Wolf has German Roots.
Bavarian flag
Lothar Wolf has Bavarian origins
Saxony flag
Lothar Wolf has Saxonian origins
Hesse flag
Lothar Wolf has Hessian origins
Baden flag
Lothar Wolf has Baden origins
Saar Territory flag
Lothar Wolf has Saarland origins
Palatinate flag
Lothar Wolf has Palatinate origins
Lothar Wolf has French origins.
Savoyen flag
Lothar Wolf has Savoyen origins
Alsace flag
Lothar Wolf has Alsatian origins
Lothar Wolf has Belgian origins.
Wallonie flag
Lothar Wolf has Walloon origins
Austria flag
Lothar Wolf has Austrian origins
Vorarlberg flag
Lothar Wolf has Vorarlberg origins

The Palatinate (Die Pfalz) was part of:

  • 1214 - 1798 Kurpfalz
  • 1798 - 1814 Departement du Mont-Tonnere (Donnersberg)
  • 1814 - 1816 Bayerische Rheinpfalz
  • 1816 - 1835 Bayerischer Rheinkreis
  • 1835 - 1946 Bayerische Pfalz
  • 1946 - Rheinland-Pfalz

The Palatinate is a region in the south of Rhineland-Palatinate in southwestern Germany. It has an area of 5451.13 km² and about 1.4 million inhabitants.

In the 30 Years War 1618-1648, the Palatinate was one of the most affected territories and lost about three-fifths of its population. After that, the destroyed country lacked people for reconstruction.

Elector Karl I. Ludwig tried to retrieve the scattered Palatine, and also campaigned for colonists from other regions and countries. So it succeeded to settle farmers and artisans from France, Holland, Belgium, England, Scotland and especially from Switzerland and Tyrol in the Palatinate. And the Palatinate, similar to what happened later in large numbers through the colonists in North America, experienced a considerable upswing.

After this upswing, the Palatinate was looted and destroyed by troops of the French General Mélac in the Palatinate War of Succession in 1689. In the years 1717 to 1732 the Palatinate experienced its greatest wave of emigration until then, when about 3000 Mennonites moved to North America for religious reasons.

In the course of the French Revolutionary Wars, the entire left bank of the Rhine and thus the Palatinate were occupied by French troops in the 1790s. The Palatinate territories were combined in 1798 in the Département du Mont-Tonnerre (Donnersberg).
At 686.5 m above sea level, the Donnersberg is the highest mountain range in the North Palatinate Highlands and the entire Palatinate. The name is thought to refer to Donar, the Germanic god of thunder.

In 1809, 66 families, most of whom came from southern Palatinate, which had been devastated by the Napoleonic Wars, accepted the invitation of Tsar Alexander I and emigrated to Russia.

After the collapse of French rule on the Rhine at the turn of the year 1813/14, the General Gouvernement Middle Rhine was formed from the Donnersberg, Saar and Rhein-Mosel, to which the Forêts (Forest Department) was added in March 1814. But already in June of the same year, the area south of the Moselle came under common Bavarian-Austrian administration. The area north of it fell to Prussia.

After the Wars of Liberation and the Vienna Congress (1815), the territorially newly defined Palatinate on the left bank of the Rhine came to the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1816 as the Rhine Circle. The area around Mainz came to the Grand Duchy of Hesse as the province of Rheinhessen.

Under the influence of the French July Revolution of 1830, a major rally for freedom took place at Hambacher Schloss near Neustadt an der Haardt in 1832, which went down in history as the Hambacher Fest.

After the failed March Revolution of 1848 and the Frankfurt National Assembly, Palatinate revolutionaries organized an uprising against the Bavarian government in May 1849. The goal was to create a Palatinate Republic. Within a few weeks, the uprising was crushed by Prussian troops almost without a fight.

The poor economic situation prompted numerous Palatinates to emigrate, especially to North America, until the middle of the 19th century.


