Public Photo

Elam Tuttle gravestone, 1777-1842, born in Connecticut, died at Paris, Oneida, NY.

In this image:

Where: Paris, Oneida, NY, USA map

When: 1842.

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Comments: 1, WikiTree Popularity: 1.

Original digital image: 530 x 640 pixels. QuickTime 7.7.1 software. Dated 2013:07:07 08:30:03.


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note the stone seems to be low enough not to see the dates or any inscription that may have been given... stones like this slide down into the ground, unless there is a foundation stone underneath to keep it from sliding down when the ground freezes and thaws year after year in this climate...

In Paris Hill cemetery at the old Epicopal Church, which is rarely used in this generation... found on Find a Grave.

posted by Loren Fay
edited by Loren Fay