Martha Wilburn-Lovina Beller mystery Alabama/Arkansas: one person or two?

+3 votes
Martha Wilburn married William Beller in Madison Co., Alabama on 9 March 1821.  Several children were born to the couple in Alabama.  William then moves the family to Arkansas about 1838, but we don't know if Martha was still living and moved with him.  Once in Arkansas several more children were born.  The mystery arises with the death details in Arkansas, on the 1850 mortality census schedule, which list a much younger "Lovina" Beller as the mother to William's last two children (twins).  If these wives are not the same person, when did Martha die and when did William marry Lovina? And where was Lovina from?  Your input is greatly appreciated!
WikiTree profile: Martha Beller
in Genealogy Help by Ronald Prentice G2G6 Mach 2 (25.3k points)
Consider that Martha didn’t die but the couple separated for whatever reason. One of our well-known female early county leaders was widowed — except you can find the deceased husband in another place with another woman long after he “died.” I’m currently working on another profile where the same scenario appears it may be in play.

2 Answers

+1 vote
Any chance someone could do some mtDNA testing to see if there is any differences showing up between the daughter lines?
by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (290k points)
+1 vote

i wonder if there might be some family connection with the James Wright who had some guardianship apparently:

Further testimony to this families life are court records releasing one Garrett GREER as guardian of James P. BELLER Mar 27, 1871 by Judge, W.R. BELDING in Carrollton, Arkansas. On the same date a Jas. WRIGHT's guardianship of the BELLER Heirs stands continued until the next term of court.

by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (290k points)

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