In 1557, Palatine Count Ottheinrich introduced the Protestant, or more precisely the Calvinist, faith in the Palatinate, the last of the great secular territories of the empire. Elector Philipp Wilhelm of the Palatinate brought back the Catholic faith in 1685. In this way, there were several denominations in the historic Electoral Palatinate - Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed (Calvinist) and the Mennonites (also Hutterites and Amish) - which was a rare exception in the Old Kingdom.

Research Notes

  • Wolf, Kirsche, Legrat, Neubert, Feske -> Dresden Region
  • Klag, Usner, Wild, Thiel -> Donnersberg, Kirchheimbolanden, Bolanden
  • Diehm, Kumpf, Weihs -> Odenwald, Bergstrasse
  • Sösser, König, Zech, Schmitt, Gerst, Fritz, Gothar, Johannes -> Vorderpfalz
  • Gothar -> Wallonien
  • Phuthod -> Savoyen
  • Hertzel -> Vorarlberg


  • First-hand information. Entered by Lothar Wolf at registration.

"Genealogy without Sources is Mythology"

My sources for all my ancestors:

  • First-hand information. Entered by Lothar Wolf
  • Parish Books of Evangelische Kirche Albisheim (1641-1775)
  • Original documents found on Ancestry
  • Scanned parish books of www.Archion.de

Certificates of the relevant registry offices past 1876, past 1792 in Palatinate:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • Death certificate

Family books based on parish records:

