Help:Uploading vs. Importing

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Export > Download > Upload > ...

There are generally four steps to transferring information through a GEDCOM file from one system to another:

  1. System 1 exports your family tree to create a GEDCOM file on their server.
  2. You download the file from the server of System 1 to your local computer.
  3. You upload the file from your local computer to the server of System 2.
  4. System 2 imports your family tree from the file into their software.

We don't do #4 on WikiTree. We don't import family trees because WikiTree is one tree that we all share.

When you upload a GEDCOM we will prepare a GEDCOMpare report for you. After comparing suggested matches — search results, showing family members who might already exist on our shared tree — you can then import data from your GEDCOM one person at a time to create new profiles or improve upon existing profiles.

This page was last modified 18:20, 30 September 2021. This page has been accessed 8,342 times.