Advice on Categorization for Felix-593?

+1 vote
Hello, fellow genealogists and historians! I'm in need of some guidance and suggestions to improve the profile of Rudolph Felix on WikiTree. Rudolph Felix was a distinguished CW2 (Chief Warrant Officer 2) in the United States Army, with notable service in both the Vietnam and Korean Wars. He also received a bronze star award. I want to make sure his profile on WikiTree looks polished, informative, and does justice to his remarkable military career.

While I have some basic information about Rudolph Felix, I'm seeking advice on how to enrich the profile with additional details. Specifically, I would like to include more comprehensive information about his experiences and contributions during the Vietnam and Korean Wars. It would be wonderful to highlight any awards, commendations, or significant events that Rudolph Felix was involved in during his military service.

Additionally, I would appreciate suggestions on how to organize and categorize the profile effectively. Are there any specific sections or headings that would be appropriate to include? How can I ensure that the profile stands out and provides a complete picture of Rudolph Felix's military journey?

I value accuracy and would love to include reliable sources and citations wherever possible. If anyone has access to historical records, personal accounts, or any other resources that could provide further insights into Rudolph Felix's military career, please share them with me.
WikiTree profile: Rudolph Felix
in Policy and Style by Elissa Ertwine G2G6 (6.2k points)
edited by Elissa Ertwine

1 Answer

+1 vote
Well, first off, that Global Cemteries sticker is not used any longer and should not be applied.

The profile is nicely laid out, Elissa, but he could use some of the miltiary stickers for wars. I can do that if you like.

Do you know the units he served in or at least some of them?
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Hello, thank you. I would love it if you could add on the military stickers for the wars. I'm not too sure about the units he served in. From what I have knowledge he served in the Vietnam and Korean war and he was a SFC at that point in time. He also was in Venezuela (not sure if there was a war he was in, but I've seen his awards, etc).
Ok thanks. I'll add the stickers with the basic categories.

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