New overlay map comparing Poland to 1900

+19 votes

Hello all!  I wanted to share one thing I have been working on which can benefit anyone with interest in Poland.  I am someone who finds maps incredibly useful for many purposes in genealogy, either to track ancestors, track surnames, etc.  Nice maps which provide a historical overlay to present day boundaries are very difficult to find, if they have even been created.

Poland was lacking in this area, so I have decided to do it myself.  Granted it is helping me immensely with categorization with the Poland Project (differentiating Prussian Wielkopolskie from Russian Wielkopolskie.)  It all makes much better sense, especially since I find Russian Empire in Poland (Congress Poland) to be heavily underdeveloped online for nonPolish and nonRussian speakers. 

Take a look here:  There are more overlays within the link (with/without labels, Russian Empire and Galicia innards.)

I am always open to receiving feedback.  I have not yet done any homework for the innards of Prussia.  That will be something I will work on down the road after I tackle other things on my to-do list.  Enjoy!

in The Tree House by Skye Sonczalla G2G6 Pilot (106k points)
edited by Skye Sonczalla

7 Answers

+10 votes
Thank you so much. I have ancestors from Prussia and this will be very helpful when I am able to look at their profiles.
by Kathy Nava G2G6 Pilot (324k points)
Prussia covers a very LARGE area, this map is only for areas situated in present day Poland. :)
Oh, I know. I have seen Pommern and WestpreuƁen as the birth location on my ancestors.
Wonderful!  Please check out the Poland Project!  It is for anyone whose ancestry is from the present day Poland boundaries. :)
+9 votes
Great job Skye!  That was a lot of work and it looks fantastic!
by Tina Kobus G2G6 Mach 2 (20.6k points)
Thank you!! :)
+8 votes
Although I do not have ancestors in Poland, this map is quite useful for other purposes.

Thank you!
by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (657k points)
+9 votes
Very nice work Skye! This is very clear and helpful.

Regarding the "innards of Prussia", your map can be used in combination with which also toggles to Google maps of modern Poland.
by Steve Thomas G2G6 Pilot (126k points)
Thank you Steve!  I have a laundry list of other things to work on before I can even begin on this part of Prussia. Probably in a few months. :)
+9 votes

Great job! This will be unbelievably helpful for me and many others! As a fellow map lover, you did a fantastic job. Thank you so much!

Joan Szymczak
by Joan Szymczak G2G6 Mach 1 (11.7k points)
Glad it will help you!! :)
+6 votes
I love it! You even embraced those tiny old parts of Hungary (Szepes and Arva) plus Austrian Silesia which was always hard to find! I believe this overlay will help many researchers down the line.
by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thank you! :)
+7 votes
Thank you so much! This is very helpful for my research on the Russia-Poland side of my family.
by Sharon Kelly G2G Crew (410 points)
Nice!  Please make sure you open the link as I have the innards for each Governorate drawn out as well. :)

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