Has Anyone Heard of the Names Nasunda or Larbiassa?

+5 votes
I hope I'm posting this under the proper category.

I'm really stumped in regards to my possible 3x great grandmother's name.

I found a marriage license for my 2x great grandmother (Maria Lodato) and my non-bio grandfather (Anthony Pinto) in 1927 in Philadelphia. It includes their parents' names, which is awesome considering Maria has been a total brickwall for the past (almost) decade of my research. Her parents names were written as: Vincenzo Lodato and Nasunda Larbiassa.

She came over to the States from Cava de'Tirreni, Salerno, Campania, Italy while her parents stayed behind (as far as I've been told), so finding any domestic records of them is not possible. Vincenzo's names, however, are quite telling of his Italian roots. Nasunda, on the other hand, had two seemingly uncommon names.

Nasunda Larbiassa. Looking it up, I've found nothing pertaining to her family name, and only one website could offer me sparse distribution information of her first name (Congo, Tanzania, India, and Belgium).

Has anyone even heard of either of these names? Any information, especially if you know somebody with either the same first or last name, would be greatly appreciated. Even if I can't trace further back beyond Nasunda, it would be nice to have an idea as to where her family may have originally come from.

(I've included the link to Maria's profile. It's a little barren, sorry, I've been slacking, just getting back into the flow of things)
WikiTree profile: Maria Pinto
in The Tree House by Karyn Campbell G2G Crew (340 points)

3 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

I suspected that name was mangled from the original. Good news - there is a 30-year birth index for Cava de'Tirreni and I believe I found Maria's birth record: https://antenati.cultura.gov.it/ark:/12657/an_ua247283/w9Ee28a

She was born 2 Apr 1890 in Cava, daughter of Vincenzo Lodato and Assunta Lambiase.

It also has an annotation to her marriage to Alfonso Liberti on 11 Dec 1909 in Cava: https://antenati.cultura.gov.it/ark:/12657/an_ua247139/58XBXvN

edit: Mother's full name is Maria Assunta Lambiase. Check out the FamilySearch profiles, I made some updates and additions: Maria Lodato (1890–1973) • Person • Family Tree • FamilySearch

It appears from Alfonso Lamberti's birth record that he died in Cava in 1949, maybe? So that makes her marriage in 1927 very interesting.

by Frank Santoro G2G6 Mach 5 (56.2k points)
selected by I. Caruso
I suspected that might've been the case regarding the name.

Regarding Alfonso, however, my grandmother told me he was apparently an abusive alcoholic and was ran off by their neighbors. I don't know much other details though, the family never heard from him since. My grandmother definitely grew up with Pinto as her grandfather and never met her biological grandfather.

I really appreciate the help. I had tried looking through the birth records, but clearly I didn't go far enough. Thank you so much.
+5 votes

The Antenati website says the following about Salerno:

Civil registry

The Salerno State Archive holds the Civil Registry files, that is to say, the duplicates of the birth, marriage and death certificates and the Attached files (marriage processes) issued between 1809 and 1865 by the city registers of the province. New documents from the Salerno (until 1955) and Nocera inferiore (until 1945) Civil Registry have been recently acquired, while the Sala Consilina and Vallo della Lucania registries are still in their respective Courts.

Army census

The archive Salerno Recruitment Office holds the Recruitment Lists of the classes between 1837 and 1949.

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Salerno Military Districtholds the draft cards, which contain detailed information about the military service and campaigns, the Army corps in which the privates and non-commissioned officers of the classes of 1842-1930 and 1939-1943 served until their discharge.

Online Sources

The institute provides a database containing army census. The computerised conscription lists cover the chronological span from 1837 to 1916. Due to dispersions over time, not all conscription lists have been received and therefore one or more years may be missing for some municipalities.


This webpage https://antenati.cultura.gov.it/archivio/state-archives-of-salerno/?lang=en provides some other links (however, they weren’t working for me tonight).

by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (657k points)
+5 votes
There is a Nasunda Island in the Philippines. ‍♀️
by Susan Ellen Smith G2G6 Mach 7 (78.9k points)

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