Category: Shtetls, Latvia

Categories: Latvia | Judaism | Russian History

This is a high level category. Please do not add individual profiles. Add profiles to the narrowest category possible. See How to Categorize.
This category is associated with the Jewish Roots Project. To see an overall outline of categories related to religions and religious institutions, see Space:Religious_Institutions_Category_Structure. Questions regarding this category may be raised on G2G. Be sure to tag your question with "Jewish Roots" and "Categorization" to ensure it is seen by those who can best answer!

How to Use This Category:

In the late 1800's and 1900s there was widespread emigration of Jewish people from Eastern and Central Europe. As their descendants now trace their family history, they may find indications of the village or town their ancestor came from. Very often, the ancestor came from a shtetl, a separated Jewish community in a village or small town, or a ghetto, a separated Jewish community in a city.

Create a category for that shtetl or ghetto, if it doesn't already exist, and place it on the profile, and then place this category name on that category, nesting it here.


During the Holocaust, most of these communities were destroyed and the Jews who lived there at the time were murdered. These were the cousins of those who had been able to emigrate, and remembering these locations is a memorial to those who lived there.


Subcategories (15)

This page was last modified 11:13, 9 January 2024. This page has been accessed 434 times.