  • Alsheim-Gronau und Rödersheim, Pfalz (2004)
    Seelinger, Winfried: Familien in Alsheim-Gronau und Rödersheim von 1404 bis 1904
  • Altrip, Pfalz (1998)
    Schneider, Erich: Familien in Altrip 1651-1900
  • Beerfelden, Hessen (1986)
    Diefenbacher, K.; Sobrowiak, F.; Walz, E.: Ortsfamilienbuch Beerfelden 1678-1807
  • Bobenheim-Roxheim, Pfalz (1986)
    diverse: private Sammlungen
  • Böhl, Pfalz (2012)
    Seelinger, Winfried: Familienbuch Böhl 16. bis 20. Jahrhundert
  • Dannstadt-Schauernheim, Pfalz (2017)
    Seelinger, Winfried: Familien in Dannstadt und Schauernheim 1480 bis 1880
  • Erbach im Odenwald, Hessen (2019)
    Wolf, Heiner: Ortsfamilienbuch Erbach (Odenwald); Online-OFB
  • Fürth im Odenwald, Hessen (1991)
    1. Knapp, Ludwig: Familienbuch Fürth (Odenwald) 1663-1712
    2. Knapp, Ludwig: Familienbuch Fürth (Odenwald) Band II 1712-1781
    3. Knapp, Ludwig: Familienbuch Fürth (Odenwald) Band III 1781-1900
  • Haßloch, Pfalz (2013)
    Benedom, Johann: Familien und Einwohner von Haßloch 1495 bis 1900
  • Heppenheim, Hessen (2012)
    1. Löslein, Ernst: Heppenheim an der Bergstraße I. Die Familien von Heppenheim, Ober-Hambach, Unter-Hambach, Kirschhausen, Wald-Erlenbach, Erbach, Sonderbach, Igelsbach, Mittershausen u. Scheuerberg 1517-1668
    2. Löslein, Ernst: Heppenheim an der Bergstraße II. Die Familien von Heppenheim, Ober-Hambach, Unter-Hambach, Kirschhausen, Wald-Erlenbach, Erbach, Sonderbach, Igelsbach, Mittershausen u. Scheuerberg 1669-1740
    3. Becker, Helmut; Eisenhauer, Paul: Sippenbuch Heppenheim a.d.B. 1741 - 1809
    4. Becker, Helmut: Sippenbuch Heppenheim a.d.B. 1810 - 1880
  • Hochdorf-Assenheim, Pfalz (2019)
    Seelinger, Winfried: Familien in Hochdorf und Assenheim 1412 bis 1912
  • Iggelheim, Pfalz (2009)
    Benedom, Johann: Familien und Einwohner von Iggelheim 16. bis 19. Jhd
  • Kaiserslautern, Pfalz (1991)
    1. Herzog, Heinrich: Kaiserslautern 1550-1619
    2. Herzog, Heinrich: Kaiserslautern 1620-1650. Bürger, Hintersassen, Ortsfremde, Soldaten, Flüchtlinge u. andere Personen.
    3. Herzog, Heinrich: Kaiserslautern 1651-1681. Bürger, Hintersassen, Ortsfremde, Soldaten, Flüchlinge u. andere Personen. 2. Aufl.
    4. Herzog, Heinrich: Kaiserslautern 1682-1705. Bürger, Hintersassen, Ortsfremde, Soldaten, Flüchtlinge und andere Personen
  • Kirchheimbolanden, Pfalz
    1. Lucae, Konrad und Karl Theodor: Kirchheim und seine Bürger, Kirchheimbolanden 1983, Schriftenreihe des Vereins Heimatmuseum e.V. Kirchheimbolanden Band 2
    2. Gabelmann, Georg: Kirchenbücher von Kirchheim und Bolanden von 1686 - 1800 (1998)
    3. Gabelmann, Georg: Die Bürger der Stadt Kirchheimbolanden und deren Höfe, der Gemeinden Bischheim und Bolanden von 1798-1900, 1. Buch: Geborene (1999)
    4. Gabelmann, Georg: Die Bürger der Stadt Kirchheimbolanden und deren Höfe, der Gemeinden Bischheim und Bolanden von 1798-1900, 2. Buch: Verheiratete (2000)
    5. Gabelmann, Georg: Die Bürger der Stadt Kirchheimbolanden und deren Höfe, der Gemeinden Bischheim und Bolanden von 1798-1900, 3. Buch: Gestorbene (2001)
  • Langenbrombach, Hessen (2020)
    Wolf, Heiner: Ortsfamilienbuch Langenbrombach : Ortsteil von 64753 Brombachtal im Odenwaldkreis; Online-OFB.
  • Maudach, Pfalz (1985)
    Jung, Hans / König, Irmgard: Die Einwohner von Maudach : 1268-1875. – Ludwigshafen, 1985.
  • Michelstadt, Hessen (2017)
    Banse, Heidi: Kirchenbuch Michelstadt 1623-1775; Stadtkirchengemeinde Michelstadt, 2017
  • Mundenheim, Pfalz (1988)
    Poller, Oskar: Mundenheimer Bürgerbuch. Die Einwohner von Mundenheim 1518-1814
  • Mutterstadt, Pfalz (2013)
    Berthold, Alban: Familienbuch Mutterstadt
  • Oggersheim, Pfalz (1991)
    Poller, Oskar: Oggersheimer Bürgerbuch. Die Einwohner von Oggersheim 1584-1814. Frankfurt a. M. 1991
  • Otterstadt, Pfalz (2015)
    Helmus, Brigitte W. / Helmus, Werner PH.: Bürger und Fremde in Otterstadt, 1690-1910
  • Rheingönheim, Pfalz (1993)
    1. Poller, Oskar: Zur Geschichte der Stadt Ludwigshafen/Rhein. Rheingönheimer Bürgerbuch. Die Einwohner von Rheingönheim 1518-1798
    2. Poller, Oskar: Zur Geschichte der Stadt Ludwigshafen/Rhein. Rheingönheimer Bürgerbuch. Die Einwohner von Rheingönheim 1798-1898
  • Ruchheim, Pfalz (1996)
    Poller, Oskar: Ruchheimer Bürgerbuch : die Einwohner von Ruchheim 1604 - 1814. – Ludwigshafen, 1996.
  • Schifferstadt, Pfalz (2000)
    1. Benedom, Johann: Familien u. Einwohner in Schifferstadt vom 12. bis zum Ende des 18. Jh.
    2. Benedom, Johann: Familien u. Einwohner in Schifferstadt Band 2., 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert
  • Studernheim, Pfalz (work in progress)


Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Lothar's formal name
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • personal memories about Lothar (5)
  • images (10)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Lothar Wolf's full information you must be on Lothar's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Lothar: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 29

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Dear Lothar,

since I didn’t see any reaction from your side about the check-in message from May, I assume you don’t want to remain a project member. If I don’t hear from you within the next 14 days, I will then remove your Germany Project badge. If you do not wish for that to happen, please reply to the check-in message below or send me a direct message.

