Errors in Children of Mayflower Descendant Samuel Howland 1727-1825

+10 votes

Just a note for those working with Mayflower descendants that the children presently listed (and some connected) on the profile of Samuel Howland and Esther Brownell do not correspond with the research of Francis Jenkins published NEHGR 140:114-124 ($ubscription req'd) which scoured all available records, particularly extant Quaker records. We are also lacking profiles for some of his children for whom there are adequate records to build profiles.

There was previous confusion with his children related to a cousin of the same name (and I think whose wife may have had the same given name). It appears there has also been a publication subsequent to the NEHGR article which continued to give erroneous information.

WikiTree profile: Samuel Howland
in The Tree House by T Stanton G2G6 Pilot (398k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
My family came over from France in relations to the Aragon Family and current sitting monarchy family at that time. Fled to England where they had fled to the Colonial States of the United States now.
by Sandoz Sandoz G2G Rookie (290 points)
+4 votes

Since this profile is outside of the scope of the Mayflower Project (which only covers descendants born before 1700), did you want to contact the profile manager and perhaps make the appropriate updates? It's possible she doesn't have easy access to the NEHGR article.

by Bobbie Hall G2G6 Pilot (356k points)
No response from the PM so the profile has been updated and notes placed on profiles of questionable 'children' where I know the PM is active. Probably errant children listed moved to a section on that. There's a 2003 (I think) publication from Mayflower Society which is either being confused with the other Samuel and Esther or there is disagreement between that pub and NEHGR on two children. I don't have access to the MS pub.
Nice job, well explained.

Bobbie, I finally noticed that the person who oversees Howland descendants for Mayflower Society (and is editor who revised the MS publication cited in error on some profiles) actually posted in Comments on the profile three years ago confirming the correct children for this Samuel and Esther (vs a fourth cousin with the same name, same wife given name and same father given name--no wonder there was confusion). The children she lists are in line with NEHGR. Given this, I think disconnection of the errant children should go ahead (with the usual notices on profiles) if the PMs do not make the changes within reasonable time (the PM has not been active since 2017).

Edit: the work improperly cited is Soule, John E., and Terry, Milton E. “George Soule of the Mayflower and his Descendants in the Fifth and Sixth Generations.” Mayflower Families in Progress, revised by Louise Walsh Throop [our Commenter on the Howland-1172 profile], First Edition: Part three (Family numbers 465-551), General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2003 pp. 159-160

Edit 2: It would appear the 4th cousin of the subject Samuel Howland of the same name with a father Samuel and wife Esther is not presently found in WikiTree. The profiles of those with the same name born within +/- 12 years of the subject Samuel are Howland-4291 (1c1x); -3233 (2c); -907 (2c1x); and -3473 (2c1x). I don't see anyone who is a probable match using the +/- 30 year parameter. Or, we have an additional error in WT in the family.

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