Ludwig Kraayenbrink Much Thanks! My Heritage has my ancestry.

+3 votes

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WikiTree profile: Ludwig Kraayenbrink
in Appreciation by Judith Kasper G2G Crew (410 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
I am looking for my Ancesters. I was adopted by The Kasper family. They were deceased by the time I was 21. Hubert Kasper was my biological grandfather's older half brother, named Clayton Lee Howard b. 1918. My Mother's name was Janis Lee Howard(Feb. !939-2012). Her name at my birth was Dusek but, Dusek was not my father. I was told the name of my father as John Fredrick Price of Great Falls. ., MT USA. Recently, I found this mans obituary and I know he has Mormon heritage. I was given his name by my adoptive parents in 1976. 47 years, I have wondered if the name given was a real person. He exsisted. Thank You. Computer is difficult. I am limited and 64 years old.
by Judith Kasper G2G Crew (410 points)

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