If this message finds you too late, feel free to re-request the badge by replying to our G2G join post.

Kind regards from Black Forest

Flo (Project Coordinator Research/Resources)
posted by Florian Straub
Dear Germany Project member,

it's annual check-in time 2023. If you still wish to remain a member of the Germany Project, please reply to this post, by stating this intention. If we don’t hear from you in the next 30 days, your membership badge will be removed. In this case please don't be offended ... you're welcome to rejoin at any time. Please also note, that in order to receive help, with researching your German ancestors, membership is not mandatory. Just ask your questions in the G2G forum and tag them with Germany in order for knowledgeable people to see them.

If you wish to remain a member, we would like to learn more about your perception of the Germany Project in order to achieve a future development according to our members needs and wishes. For this, we created a survey, which we kindly ask you to fill-in.

In case you want to communicate, discuss and receive help about WikiTree in German, you might want to check out the WikiTree category at Compgen’s Discourse as well as the German Discord server Ahnenforschung.

Of course there’s still the official WikiTree Discord server, where we usually talk English. Feel free to learn more about Discord and the server at Help:Discord.

Kind regards from Black Forest

Flo (Project Coordinator Research/Resources)
posted by Florian Straub
Hallo again Lothar. I am following up on my Huber research that we messaged about last year, seeing you had the OFB or KB for Oggersheim. After Florian found a few documents from Ludwigshafen/Bad Durkheim this fall, we were able to push my maternal side out to 2GG now, and the father of Luise Anna Marie Huber is given as Georg Huber of Oggersheim, born 17 Mar 1893. I don't know who his parents are. Also if you have any information on his wife Elisabeth Steinmetz, born 26 May(?) 1893 in Oggersheim, that would be great!
posted by Steven Greenwood
Hello Steven.

Unfortunately, I can't help with that. The OFB of Oggersheim ends in 1814. The authors have deliberately omitted more recent entries because the records from 1798 onwards are available in the archives. Unfortunately, you have to do your own research in the archives.

I have not been to the archives personally since the Corona period. But it is still on my list. However, I cannot say what the current conditions of a visit to the archive are. But if I am finally there again, I will take a look for you.

posted by Lothar Wolf
Hey Lothar. I see you have access to an Ortfamilianbuch for Oggersheim, Rheinland-Pfalz. I have unknown maternal ancestors from Oggersheim that I need to break open. Of particular interest are any Sauers and Hubers there, and yes I know those are both very common names to the region.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Side note: I also have living relatives in both Oggersheim and Bobenheim-Roxheim, but getting information from them has so far been futile.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Welcome to the Netherlands and the Dutch Roots Project Lothar!

At our Dutch Roots Project page you can find all project info .. if you still have questions or need some help feel free to ask, we're all happy to help :)

Here's a direct link to our most important links for info for and about Dutch profiles. And here's the latest Project Update. (our Dutch Naming Convention and the part about the LNAB (=Last Name At Birth) are the most important and will help prevent duplicates ;) )

Good luck, have fun and thanks for joining !

the Dutch Roots Project Team :)
posted by Bea (Timmerman) Wijma
Lothar! Anton Klag is the 7th great grandfather of Maggie N. We have common family in Bolanden!
posted by Maggie N.
edited by Maggie N.
Thank you for sharing the tips about using my GEDcom file. You are very kind to share your expertise.
posted by Alton Parker Jr.
Hi Lothar,

I was going to award you with the super star badge but seen Traci beat me to it. Congratulations, it is very well deserved!

