Public Photo

James Wetmore grave marker

In this image:

Where: French Village, NB, Canada map

When: 21 Jul 2016.

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Comments: 2, WikiTree Popularity: 1.

Original digital image: 3264 x 1836 pixels. Taken with samsung SM-G530W camera. G530WVLU1AOFB software. Dated 2016:07:21 13:58:44.


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The large marker to the left of the photo is the marker erected to James Wetmore by his son. This is located in a private burial ground on the Beyea farm, near French Village New Brunswick, Canada. It is approximately 2kms from Hammond River, where James first settled in Canada after the American Revolution, and approximately 8 kms from Hampton NB, where he died.
posted by Chuck Stevens Jr.
I took this photo July 21,2016
posted by Chuck Stevens Jr.