Category: Washington County, North Carolina

Categories: North Carolina

Name: Washington County, North Carolina
Timeframe:(1799 - )
Wikipedia/WikiData:English wikipedia Q507587
Web page:County Website
Map:OpenStreetMap Google
Project / Team:North Carolina
Timeline:Tyrrell County, North Carolina / Next
See also:Ask questions in G2G using the tags North Carolina and Categorization
This is a mid-level category. Profiles should be added to the narrowest category possible, but
may be placed here when further information is not known. See How to Categorize.

Washington County was formed in 1799 from the western third of Tyrrell County. It was named for George Washington. Its county seat is Plymouth.

The county contains four townships:

  1. Lees Mill
  2. Plymouth
  3. Scuppernong
  4. Skinnersville

The county contains three municipalities:

  1. Creswell
  2. Plymouth
  3. Roper

Bertie County
Chowan County
Perquimans County
North arrow
Martin County
West arrow Washington County, North Carolina East arrow East
Tyrrell County
South arrow
Beaufort County
Hyde County

This page was last modified 03:10, 7 June 2023. This page has been accessed 406 times.