Kind regards,


posted by Kylie Haese
From your friends at the Appreciation Team:

Congrats on the Super Star Badge!

posted by SJ Baty
Hello Lothar,

Hopefully you don't mind my contacting you as you were my WikiTree Greeter? I am running into a variation in spelling of surnames, for example Seljee/Siljee for a same individual on different occasions during their lifetime, pre last quarter 19th century and before. This family came to the Netherlands as Huegenot refugees and their name was then Selier. The one who wrote the source record probably just interpreted what he heard. Same with Kambier/Canbier. Also with Christian names for one individual Claas/Klaas/Claes for one individual in different source documents.

My great-great grandfather Johannes Diel came in the 1840s from Bermbach (Saksen-Weimar) to the Netherlands, and on an entry of his death in Amsterdam they put that he was from "Permback". I hope that the spelling variables is not causing me to enter things in wrong here on WikiTree? I wish to do things right. Would you please also look at my WikiTree profile Zandvoort-24 to see if I have set it up right? I read the How-To that you sent me with my WikiTree Greeting. I am really liking WikiTree a lot, and wish to do well here.

Is there a website where I can find records for my Diel ancestry pre-1820 to check and correct my mistakes? Not on WikiTree, but found on MyHeritage. I have got family records back to about 1635 but suppose my genealogical work is not accurate, problem is same Christian name shared by all males Nicolaus, August, Valentin etc from father to son, families with multiple boys, so I try to find who is who by checking for their wives, and then the dates. Bermbach, Thuringia area.

Thank you very much for you kind help.

Kind regards,


posted by Robert Diel
Hi, Lothar! ;-)

The Ambassadors project has been reorganizing and is looking for those who have a membership at a genealogical society, to help in spreading the word about WikiTree.

We're working on ways to improve how WikiTree connects and interacts with genealogical and local history societies. This is the kind of thing we want to do:

  • Liaise with societies: set up your local society with a free-space page and some WikiTree materials as part of a package.
  • Use social media to promote what societies are offering on WikiTree.
  • Encourage bloggers to blog about societies and the resources available to them on WikiTree.

Are you interested in participating in some way? Do you have some ideas to share?

Azure Rae ~ co-Leader of Ambassadors Project

posted by Azure Robinson
As a "Tree Hugger", I want to congratulate you on your Generous Genealogist award issued on June 26, 2020.

John Williams


Wikitree Appreciation Team

posted by [Living Williams]

I'd like to thank you, Lothar, for the kind greeting.

I can see that you've been a hard-working and involved member in the three years you've been in WikiTree!

I may ask you for help with some pre-1700 German ancestors in the future, when I'm not so new at this.

Thanks again, Jon

posted by Jon Trumbull
Welcome to the Connectors Project! Be sure to check out the Connectors project page to see some of what we do, our To-Do lists which have folks who need connected to our Global Tree, and please add the connectors tag to your G2G feed. We've also got a great sub-project, Connectors Chat, where we talk about what we're working on and where we'd like to help out. If you're new to making connections and want some simplified connections to work on, look at our Connecting Buddies page. Thanks for joining us!
posted by Abby (Brown) Glann
To find out how a Wikitree "star" such as Lothar Wolf is a Wonderful Wikitreer, please click the image below...


posted by [Living Williams]
edited by [Living Williams]
Hello Lothar,

Please correct your category to Category: Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (you need the comma to be inserted.)

Thanks, Natalie, Categorization

posted by Natalie (Durbin) Trott
Thanks for this. I have no idea how it disappeared.
posted by Lothar Wolf

Hallo von Leo Daman aus Belgien, Mein geschrieben Deutch ist nicht so gut mehr als früher. Ich versuche es doch. Kennen Sie die Regent oder Stadt Ihrer Vorväter. In 1600-1700 Wallonien war unterteilt in Grafschaften Brabant, Namen, Lüttich (Prinz- Bischof) Luxemburg, auch die Französische und Deutsche grenze war nicht wie heute. Grüss Leo Daman van Hove [email address removed]

posted by Leo Daman
Hi Lothar,

Replying to your comment on the German portal page, please feel free to make corrections to any German parts as necessary.

