Will we see you at RootsTech 2024? Join Virtual Meet-Ups

+40 votes

Hi WikiTreers,

Will you be in Salt Lake City this Thursday, Friday, or Saturday (Feb 29 - Mar 2)?

A bunch of us will get together at the RootsTech conference. As always, since the start of the conference about 12 years ago, WikiTree will have a booth that's essentially an on-going meet-up spot for community members.

A half-dozen team members will be there (Eowyn Walker, Jamie Nelson, Ales Trtnik, Brian Casey, Chris Whitten, and me) and a number of leading WikiTreers (Mags Gaulden, Peter Roberts, Betsy Ko, Elaine Martzen, David Randall, Karen Lowe, James Evans, Judy Bramlage, Melanie McComb, Amy Johnson Crow, Taneya Koonce, and more). It's the one time of the year we see each other in person.

Please come introduce yourself and hang out at the booth. Be sure to wear orange. That's our thing. :-)  We'll be doing a group photo of any WikiTreers who want to join us at our booth at 10:55 MST on Friday, March 1.

For those who can't attend in person, we'll be having virtual meet-ups:

There may also be some impromptu LiveCasts during RootsTech. Subscribe to our channel so you can get alerts when they're going to happen.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. This is a photo from last year:

WikiTree profile: Space:RootsTech_2024
in The Tree House by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (573k points)
edited by Azure Robinson

18 Answers

+31 votes
I'm planning to be there! First time at RootsTech!
by Shelley Monson G2G6 Mach 2 (25.6k points)
Hi Shelley. I look forward to meeting you. Be sure to introduce yourself, and spend as much time as you can hanging around the booth. We rope-in everyone we can to help explain WikiTree to Newts. :-)
+25 votes
I will be attending virtually.

Reminder ... There is a RootsTech 2024 app in the app store for your iPad and iPhone.
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
+25 votes
Looking forward to meeting the WikiTree team in person.
by Kevin Guy Campbell G2G6 (7.4k points)
This should be a great opportunity to make connections for your DNA project.
+21 votes

I registered for online attendence. 

Whether I cam make all the classes I want to see is a whole other story!!! laugh 

by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+22 votes
I'll be there!
by Melanie McComb G2G6 Mach 5 (57.7k points)
Hi Melanie. I hope we can spend some time together. We've seen each other in past years, but that was before you became such an active WikiTreer.
+22 votes
I will be attending virtually.
by Bonnie Day G2G6 Mach 1 (16.8k points)
+21 votes
I will be there virtually.
by Angela Newcom G2G6 (9.2k points)
+21 votes
Attending Virtually - my first Rootstech.
by Ann Sawusch G2G6 Mach 1 (13.2k points)
+18 votes
Attending virtually, but I wish I could be there!
by Christine Miller G2G6 Mach 6 (64.8k points)
+18 votes
I just looked through the expo hall and couldn't find a booth labelled WikiTree. Where will you be for those of us attending virtually?
by Sue Wyatt G2G6 Mach 2 (21.2k points)
Hi, Sue!

We're along the front entrance on the other side of RootsTech Park - Ancestry. Look for the orange balloons at the top of the divider wall!

Az :)
+16 votes
I'll be attending virtually.

FYI, there is an APP in the Play Store for your Android devices.

by Dottie Mersinger G2G6 (7.4k points)
+14 votes
I will be attending online. Wish I could be there in person for real hugs!
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+13 votes
I wish I could be there! I’ll join virtually, have fun!!
by Vicki Blanco Borchers G2G6 Mach 7 (72.4k points)
+12 votes

I'll be attending virtually. I'm excited for the Saturday sessions as Jimmer Fredette is my 5th cousin!

by Judi Stutz G2G6 Pilot (344k points)
+11 votes
I'll be there virtually also. Have fun everyone!

by Leigh Chester-Master G2G6 Mach 7 (75.9k points)
+10 votes
Is there a Friday Night Bingo on the 1st? It is the first Friday of the month!
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+9 votes
I’m a virtual attendee! Enjoyed the Thursday events and looking forward to today’s events. I’m following Taneya on fb, where she posted a good photo of the WT team.

Enjoy your trip to SLC!
by M. Meredith G2G6 Pilot (144k points)
+8 votes
Is there a Saturday roundup this morning at 10am. it was announced at the BINGO last night
by Anne Fiordalisi G2G6 Mach 6 (69.3k points)

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