Thank you!


posted by Kylie Haese
This is your last stop on the guided tour. Hopefully, you're feeling like a WikiTree pro! If not, you can always revisit the tour stops via the comment boxes on the right side of your profile.

This tour has covered a lot of ground so far. Our last stop gives you a few more tools that can take you even deeper into the WikiTree forest without getting lost: How to Dig a Little Deeper.

Have questions? We want to help! Click my name, then ask in the comment section of my page.

Debi - WikiMessenger

PS. Looks like you've had fun with the lessons, your tree is nice and full. Thanks for adding the language template; it really helps!

posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag

You've probably been hard at work adding family members and getting connected to those that are already here. You should have at least a few profiles that you manage now. So, this week we're going to look at how to work with your Watchlist: How to Manage Your Watchlist.

As always, your questions are welcome!


posted by Mary Richardson
Hey Lothar,

You've been here for three weeks now! We hope your profiles are starting to come together and that you've enjoyed getting to know us a little better.

You're probably getting a good feel for the collaborative nature of WikiTree by now. We know that collaboration isn't always easy. So, we've put together a few pointers that can make working in this type of environment a little easier: How to be a Successful WikiTreer.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions!

Thanks, Cindy

Hi Lothar

It's time for your next stop on your guided tour. This week, we'd like to introduce you to our community and show you some ways to get more involved and stay up to date on everything that's going on: How to Join in the Community.

As always, your questions are welcome!

Mary R

posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Lothar

You've been here a week now, and we hope you enjoyed your first stop on your guided tour of WikiTree and were able to make good use of the things you learned.

Our next stop will give you some pointers on how to make your profiles stand out: How to Make the Most of a Profile.

As always, your questions are welcome! Check out our g2g forum at: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/

Dorothy B.

posted by Dorothy Barry
Hi Thanks for joining us!

I'm a member of the Mentor project, and I just wanted to check in and see how things are going. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have, after working through How to Start Climbing Our Tree If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Regards Ronel

Welcome Lothar!

You are now a confirmed member, and you can get started adding your family members. As we've said, WikiTree is quite different from other genealogy sites. So, we've put together a guided tour to help you learn how to use it. Your first stop is How to Start Climbing Our Tree.

Tomorrow, you'll hear from a Mentor who will check in to see how you're doing and answer any questions you might have.

Next week, you'll get another message with your next stop on the guided tour.

You can also meet some of our members by joining in the fun with our Question of the Week in the G2G forum: Do you have a favorite photo of an ancestor?

See you in the branches, Cindy

Hi Lothar!

Welcome to WikiTree! Be sure to take a look at the link in the email you just got. It has important information to help you get started. :-)

WikiTree is different than other genealogy websites because our goal is to have one profile per person, and that means we share ancestors and work together as a BIG collaborative team!

Confirm your email address, and you’ll be given an opportunity to fill in the Tags and comments to tell us about your genealogical interests. If you are interested in sharing your research and want to collaborate to add your family, please fill out the Tags on your profile page and click Save Tag(s) and Volunteer.

Once you volunteer, one of our Greeters will confirm your membership, and you'll be able to add your family to the tree!

Thanks, Cindy

This week's featured connections are Continental Congress participants: Lothar is 24 degrees from Samuel Adams, 20 degrees from Silas Deane, 21 degrees from Eliphalet Dyer, 23 degrees from Ben Franklin, 23 degrees from Mary Goddard, 23 degrees from Benjamin Harrison, 23 degrees from Stephen Hopkins, 22 degrees from Edmund Pendleton, 22 degrees from Peyton Randolph, 23 degrees from George Read, 22 degrees from John Walker and 21 degrees from Artemas Ward on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.